Tag Archives: Chuck Colson


Holy What???

Holiness is a foreign topic for most people. Even Christians. We have a vague familiarity with the context in which it is usually found. First and foremost, we are told that God the Almighty is “holy.” As the Israelites were getting familiar with their Divine Deliverer, these words were given to them: “For I am the LORD your God, so you must consecrate yourselves and be holy because I am holy.” (Leviticus 11:44,  CSB) This is repeated three more times in Leviticus.
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Why Worldview Training Is Vital

Do we need to engage in “worldview training” with our children and grandchildren? What difference does it make? Isn’t all of that “worldview” stuff just for philosophers who use big words that my kids and I can’t understand anyway? Isn’t it enough to just follow Jesus and leave worldview to others?
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The Neutrality Myths – Part 2

Christian parents have believed some serious myths when it comes to the education of their children...
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Stonestreet: The Sexual Revolution: Its Ideas and Its Victims

What grounds human dignity? Without the answers that the Christian ideas of inherent dignity and equality provide, the culture turns to sex.

In the first session at the 2019 IFI Worldview Conference, John Stonestreet spoke on what it means to be human. In his second lecture, available here, he speaks on the sexual revolution and how culture has completely sexualized their answer to what it means to be human. After identifying the three major ideas of the sexual revolution, Stonestreet presents the redeemed reality of these ideas in light of the human dignity God has given us.

Please watch and …

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The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy

Forty years ago, a group of evangelical leaders and scholars took a clear and unapologetic stand on a fundamental tenet of the faith. This month marks the fortieth anniversary of the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, which was signed in October of 1978 by more than 200 evangelical leaders, including R.C. Sproul, J.I. Packer, and Francis Schaeffer. The Chicago Statement was not only a landmark document in evangelical history...
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Worldview Work Isn’t Optional

Some are saying that Christians have lost the culture. But what if it was never a war to win, instead it was a calling to embrace? If there is an overarching theme for BreakPoint—starting with Chuck Colson and now with Eric Metaxas and me—it’s culture.  Specifically, how Christians can understand it, engage it, confront it, even restore it—through the clarity of a Christian worldview. As Brett Kunkle and I explain in our book, “A Practical Guide to Culture,” what we mean by culture is not some mysterious thing cloistered in art museums. No, culture is the…
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Anger and the Church

There are some battles in which all Christians and all who are committed to truth are called to engage: all Christians should have opposed slavery; all Christians should have fought for the civil rights of blacks; all Christians are called to oppose abortion; and we are all called to oppose the rancorous, pernicious demands to affirm the pro-homosexuality/pro-“trans” ideologies.

In his book Kingdoms in ConflictChuck Colson writes about the failure of the church to oppose the extermination of Jews and the government usurpation of control of the church in Nazi Germany. Immediately following the naming of Hitler as …

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February Worldview Event with Dr. Wayne Grudem

Last Chance to Register! Join us for a wonderful opportunity to take enhance your biblical worldview and equip you to more effectively engage the culture. Having an informed and consistent Christian worldview has never been more important than it is now as our culture is rapidly embracing a secular, non-biblical value system.
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Are Liberals Finally Ready to Tame the Political Correctness Monster?

Political correctness, which has gone after Christians for years, has finally turned on its progressive creators.
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Amazing Grace Amazingly Staged

Amazing Grace is now an amazing new musical. And a great reminder of why Christians need to be involved in the arts.
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Anti-Christian Activists Will Defeat Themselves

For years now, anti-Christian activists have been pushing the hate button and accusing those of us who hold to biblical morality and family values of being intolerant, hate-filled bigots (and worse).

But this strategy, seen most recently in the attack on godly twin brothers, Jason and David Benham, will inevitably defeat itself. After all, when the alleged victims are the bullies and the alleged tolerant ones are full of bigotry, their rhetoric cannot be taken seriously.

Back in 2008, as Californians voted to preserve marriage with the Proposition 8 marriage amendment, the amendment was quickly dubbed Prop Hate, as …

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