Why Do Some Climate Alarmists Want Us All Dead?

What is the end-game of some extremists who believe in the threat of catastrophic, man-made climate change? The end of humanity.

In contrast, the founders of America operated out of a Judeo-Christian framework. The Bible was by-far the most widely read and studied book during America’s founding.

The framers declared that it is self-evident that we have been created equal and have been endowed by our Creator with certain key rights—first listed amongst them is the right-to-life.

But some of today’s climate alarmists want to see a global change to pull the plug on that right—not just for our country, but basically for humankind. And they certainly want to put the kibosh on the Biblical command to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth with humans.

Why do some climate alarmists essentially wish us all dead? Because they think people are bad for the earth. They don’t believe in God. They claim to believe in science. But what is the evidence that people are supposedly bad for the earth?

The Atlantic recently had an article (January/February 2023 issue), focusing on this idea that some experts today are promoting human extinction, for the sake of the planet. They write:

“From Silicon Valley boardrooms to rural communes to academic philosophy departments, a seemingly inconceivable idea is being seriously discussed: that the end of humanity’s reign on Earth is imminent, and that we should welcome it…. It is a rejection of humanity’s traditional role as Earth’s protagonist, the most important being in creation.” [emphasis added]

They call this view “transhumanism”—that we should get beyond humanity, and we should engage in “drastic forms of self-elimination.” As noted, this contrasts sharply with the Biblical command that humanity should be fruitful and multiply. Argue the transhumanist “experts” quoted in The Atlantic:

“But if being fruitful and multiplying starts to be seen as itself a form of killing, because it deprives future generations and other species of irreplaceable resources, then the flourishing of humanity can no longer be seen as simply good.”

The New York Times features an article on a 75-year old man who promotes a similar message: “Earth Now Has 8 Billion Humans. This Man Wishes There Were None.”

They write: “For the sake of the planet, Les Knight, the founder of the Voluntary Human Extinction movement, has spent decades pushing one message: ‘May we live long and die out.’”

Knight often spreads the message, “Thank you for not breeding.”

They add, “Mr. Knight is among those who believe that overpopulation is a main factor in the climate crisis.” The article notes that “a 2020 poll found that one in four Americans who had not had children cited climate change as a reason.”

Ideas have consequences. What begins as a discussion of hypotheticals in the faculty lounge may eventually become policy somewhere. These are worldviews in conflict.

I remember years ago, one Christian speaker made this observation:

-In the 18th century, the Bible was killed. (Higher critics beginning in Germany attacked the Scriptures and postulated that they couldn’t be trusted.)

-In the 19th century, God was killed. (Darwinism supposedly eliminated the need for the “God hypothesis.”)

-In the 20th century, Man was killed. (Nazi Germany’s Holocaust and the Communists’ murder of some 100 million persons are two prominent examples.) And now some of these climate alarmists are arguing that even more human beings should willingly die out…for the sake of the planet.

I reached out to author Wesley J. Smith, the Chair of the Discovery Institute’s Center for Human Exceptionalism, for a comment on this idea. He told me, “The Human Extinction Movement is a form of nature worship, expressing the belief that the world will be pristine without us. But why will that matter? No one will be around capable of appreciating nature’s wonder.”

I also asked for a reply from Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, the president of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, who is a major critic of the unproven hypothesis of man-made, catastrophic climate change.

Beisner noted, “The proposal is absurdity in the extreme. Even the scenarios for the future in the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s scientific reports, exaggerated as they are, don’t depict human-induced global warming as an existential threat or even a great crisis. Such claims come only from the UN’s and various nations’ political leaders, environmental activists, and the mainstream media.”

And he added, “The hope for human extinction is nothing more than anti-human. Christians, who recognize that people are the image of God, will recognize it as attacking God in effigy.”

Beginning with a dubious premise, the alarmists have reached a dubious conclusion. This relatively new push for no more humans reminds me of the verse in the Bible where God’s wisdom says, “All who hate me love death.”

This article was originally posted at JerryNewcombe.com.

Schools Terrorizing Children: 7 in 10 Scared of “Climate Change”

In the face of escalating indoctrination and fear-mongering about alleged man-made global warming in government schools around the world, more than seven in 10 children now say they are afraid of “climate change” and environmental issues. Climate alarmists said the results showed the need for even more climate propaganda in schools — yes, seriously.

The controversial survey of 1,000 children, commissioned by a British “eco-grocery” company known for reusing milk bottles, found that the impact “climate change” would have on animal was the top concern among one fourth of children polled. Other concerns among the brainwashed youngsters included “plastic pollution” and “rising temperatures.”

More than one third of the children said their schools or teachers were their primary inspiration, according to an outfit called “Generation Alpha” cited in news reports about the survey. Almost half, though, looked to population-control fanatic David Attenborough with the British government’s propaganda machine, BBC, as their inspiration and educator. Families took the spot for less than one fourth.

The company that commissioned the survey said it proves more brainwashing is needed. “The results show that environmental challenges are having a prominent effect on the children of today, proving that it’s never been more important to educate communities on the actions they can take to protect our planet,” said Simon Mellin, founder and CEO of the “eco-grocery” outfit behind the poll.

While that survey focused on children on the other side of the Atlantic, it is just as bad in the United States, if not worse. “Climate change” is a key component of the “Next Generation Science Standards” developed by the same quacks behind Common Core — pseudo-science standards that never once mention the scientific method. Six years ago, the National Center for Science Education revealed that about 3 in 4 “science” teachers in American government schools teach “climate change,” too.

The new survey results confirm other studies showing that children are suffering from being bombarded with doom and gloom prophecies about global warming. In fact, they are experiencing something researchers dubbed “eco-anxiety.” It is characterized by “negative” emotions such as “anger, sadness, guilt, and hopelessness,” according to a peer-reviewed study from this summer calling for more research on the trend.

The growing terror surrounding alleged man-made global warming comes as government schools also terrorize children about the supposed risks of everything from COVID to school shootings. This endless barrage of fearmongering has produced a generation of American youngsters who are losing their minds, literally, with the CDC finding that 44 per cent of teenagers say they feel “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness.”

The use of fear to accomplish political objectives has long been understood by tyrants. In fact, former National Socialist leader Hermann Goering — Adolf Hitler’s right-hand man — famously explained after the war that it is easy to make a population do the bidding of leaders: “All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.”

Just replace “being attacked” with “having their climate destroyed by climate deniers, Americans, and capitalists,” and replace pacifists for “climate deniers,” and presto! Dealing with the people and things “exposing the country to danger” now requires all sorts of extreme “solutions” including giving up individual rights, limiting national sovereignty, and crushing prosperity. There is a reason former NASA senior climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer refers to vicious alarmists as “global warming Nazis.”  

As schools terrorize children with climate propaganda, they are then stepping in and using tactics such as “mindfulness” — a religious and spiritual practice tied to Buddhism — to supposedly help them cope. Social-Emotional Learning, or SEL, is also a big part of what passes for education today, with children propagandized to adopt New Age spirituality and far-left political views under the guise of teaching regulation and control of emotions.

Children should be playing and learning. They should not be subjected to an endless barrage of cultish propaganda paid by taxpayers aimed at transforming society under the guise of stopping the climate from changing — something that has happened since the Earth was created and presumably will continue as long as it exists. This child abuse must end. Only parents can make it stop.

This article was originally published at FreedomProject.com.