Tag Archives: COVID–19


Leftists Say Freely Choosing Feticide Is Now Non-Elective

There’s nothing quite like a crisis to bring out the best in people. There’s also nothing quite like a crisis to bring out the worst in people. Case in point, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer’s idiotic defense of prohibiting doctors from performing “non-essential” surgical procedures, including joint replacements, while allowing doctors to continue to perform freely chosen, that is, elective abortions.

Before discussing Whitmer’s idiotic statement, let’s remember that abortion—i.e., the deliberate killing of a human prior to his or her delivery—is never necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman. While there are emergencies that require a pregnancy …

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Illinoisans’ Rights During the Pandemic

On March 9, 2020, Governor JB Pritzker declared every county in Illinois is a disaster area. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act (20 ILCS 3305/7) allows the Governor to proclaim a disaster exists, by which he can give himself authority under the Act to exercise certain emergency powers. The most noteworthy of the powers he has exercised is the power to control the movement of persons within a disaster area, and the power to control and restrict the use, sale, or distribution of goods and services.
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Propaganda Network CNN Gets Upset About Propaganda

How he managed to say it without choking on his own tongue I will never know. As President Trump began to dress down the hostile press that was attempting to use his Monday White House briefing to smear him as negligent, CNN cut away immediately to anchor John King who managed to prattle out these words without even a sniff of irony...
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Exploiting a Pandemic to Ban Church

Big Brother—er, I mean—the Mendocino County, California Health Department has issued an Order mandating the following for streaming church services. This Order applies to streaming church services even if “Only four individuals" are present and they observe the social-distancing requirements that include the following:
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Serving Others in a Time of Crisis

The events of recent days have thrown all of us into unchartered territory. With schools, restaurants, libraries, events, and even churches suspending normal operations, our lives have been disrupted in ways large and small. The impact is real, and depending on how long this lasts, it has the potential to deepen even further.

How should God’s people respond?

In Acts 10:38, in the midst of his sermon to Cornelius and his household, Peter tells us that Jesus “went about doing good.”

That’s an interesting—and compelling—description. Too often, I think we view Jesus’ ministry exclusively through the lens of spiritual redemption. …

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Even During a National Medical Emergency, the Abortion Industry Still Thinks It’s “Essential”

As part of their COVID-19 response, the U.K. initially approved new measures to allow women to take the complete abortion pill regimen at home. Now, it appears that this measure has been reversed. The reasoning given was, “This was published in error. There will be no changes to abortion regulations.”
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National Day of Prayer

President Donald J. Trump has called for a National Day of Prayer this Sunday. While there is never a lack of serious issues to pray about, the level of anxiety and even fear among citizens is at a level many of us have never seen before. The need for national corporate prayer by Christians is indisputable.

While some politicians and media pundits are working overtime to have us believe that the federal or state government can save us, we know that God is sovereign (Psalm 103:19) over the affairs of all creation. It is to Him we must turn when …

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National Day of Prayer