Tag Archives: Daniel Boland


Catholic Troubled by Cupich’s Statement

The Illinois Family Institute has warned repeatedly about the failure of faith leaders to lead properly on matters related to homosexuality and the “trans” ideology. These failures are found in most Protestant denominations and the Catholic Church. A recent interview with Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich reveals part of the reason many Catholics lack biblically informed views on these matters.

Cardinal Cupich was asked about Pope Francis’ controversial and confusing Apostolic Exhortation “Amoris Laetitia” to which Cupich offered this controversial response:

[Amoris Laetitia] asks people to have an adult spirituality….to realize that in some way you have the grace, by God,

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Psychologist’s Response to Intrusive “Conversion Therapy Prohibition Act”

IFI is richly blessed by the supportive, encouraging, wise, impassioned, and eloquent email messages and Facebook comments we receive. Yesterday, we received just such a message in response to the call-to-action article about State Representative Kelly Cassidy’s (D-Chicago) anti-identity-choice bill, which is formally titled “Conversion Therapy Prohibition Act.”

We think IFI subscribers would be equally blessed by reading what a practicing psychologist with over fifty years of experience thinks of the legislation that professional politician and pro-abortion/pro-homosexuality activist Kelly Cassidy has proposed.

With the author’s permission, his letter is published here:

This legislation is an outrageous intrusion

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