Tag Archives: Daniel John Sobieski


No More Tax Dollars for the Planned Parenthood Chop Shop

Earlier this year, the U.S. House of Representatives supported the $1.3 trillion dollar “omnibus” budget bill which included hundreds of millions of dollars for Planned Parenthood.

Yes, federal lawmakers continue to fund what Daniel John Sobieski described in an op/ed as the Planned Parenthood “Chop Shop”–a business that is currently under investigation by the Department of Justice for “engaging in the illegal sale of aborted baby remains for profit.” According to Planned Parenthood, “the more fully-formed the baby body parts, the more valuable those parts are.”

The same writer noted the irony that funding to fight the opioid addiction epidemic …

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‘Net Neutrality’ in Illinois: Just One More Leftist Act of Deception

Last year the Federal Communications Commission overturned the Obama-era policy (referred to as “net neutraliy”) that “had placed Internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon under the strictest-ever regulatory oversight.”

The “net neutrality” debate has gone for several years but is now back in the news as a state rather than a federal issue. Last year, the attorneys general from over twenty states, including Illinois, sued to overturn the FCC’s action. Now legislation has been introduced in Springfield to apply “net neutrality” principles to Internet service providers that operate in Illinois.

The Illinois Family Institute occasionally addresses things that seem …

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