Tag Archives: Darin LaHood


U.S. House Approves $400 million to Track Immunizations

The growth of the federal government’s power over the last two years is problematic. Increasingly lawmakers are using the pandemic as an excuse to control every aspect of their citizens’ lives. It now seems that they want to further control and surveillance the health records of their citizens. The US House of Representatives passed HR 550, the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021, on November 30, 2021. The bill is a complex idea that will create a network of computers and databases capable of further tracking immunization for the local, state, and federal governments.
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IFI Files Pro-Life Brief With SCOTUS

We are pleased to report that Illinois Family Institute, along with three other Christian organizations, filed an amicus brief this week to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in the case of June Medical Service, LLC v. Gee. The brief supports a Louisiana law requiring doctors who perform abortions to have hospital admitting privileges within 30 miles of the clinic.
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Slowly Leftists Turn, Step By Step

Last month, the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee made it clear that it is specifically coming after your Illinois Family Institute. Led by some of the country's most liberal and political activists, members of the Oversight Subcommittee held a hearing on "How the Tax Code Subsidizes Hate" for the purpose of stripping certain Christian groups of its tax-exempt status.
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U.S. House Passes Legislation to Ban Late-Term Abortions

With a vote of 237 to 189, the U.S. House voted yesterday to pass H.R. 36, the 20-week ban on abortion.  The official title of this important legislation is the "Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act," which restricts most abortions after 20 weeks of gestation, with limited exceptions.  It also specifies that any baby born alive in the process of an abortion should be given the same care as a baby born prematurely.
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The Illinois GOP Congressional Caucus Responds to HB 40

In light of the possibility that Governor Bruce Rauner may renege on his commitment to veto HB 40—the bill that would require taxpayer-funding of abortions through Medicaid and state employee insurance plans through the entire 9 months of pregnancies—and the moral gravity of such an obscene (and costly) requirement, Illinois Family Institute Executive Director David Smith sent a letter to Illinois’ Republican congressmen requesting their help in persuading Governor Rauner to veto HB 40.
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2017 March For Life Chicago

Thousands gathered at Federal Plaza in Chicago on Sunday, January 15, 2017 to stand for LIFE!  Pro-life speakers at the march included Pat McCaskey of the Chicago Bears, three representatives from Congress, an abortion survivor, religious leaders, and pro-life students!  We got news coverage on Chicago’s WGN TV News and local CBS TV News!  More news coverage is likely to follow.

Overcoming Pro-choice Protesters

There was a pro-choice protest of the march, but pro-life marchers FAR outnumbered them!  The march officially started at 2 pm, but the protesters scheduled their protest to start at 1 pm to deceptively make …

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Speak Up for Federal Conscience Protection Act

Blue, blue California is not just an entity unto itself. As many have opined, as goes California, so goes the nation.

In their arrogance–or is it “pride”–California’s Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) has  defied “the Hyde/Weldon amendments approved by the U.S. Congresses and leaders of both parties every year since 2004 by mandating “coverage of all elective abortions in all health plans under its jurisdiction.”

The Hyde Amendment (original amendment passed 9/30/76) “is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life …

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Special Election in Illinois’ 18th Congressional District

The race for the 18th Congressional will be held on September 10th.  Republican Darin LaHood and Democrat Rob Mellon are the two nominees running against each another in this special election to replace the seat once held by Aaron Schock, who resigned in March. Schock is involved in a federal investigation for criminal campaign spending.

Last night the two candidates vying for this vacant seat debated some of the issues.  Moderators included State Journal-Register political writer Bernard Schoenburg, WMAY news director Jim Leach and Peoria Journal Star political writer Chris Kaergard.  You can watch the full one hour …

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Sweeping Up ‘Broom Closet’ Gambling

You can find them in gas stations, golf courses, restaurants, liquor stores and even a TV repair shop. More than 19,000 video gambling machines had spread across the state by the end of 2014, turning thousands of businesses and other establishments into what one lawmaker calls “mini casinos.” Now, he’s trying to curb the trend. State Sen. Darin LaHood (R-Dunlap), wants to place new limits on which establishments can have video gambling machines in Illinois...
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Pot As “Medicine” Goes to Gov. Quinn

On Friday, May 17th, the bill to legalize marijuana as "medicine" was debated on the Illinois Senate floor and then passed by a vote of 35-21. This 200+ bill (HB 1) was sponsored by State Senator William Haine (D-Alton), and co-sponsored by Senators Linda Holmes (D-Aurora), Iris Martinez (D-Chicago), and William Delgado (D-Chicago).
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