Tag Archives: Donald Trump


Conservative Gets Under Thin Skins of Petulant Progressive News Anchors

Next time Leftist journalists take umbrage over President Trump’s criticism of the mainstream press, pretending they think his criticism of bias is an attack on the foundation of our republic, or when a “progressive” talking head goes all middle-school snotty on a guest for his or her criticism of press bias, remember their responses to these comments from Obama and his water-carriers who routinely accused Fox News of being a fake news network and shill for the GOP...
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Lawmakers Avoid Discussions of First Principles

Recently Ben Shapiro, writing for National Review, exposed a fundamental failure of lawmakers that partisan debates conceal. Partisan debates conceal that fundamental, first-principle policy arguments about governance are avoided like the proverbial plague by politicians of all political stripes.
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The Failure of Leftist Restraint

The shooting of GOP House Whip Steve Scalise and several other Republicans during an early morning baseball practice this month is as unsurprising as it was dreadful. Some of our deepest expectations were realized in that moment, as the furious rhetoric being churned out by the Left finally expressed itself in the ultimate form of contempt: an attempt to assassinate political leaders.

It wasn’t hard to predict where our national discourse was taking us. For years in the halls of Congress and in the courts, we’ve been engaged in a civil war. There’s been a marked increase in the use …

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Help Stop the Deportation of Iraqi Christians!

Donald Trump won the 2016 election for many reasons, not the least of which were promises to secure America's borders and deport illegal aliens, prioritizing any known criminals (for crimes in addition to breaking national immigration laws)... But there's one significant issue which must be addressed and remedied quickly...
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Big Illinois Government’s Insatiable and Impossible Demands from Taxpayers

It’s a sad tale of two cities.

The news out of Washington, D.C. this spring is that President Donald Trump and the Republican majorities in Congress plan on cutting taxes. The unsurprising news out of Springfield, Illinois is that General Assembly Democrats are planning to raise taxes.

Also not surprising is that there is a hot debate about whether the GOP tax cut efforts in D.C. can succeed. There is no debate, however, about Illinois Democrats’ accomplishing their mission. Especially when Republicans, including Governor Bruce Rauner, appear poised to help the Democrats.

What is also not debatable is whether …

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There’s a Method to the Political Correct (PC) Madness

Many years ago, I witnessed what happens when people who prevent others from speaking are not dealt with promptly. During a “Firing Line” taping with William F. Buckley at Bard College in New York State on the topic of “Resolved: The ACLU is full of baloney” (the short answer is “yes”), two female activists stood up and started chanting “women of color have no voice.”
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Good News: President Trump Signs Executive Order to Promote Religious Liberty

Fulfilling a campaign promise to get rid of the “Johnson Amendment,” President Donald Trump, according to Liberty Counsel, “signed an executive order today that promotes religious liberty throughout the federal agencies in general and in certain specific areas”:

The executive order declares that it is the policy of the Administration to protect and vigorously promote religious liberty, directs the IRS to exercise maximum enforcement of discretion to alleviate the burden of the Johnson Amendment, and provides regulatory relief for religious objectors to Obamacare’s burdensome preventive services mandate.

The Johnson Amendment, named for then-Senator Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas

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Contact Congress: Vote NO on Continuing to Fund Planned Parenthood

Today’s fiscal and social conservatives are feeling what the late baseball legend Yogi Berra described as “deja vu all over again.”

The Daily Signal is reporting that “Congressional negotiators agreed late Sunday on a broad spending plan to fund the government through September,” and a vote is expected within days.

The “makeshift spending agreement” is business as usual. We’ve been here before. But there’s a big problem: the GOP-led Congress did not remove funding for Planned Parenthood. That’s $500 million dollars!

The Washington Times reports:

The spending deal congressional negotiators hammered out early Monday morning runs 1,665 pages, and

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Momentum Building To Defund Planned Parenthood

A politically dramatic scene occurred on March 30th. U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson (R-Georgia), recovering from back surgery, and Vice President Mike Pence arrived in the U.S. Senate to cast votes for a bill that reverses an abortion-clinic Obama-era rule. The rule enacted by the previous administration forced all states to allocate Title X money to abortion clinics.

The vote was tied, with 50 United States Senators voting for the bill and 50 against. Vice President Mike Pence broke the tie, and the bill is now going to President Donald Trump. He is expected to sign it.

Once …

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Illinois Pro-Life Citizens Must Sound Off

As you know, over the past few weeks we have seen a flurry of political activity in both Washington D.C. and Springfield. We expect this whirwind to continue through much of the spring.

With the election of Donald Trump as president, we have seen the agitated Left organize their base of  pro-abortion feminists and Leftist allies. They are highly motivated, looking for any opportunity to push back wherever and whenever they can.

The energy and momentum can be seen and felt in Springfield, where pro-life lawmakers are privately expressing their concerns about the lack of energy from the Illinois pro-life …

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Trump’s Executive Order on Refugees — Separating Fact from Hysteria

The liberal news media, which is ever more resembling a communications arm of the Democratic Party, has been determined to portray President Donald Trump’s immigration Executive Order as over-reach, inhumane, and anti-Muslim.

It is not new that American consumers of the news media should be wary of the daily narrative, but the need for it increases daily as nearly every step taken by the Trump Administration is going to be picked apart and pilloried on a daily basis.

The good news is that new media outlets are growing their reach, and old stalwarts like the National Review Online continue to …

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The One Thing We Can All Agree On is That We Can’t Agree

The day after the election, I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and saw two posts back-to-back from friends. One was convinced the world was coming to an end now that Donald Trump was elected president; the other was convinced America’s savior was now in the White House.

I’m sure you’ve seen similar contrasts – maybe even in your own household. There’s a sense of stark disunity in our culture these days, and the polls back that up. A recent Gallup poll found that 77 percentof Americans see the nation as “divided.”

Most of the time when people write about …

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Women’s March for Death and Deviance

A blaring, front-page headline in the Chicago Tribune about the women's march for death and deviant sexuality marred the Sunday morning of many Illinoisans—once again justifying the subterranean position the mainstream press occupies in the view of many Americans. The Trib reports that an estimated 500,000 mostly women “staged an enormous, raucous rally…to send a potent message of defiance to…President Trump.”
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Prayers Needed for POTUS, Congress and General Assembly

Tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock our time, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. Last week, state lawmakers were sworn into office in Springfield to begin the 100th General Assembly. Two weeks before that, on January 3, 2017, our federal lawmakers were sworn in, starting the 115th Congress.
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2017 March For Life Chicago

Thousands gathered at Federal Plaza in Chicago on Sunday, January 15, 2017 to stand for LIFE!  Pro-life speakers at the march included Pat McCaskey of the Chicago Bears, three representatives from Congress, an abortion survivor, religious leaders, and pro-life students!  We got news coverage on Chicago’s WGN TV News and local CBS TV News!  More news coverage is likely to follow.

Overcoming Pro-choice Protesters

There was a pro-choice protest of the march, but pro-life marchers FAR outnumbered them!  The march officially started at 2 pm, but the protesters scheduled their protest to start at 1 pm to deceptively make …

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