Equality vs. “Equity”

Written by Scott Oakley

For the past 250 years, the United States of America has existed upon a simple yet profound truth, that all men are created equal before God. Of course, it is undeniable that America has not always lived up to this truth. But the true story of America is not one defined by our shortcomings; rather, it is defined by how we have overcome our shortcomings to realize true equality under law. With that said, why is legally recognized equality considered insufficient nowadays? According to the proponents of such a question, it is because “equity” must replace “equality” as the paramount virtue to strive for.

So, what even is equity, and why do they say it’s so much better than equality? In simple terms, “equity” is just another way of saying “fair.” For example, in the law, an equitable remedy is some form of relief other than money that is the only fair way to make a victim whole again. Doesn’t seem too bad, does it? Unfortunately, the application of equity as a social/political remedy is anything but fair, and in fact it is oftentimes actively unfair and even racist.

This unfair application derives from the circumstances in which the proponents of “social equity” attempt to apply it. Let’s use the example of college admissions to explain further. According to the proponents of this new form of so-called “equity,” the college admissions process is “systemically racist” because it usually leads to disparate outcomes among racial groups in terms of their respective percentage of the whole population. Asian and white applicants are usually accepted at disproportionately higher rates, while black applicants are usually accepted at disproportionately lower rates. Despite there being no known evidence of actual discrimination occurring, these disparate outcomes are automatically labelled racist and inequitable by social justice activists and must therefore be counteracted with policies that are “antiracist” and “equitable.” Insert affirmative action, which is a policy that actively discriminates typically against Asian and white applicants while actively favoring typically black applicants supposedly so that a more “fair” outcome may be achieved.

Now, applying this logic of “equity” to other fields all the more clearly reveals its racist and unfair discriminatory nature. Just look at professional sports. Despite constituting 60 percent of the U.S. population, white people make up just 17 percent of NBA players, while the 13 percent of the U.S. population that’s black represents almost 75 percent of NBA players. Wouldn’t the “woke” tenets of “equity” suggest an affirmative action program in the NBA designed to reduce this disparate racial outcome? They certainly would, but we can all see how ridiculous and racist it would be for the NBA to adopt such a policy. Yet proponents of social “equity” will unabashedly use this logic to support their own initiatives when convenient or necessary to support their narrative.

Long story short, the main difference between equality and equity is how they view outcomes. True equality can be viewed as an equality of opportunity that gives everyone a fair shot, but always results in disparate outcomes based on different skills, interests, and decision making. (This is “liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”) True equity can be viewed as an equality of outcome that discards requisite skills, interests, and decision making, so that all involved parties are equal in the end. (This necessarily requires totalitarianism, or communism, the opposite of liberty.) Equality is a fundamentally American ideal, while social “equity” is a fundamentally Marxist ideal. If we are going to stop this slow motion Marxist revolution from toppling our great American system, it needs to start by wholly rejecting “equity” policies in favor of “equality” policies.

This article was originally published at The FamilyFoundation.org.

Abortion Defense: A Satanic “Act of Worship”

Last month, I shared a few stories from 40 Days for Life, a worldwide pro-life ministry of presence and prayer outside abortion centers. Created Equal, a pro-life ministry based in Ohio, focuses mainly on reaching people in urban areas and on college campuses. But they go to abortion centers too, and as they went about their work, they began to detect a disturbing trend. They were being increasingly harassed by abortion advocates who identified with Satanism. Sometimes the opposition came with violence and fury.

“At first,” said president and founder Mark Harrington, “we wondered if our experience was unique or if there was a legitimate connection between the defense of abortion and Satanism.” So, they started investigating. What they found put an end to any doubt. There are direct parallels between the rhetoric of abortion and the doctrines of Satanism. And there are clear links between the practice of abortion and the practice of Satanism.

On that first point, Harrington explains:

Satanists and abortion supporters both believe in “bodily autonomy.” For the Satanist, defending abortion access is a worthy form of worship because one of their tenets states, “one’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will.” The Satanic doctrine of absolute autonomy over one’s own destiny has become the pro-abortion rallying cry of “My body, my choice.”

In the short film, Abortion: A Doctrine of Demons, just released on YouTube, Created Equal has captured the connections between abortion and Satanism–the Satanism espoused by the Satanic Temple, to be specific–which identifies itself as “the primary religious Satanic organization in the world” and which was featured in the 2019 film Hail Satan?.

In Created Equal’s Abortion: A Doctrine of Demons, you will see:

  • Abortion defenders honoring Satan: “Hail Satan! Hail Satan,” they shout in the face of the pro-life presence. “You know what? [Satanists] are better than you [Christians] are! They’re better advocates for human life than you are!” “Go f*** yourself! Hail Satan, bro!”
  • Satanists promoting abortion defense as “a worthy form of worship”: “They’re doing it, little by little, you know, taking away reproductive rights,” says a young woman presenting the activities of the Satanic Temple. “So, it is our duty to worship through activism. That is the key to the Satanic Temple, what differentiates us from other Satanists.” On the large screen behind her, “Reproductive Rights Campaigns” and “Baphomet Campaigns” are listed as the first and second “Campaigns of Note.” On its website, the Satanic Temple specifically connects abortion-related activism with its religious beliefs.
  • An abortionist in scrubs hissing and growling demonically and saying, “I love it! I love it!” about what he does. “I do have a darkened heart. I do, I do. Very much so.”

On the second point, and pressing beyond the rhetoric, from a Judeo-Christian perspective, there are clear parallels between abortion and Satan. Like the original rebellion of Lucifer, the act of abortion is an act of rebellion against the authority of God and the truth of the worth of human life. And while the Satanic Temple doesn’t profess belief in the actual being called Satan, they overtly identify with the Satanic cause of rebellion against God, whom they see as a tyrant:

  • “Essentially, we view Satan as a symbolic embodiment of the ultimate rebel against tyranny,” said Harvard-educated Lucien Greaves, co-founder of the Satanic Temple.
  • “The Satanic figure in the Bible is one that really inspires rebellion in mankind against the tyrannical God,” said Jex Blackmore, another spokesperson.

Greaves and Blackmore have zeroed in on, and are actively promoting, the essence of Satan–rebellionagainst God–which inevitably leads to rebellion against what God has made, up to and including innocent human life.

Sometimes, we in the pro-life movement do well to let our opposition make our case for us. In this film, Created Equal has done just that: “Many Christians only consider abortion as a political or educational issue,” says Harrington. “However, abortion is a spiritual battle at its core.” He hopes this film will awaken a sleeping church to the spiritual battle in our midst.

Whether or not that will happen remains to be seen. Click here to watch the trailer and here to watch the 20-minute film below. This is the “awokening” that Christians should be provoking.

**Warning: this video includes images that some viewers may find disturbing:

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