Tag Archives: COVID–19


Pastor Sues Sheriff and State’s Attorney to Ensure Religious Liberty

A suit to enjoin the Grundy County State’s Attorney and Sheriff from enforcing Governor JB Pritzker’s worship restrictions has been filed by a local church. The continuing worship restrictions are contained in Pritzker’s Executive Order 2020-32. Pastor Gionvennatti is seeking court protection to ensure that all citizens’ constitutional rights are affirmed without question and that religious liberties are not ever again infringed by egregious government overreach.
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Religious Freedom Attacks During COVID-19 Epidemic Expose the Greatest Threat to America

The most imminent danger to our republic is the overreach of government power, especially during a crisis. Our nation faces a fatal risk when government takes actions that violate our fundamental freedoms, leading us down the road of tyranny, to the erosion of our constitutional system.
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Question “Trans” Activist Research, Even During Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed a viral pattern in the media of seizing on research from elite institutions to once and for all prove transitioning is essential healthcare.  As consumers of popular media, the public is becoming wary.
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Freedom Versus Tyranny on Display

Why is it safe to wait in a car for a liquor store to open but dangerous to wait in a car to hear morning prayers?
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Governor Pritzker Wants to Criminalize Lock-Down Opposition

Gov. J.B. Pritzker has filed an emergency rule to punish businesses that open to customers in defiance of his illegal lock-down orders. Violators could be charged with a Class A misdemeanor, which is a fine between $75 and $2,500. Additionally, this emergency rule extends the governor’s emergency authority from 30 days to 150 days.
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H.R. 6666 – A Devilish Surveillance Plot

A new legislative proposal in Washington D.C. (H.R. 6666), if passed into law, would become the most massive private citizen spying program ever before in the history of our nation. Introduced by left-wing U.S. Representative Bobby Rush (D-Chicago), it threatens everything America stands for.
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Coronavirus Should Remind Us Big Government Isn’t The Answer

In mid-March, Politico ran a series of short essays from "experts" on how coronavirus would change the world permanently. If you're curious why I designate them as "experts" rather than experts, the authorities they assembled consisted of a cadre of college professors, including commentator Tom Nichols. Predictably, Nichols spent the majority of his time taking hyperbolic hate shots at the president...
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Chicago: Muslim Organization Touts Muhammad’s Directives as Safeguard Against Coronavirus

GainPeace, an enterprising Islamic organization in Chicago, has found a way to use coronavirus to promote Islam in the United States. The activist organization is a leading dawa (Islamic proselytizing) group that has placed billboards which sponsor a message from the prophet of Islam about health precautions. Excellent timing during the COVID-19 pandemic, but dangerously deceptive.
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The Church, the Coronavirus and the Constitution

The coronavirus crisis of 2020 has exposed the dark underbelly of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the dangers of U.S. dependency on China. Not only was the CCP irresponsible in concealing the outbreak while allowing it to spread across the globe, but they also threatened to withhold pharmaceuticals so that America would be “plunged into the mighty sea of coronavirus.”
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Safe Banking Act Will Grow Marijuana Industry

The SAFE Banking Act is a federal bill that would give the “medical” and recreational marijuana industries (and cartels) access to banking privileges, such as checking and savings accounts, credit lines and loans, enabling and legitimizing what has been an all cash trade to make real estate deals, payroll, insurance and operating costs much easier.
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The National Day of Pray is Vitally Important This Year

This National Day of Prayer May 7, 2020 will be like no other. Since its inception in May 1952 under President Harry S. Truman, the day has been observed with large public events. While the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the shutdown of all public events, but prayer and the event will still go on. The event has moved online and prayer has never been more important.
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Is the Media Engaging in a Form of Psychological Warfare Against America?

A recent article written primarily by a medical doctor in Alabama claimed that, “The way in which the media has pushed fear nonstop amounts to psychological warfare against this country.” He added, “If it hasn’t occurred to you that we have heard one story and essentially one story alone for literally two months, well, that should have aroused suspicion.” Is this doctor correct? Or is the media doing its best to be responsible in the midst of an unprecedented crisis?
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Demand an End to COVID-19 Tyranny

Illinois law only grants the governor emergency authority for a period of 30 days, the extensions of Gov. Pritzker's "stay-at-home" order, which closes businesses and forbids church services and assemblies in excess of ten citizens, constitutes an overreach of executive authority. Thankfully, State Representative Darren Bailey (R-Louisville) took Gov. Pritzker to court over this very issue and won an important decision that may lead to a definitive strike-down of the governor's dangerous precedent.
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Statewide Day of Prayer

Most Christians believe in the power of prayer, but, unfortunately, many fail to utilize it as often as they should. And how can that be when God tells us that our prayers are powerful and effective? (The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. ~James 5:16)
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State Lawmaker Calls for Day of Prayer This Friday

One Illinois lawmaker is calling for a state-wide day of prayer on April 24. Citing the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to look toward the future, State Representative Darren Bailey (R- Louisville), issued the call in a media release.

“I understand addressing the immediate health consequences of the virus is a priority, but we must not lose focus on what we need to do to restore Illinois to prosperity and inspire recovery,” said Bailey. “Also, calling out to God for help is simply accessing a Divine resource that is ours for the asking.”

Drawing from Matthew …

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