Tag Archives: Comprehensive Sex Ed


Freak Out as Conservatives Exit Public Schools

The totalitarian-minded education establishment and its extreme left-wing allies are starting to freak out as conservatives abandon futile efforts to “reform” government schools in favor of a mass-exodus strategy. Even powerful union bosses are starting to panic.
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Ten Reasons to Remove your Children from Public Schools

An assault has occurred on parental rights within the public school system. Parents have voiced their concerns across the nation about everything from perverted curriculum to forced masking. If any good came from the pandemic, it is that parents have seen what public schools are doing behind closed doors. This revelation should lead parents to remove their children from the grip of the government-run education system.
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Opt Your Child Out of Radical Sex Ed Classes

On August 20, 2021, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law a comprehensive sex-ed bill that sexualizes your child and strips them of their innocence beginning in kindergarten. According to this law, all government schools that provide personal health and safety courses must align their curricula with the National Sex Education Standards, formulated by so-called "experts" who supposedly know what's best for your child: Planned Parenthood, SIECUS, and GLSEN, among others. In other words, as these standards change, the Illinois sex ed curricula will change.
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The Totalitarian Agenda Behind LGBTQ Sex-Ed Revolution at School

Presented as a tool for 'health' and 'tolerance,' so-called Comprehensive Sexuality Education is really a weapon in the Marxist war on the family.
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Illinois Lawmakers’ Insatiable Appetite for Sexualizing Other People’s Children

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The newest manifestation of the creepy desire of Springfield leftists to normalize deviance in children is the laughably named, “Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Act” (SB 818)—a bill composed entirely of socially constructed leftist beliefs from leftist lawmakers aided and abetted by leftist pro-abortion and “LGBTQ” organizations.

SB 818 would require all public schools—including charter schools—to align teaching in grades K-5 on “personal health and safety” with “National Sex Education Standards,”  which too are leftist social constructions. And it would require all upper grade sex education to align with those same …

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The Sordid History and Deadly Consequences of ‘Sex Ed’ at School

This article was originally published in April 2020.

Very few people realize that the reason children today are being sexualized at school is because pedophiles sexually abused hundreds of children, then claimed that the victims enjoyed it. That’s a fact, and the documents prove it.

In government schools all across the United States today, young children are literally being encouraged to experiment with fornication, masturbation, sodomy, oral sex, and all manner of sexual activities. It often begins as early as kindergarten and elementary school.

In fact, what passes for contemporary “sex education” in the United States and around the Western …

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Another K-12 School Indoctrination Bill Coming Through the Illinois Sewage Pipeline

Illinois Democrats are hell-bent on passing a new law—the REACH Act —that will require every school-age child in Illinois government schools to be introduced to homosexuality and cross-sex impersonation through mandatory “comprehensive sex ed.” To be clear, that’s every child from kindergarten on up and in every school year. That’s in addition to the all the other pro-“LGBTQ” stuff in which leftists are drowning children...
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Parental Rights Usurpers in Springfield Aren’t Done with Our Children Yet

Last month, two terrible bills were introduced to amend Illinois’ already offensive comprehensive sex ed law. Then, last week, the so-called "Responsible Education Adolescent and Children's Health" (REACH) Act was introduced. It is heartily endorsed by Planned Parenthood of Illinois and by Illinois' premiere "LBGT" activist organization, Equality Illinois, which should tell you everything you need to know about it.
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Fatuous Floor Debate in Springfield on Comprehensive Sex Ed Bill

All Illinoisans should be troubled that our lawmakers vote for bills without demanding any evidence proving that the bills will solve the problems that the bills’ sponsors cite as the reasons the bills are needed.

Case in point: last week’s passage of the “comprehensive” sex ed bill (HB 2675) in the Illinois House of Representatives, which followed embarrassing performances by “progressive” lawmakers that wouldn’t pass muster in high school mock legislative assemblies.

State Representative Camille Lilly (D-Chicago) sponsored HB 2675, citing the problems of unwed pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among teens as the reasons comprehensive sex …

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Warning: Comprehensive Sex Ed Returning to Springfield

Our relentless “progressive” lawmakers hell-bent on the early sexualization of children and the exploitation of public schools to normalize homosexuality have re-introduced the comprehensive sex ed bill (HB 2675), which if passed will foist on all schools the kind of sex ed program recently adopted by the Chicago Public Schools.

Chicago Public Schools Controversial Comprehensive Sex Ed Plan

Several weeks ago, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) unveiled its troubling new plan to further usurp parental rights while promoting “progressive” beliefs about sexuality to children—starting in kindergarten.  Yes, you heard that right. Not only do kindergartners need to start learning …

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More on HB 3027

The problematic and completely unnecessary Comprehensive Sex Ed bill, HB 3027 (Amendments 1 and 3), may be voted on in the Illinois State House this week. This bill is unnecessary because any school district that wants to use a comprehensive sex ed curriculum is currently free to do so. If passed, this law will be used to get increasingly graphic and controversial information into middle and high schools.

Once again, liberal lawmakers are attempting to usurp local control in their quest to impose their moral views about sexuality — including homosexuality — on other people’s children through mandated comprehensive …

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New Sex Ed Bill in Springfield — Still Bad

The “comprehensive” sex education bill that we alerted you to in March has been re-written and re-introduced as HB 3027 and will soon be heard in the Illinois State Senate.


HB 3027 is completely unnecessary and an intrusion into local control. Public schools in Illinois already have the ability to teach “comprehensive” sex education if they wish. Local public school administrators do not need a mandate from Springfield telling them they must teach comprehensive sex education when the preponderance of evidence suggests that authentic abstinence education is successful.

Our own Laurie Higgins identifies a number of significant problems with …

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Sex-Ed Bill in Springfield Would Outlaw Abstinence Programs


SENATE BILL 1619, sponsored by State Senator Heather A. Steans (D-Chicago), is a legislative proposal that would create a so-called “Personal Responsibility Education Program Act.” This bill is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Public Health Committee at the State Capitol in Springfield on Tuesday, March 8th at 1:00pm.


SB 1619 mandates that all elementary and secondary public schools that offer sex education or sexual health education programs must choose only programs from a list of curricula approved …

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