Tag Archives: Derek Buikema


Another Conversation With Rod Dreher

Pastor Derek Buikema of Orland Park Christian Reformed Church recently interviewed Rod Dreher about his latest book, Live Not By Lies. The heart of this excellent interview is a phenomenon we are seeing but don't always want to acknowledge: we are living in a time of soft totalitarianism. Those who have been blessed to live in the USA all their lives are often not as quick to recognize this as those who have come from communist nations.
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A Conversation With Dr. Carl Trueman

IFI was honored to secure an interview with theologian, pastor, and author Dr. Carl Trueman earlier this year. In this interview with moderator Pastor Derek Buikema of Orland Park Christian Reformed Church, Dr. Trueman is asked a pressing question– “How did we get here?” Dr. Trueman tracks the intellectual genealogy of how the culture has come to the current position that it finds itself in. 
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Dr. Carl Trueman: Transgenderism and Expressive Individualism

Pastor Derek Buikema asks professor, theologian, and author Dr. Carl Trueman to explain a bit about “expressive individualism,” the subject of Dr. Trueman’s important book The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution.
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Dr. Carl Trueman: When Should a Christian Fight and When Should They Leave?

In this excerpt from IFI’s interview with professor, theologian, and author Dr. Carl Trueman, Pastor Derek Buikema asks what should determine whether Christians stay or leave a church (or denomination) that appears to be moving away from orthodoxy.
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Dr. Carl Trueman: Why Has the Church Affirmed Sin Before the World?

In this excerpt from IFI’s interview with Professor Carl Trueman, author of The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self, Pastor Derek Buikema’s asks why, “in some places mainline Christianity” has come to affirm sin. Dr. Trueman identifies two factors as integral to this apostasy: freedom of religion and the church’s “vocabulary of love.”
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Dr. Carl Trueman: How Did We Get Here?

IFI was blessed to be able to interview Grove City College professor of biblical and religious studies and author of The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution Dr. Carl Trueman last fall when he was the keynote speaker at the annual Touchstone Conference... His landmark book has been lauded by cultural critics from Rod Dreher to Ben Shapiro to Al Mohler.
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Dr. Leithart: What Has Happened to Christian Institutions?

In this third excerpt from an interview with theologian Dr. Peter Leithart, Pastor Derek Buikema begins by acknowledging that not only are there no secular institutions that support Christians but also that increasing numbers of Christian institutions are failing to support Christians. Dr. Leithart explains the reasons for these failures of the contemporary church, which include cowardice in the face of public pressure and the exaltation of “toleration” as an unalloyed good within Western churches, which is turning churches into “allies of the persecutors.”
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A Conversation with Pastor Douglas Wilson [Full Interview]

IFI was honored to have theologian, pastor, and courageous truth-teller Doug Wilson speak at our September banquet, after which he continued his critique of culture in an interview with Pastor Derek Buikema of the Orland Park Christian Reformed Church. Pastor Wilson addressed the cultural issues to which Christians must respond: abortion and “same-sex mirage.” Take a break from the holiday hubbub to savor and be both educated and challenged by words that more pastors and priests should be speaking.

We have two video versions for your consideration.  Our short “highlights” video is six minutes long and can be viewed HERE

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A Conversation with Professor Anthony Esolen [Full Interview]

IFI was honored to have English professor Anthony Esolen as one of our esteemed speakers at our banquet in September 2015. Professor Esolen spoke eloquently, soberly, and politically incorrectly about the state of American culture—or lack thereof. Following the banquet he sat down with Derek Buikema, pastor of preaching and worship at Orland Park Christian Reformed Church, for a bracing interview on the corrupt state of our culture and the toxic environment we call public education.

We have two video versions for your consideration.  Our short “preview” video is three minutes long and can be viewed HERE.

The …

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A Conversation With Dr. Robert A.J. Gagnon

Do you remember the popular advertising slogan, “When E. F. Hutton talks, people listen”? While good financial advice can boost your net worth, solid theology, biblical scholarship, and consistent application of the Word of God are infinitely more profitable. With that in mind, you will definitely want to listen closely as you view this timely and informative conversation featuring Dr. Robert Gagnon and Pastor Derek Buikema.

Beginning “in the beginning,” Dr. Gagnon presents an overview of what the Bible says about marriage by explaining the importance of the specific words that are used in the account of God’s creation …

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A Conversation With Dr. Allan C. Carlson

In his interview with Derek Buikema of Orland Park Christian Reformed Church, Dr. Allan Carlson discusses the current political climate as it relates to American Christianity and the family. Certain policies, for example, though promoted by the Republican party, are detrimental to the family.
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A Conversation with Rod Dreher [Full Interview]

Previously we have featured a series of video excerpts, but, as promised, we are now pleased to present the entirety of Pastor Derek Buikema’s recent interview with Rod Dreher, senior editor at the American Conservative and author of The Benedict Option.

Mr. Dreher begins by stating that one purpose of a Christian is to transform the world with the truth of the gospel – but how can that be accomplished when so many people don’t know what the faith teaches and lack spiritual discipline?

Pastor Derek and Rod engage in an in-depth discussion of the Benedict Option, …

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Dr. Allan Carlson: What is a Politics of The Family?

The third excerpt from Pastor Derek Buikema’s interview with Dr. Allan Carlson is a fascinating discussion of how public policies can be family-friendly–that is, can support and encourage the creation of natural marriage and childbearing—or family-unfriendly.

Dr. Carlson discusses how, despite the many, huge, and important benefits of capitalist market economies, there are ways that such economies negatively affect natural marriage and childbearing. By exploring policies implemented in Hungary and Poland to encourage the formation of natural and larger families, Dr. Carlson illuminates some of the ways such deleterious effects can be blunted here in the United States.

Watch …

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Rod Dreher: How Should We Create Communities?

In Part V of Pastor Derek Buikema’s interview with Benedict Option author Rod Dreher, Pastor Derek asks what communities that seek to cultivate a deep and abiding faith within our increasingly anti-Christian culture will or should look like. Rod explains that there is no formula and that different cultural milieus will produce different kinds of communities. He shares what one such community looks like and looks forward to seeing what kinds of diverse communities will develop.
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Rod Dreher: Should the Church Stay Out of Politics?

In Part 4 of Pastor Derek Buikema’s interview with author Rod Dreher, they discuss the critical importance of Christians being involved in politics with Rod warning that while Christians may not be interested in politics, “Politics is interested in” Christians. He further warns that the growth of “LGBT rights can only come at the expense of religious liberty.”
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