Tag Archives: cisgender


Questions for Sex-Eradicationists, Lawmakers, and School Leaders

The radical “Equality” Act—the pet project of sex-eradicationists (also known as “trans”-cultists)—is now in the U.S. Senate. The act would force the federal government to treat the nonsensical notion that spirit humans can be “trapped” in the wrong material bodies as if those disordered feelings constitute a reality equivalent to biological sex and one about which no one may make judgments. In other words, the Equality Act would enshrine in federal law a Gnostic superstition.
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The Audacity of Gender-Reveal Parties: Another Step Towards Cultural Insanity

The leaders of the transgender revolution revile the celebrated declaration, “It’s a boy” or “It’s a girl,” when a baby is born. Transgender activists recognize that their revolution cannot succeed until doctors who deliver babies, or ultrasound technicians at women’s cliques, stop labeling babies as a specific gender. The announcement of a baby’s gender, however, still fills delivery rooms and doctor’s offices with excitement. I predict that this practice will continue.

Recently, an article ran in “The Ethicist” column of the New York Times Magazine. The ethicist in this case is Professor Kwame Anthony Appiah. The …

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We Were Right About the Slippery Slope of Homosexual Marriage

Conservatives, who warned that the arguments for same-sex marriage had no stopping point, were often mocked, dismissed, or ignored when we spoke of polygamy, incest, or polyamory relationships demanding special rights.   Now, many same-sex marriage advocates have admitted that the slippery slope argument was true.

Some are setting the stage for special rights and recognition for multiple partner marriages in the same way they did for homosexual marriage. Notice how this homosexual activist lays the victimization groundwork in favor of misunderstood multiple partner relationships.   In a recent article called “Why Polyamorous People Fear Coming Out” she writes:


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