Classical Consortium Academy in Winnetka!

We’ve got great news!
Winnetka Bible Church is partnering with Classical Consortium Academy
to provide an exceptional education alternative for North Shore families.

In A.D. 1537, Martin Luther warned, “I am much afraid that schools will prove to be the gates of hell unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place their child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not increasingly occupied with the word of God must become corrupt.” Sadly, his prophetic words ring true.

Christian education that establishes God as the foundation of all subjects is more critical than ever. Great Christian education partners with parents to help students understand and articulate their faith, provides strong liberal arts instruction using Great Works, and teaches students how to think clearly and argue winsomely.

Classical Consortium Academy (CCA) has served families across northern Illinois with its unique and effective classical, Christian, hybrid school model from its Village Church of Barrington campus for the past seventeen years. With the demand for an educational alternative that aligns with parents’ values increasing, the Lord has opened the door for CCA to launch an east campus at Winnetka Bible Church.

Classical Consortium Academy serves kindergarten through twelfth-grade students. It follows a classical philosophy of education – the educational model that produced the greatest thinkers, leaders, and scientists in the Western world from the time of the Greeks until the late 19th century, including America’s founding fathers. Classical education develops skills that are essential in higher education and throughout life – independent scholarship, critical thinking, logical analysis, and a love for learning.

There are several keys to a Classical Christian education:

  • It is based on the trivium, the three phases of learning (grammar, logic, and rhetoric) in which all children progress.
  • It integrates literature, history, language, art, math, and science.
  • It teaches Latin, formal logic, critical thinking, and classical rhetoric, helping students become great thinkers and communicators.
  • It uses various methods and tools to teach students: chants and songs, debates, Socratic circles, Great Works, writing, and independent learning.
  • Rather than confining Christianity to Bible class, it teaches all subjects through the lens of Scripture. Throughout the curriculum, an intimate association exists between “subject-matter” and “spiritual matters.”

CCA’s hybrid structure provides the perfect blend of the best of school and the best of homeschooling. Students attend CCA one or two days a week and complete their homework the rest of the days of the week under their parents’ supervision. This model makes exceptional Christian education affordable for all families. CCA provides parents the structure and support they need while giving students accountability and flexibility that promotes independent scholarship. Our unique approach gives students the time to read challenging works of literature, think deeply, and write often – developing skills that colleges lament are missing in their students.

We are proud to say that our students are successful by the world’s standards (i.e. high standardized test scores, admission into the colleges and universities they desire, scholarships, success in college and beyond). More importantly, they are successful by God’s standards (i.e. stay faithful followers of Jesus Christ, attend and serve at their churches, become devoted spouses, and godly parents).

We are delighted to make our effective model more accessible to North Shore families. Please visit ClassicalConsortiumAcademy.org to learn more about our unique program and consider joining us for one of our informational meetings at Winnetka Bible Church on Sunday, February 27th at 3:00pm or on Thursday, March 3rd at 7:00pm.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me at (847) 863-6867 or email me at classicalconsortiumacademy@gmail.com.

I look forward to meeting you soon!

In Christ,

Jennifer Burns
Founder, Head of School

Click HERE for a flyer.

One Church’s Success in Discipling Children

There is no denying that it is God’s command to train up a child in the way he should go. To be faithful to His Word, He calls for us to spend a lot of time in this critical endeavor: when we’re sitting, when we’re walking, when we’re lying down, and when we rise up (Deuteronomy 6:7-8 and 11:19).

Therefore, it should be obvious that one hour of church on Sunday will not be enough to instill Christian values on the little ones God has entrusted to our care. Sadly, that’s all the time many children have to learn about the things that matter the most to God. Approximately ninety percent of children attend government schools. That boils down to 40 hours per week of sexualization and character-corrupting political indoctrination versus one hour of religious training.

The Village Church of Barrington is a model for Proverbs 22:6 that other churches can emulate. They are serious about ensuring children in their church and community have every opportunity to hear the gospel while providing exceptional Christ-centered education in core subjects.

They started opening their doors during the week to children in their congregation and now serve over 300 children from their church and community every week.

If you are not yet convinced that much of what’s taking place in government schools is wicked and the antithesis of what God wants His precious little ones to learn, you haven’t been paying attention to the evidence IFI has been providing for almost thirty years.

But there’s good news and a proven solution.

Jennifer Burns is the founder of Classical Consortium Academy as well as the homeschool enrichment program HEART. These are the programs available at the Village Church of Barrington to disciple over 300 children in their community. This Christ-centered education is equipping God’s little ones for the world.

In this very short video, Jennifer describes some of the features of Classical Consortium, its partnership with the Village Church of Barrington, and why it would be beneficial for any gospel-believing church. Just consider the affect this would have on your own families, your community, and future generations.

Jennifer is willing to help interested churches. For more information, call IFI during normal business hours at (708) 781-9328.