Tag Archives: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders


Wikipedia and Our Paraphilias of the Day: Acrotomophilia and Apotemnophilia

These days government (“public”) schools prefer to teach from Howard Zinn’s text book rather than fact based American history. Mobs want to tear down monuments to everyone from Columbus to Lincoln, Wikipedia hasn’t gotten up to speed. Leftists want history erased, not recorded.

For all its flaws, Wikipedia has been chronicling many years of evolution in the use of language when it comes to moral standards regarding sexual behavior.

Note the opening of this paragraph from Wikipedia’s “Paraphilia” page which we have excerpted before:

Paraphilia (previously known as sexual perversion and sexual deviation) is the experience of

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Identity Politics and Paraphilias: Transgenderism a Choice or Disorder?

Last time we introduced transgenderism, the next letter on the LGB…T march into the new world. There is way too much to cover in just one more post but I’ll do my best. If you’re like me, you’re pretty tired of this topic after the past couple of years.

We left off with the first paragraph from the transgender Wikipedia page — here are the third and fourth paragraphs:

The degree to which individuals feel genuine, authentic, and comfortable within their external appearance and accept their genuine identity has been called transgender congruence. Many transgender people experience gender dysphoria

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