Tag Archives: Don’t Ask Don’t Tell


U.S. Senator Mark Kirk Needs to Hear From You Today!

By a vote of 250-175, the U.S. House passed a bill yesterday that would repeal the military’s longstanding “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy involving sexual activity. It now moves on to the U.S. Senate.

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is once again trying to push a bill that would repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Illinois’ U.S. Senator Mark Kirk must hear from Illinois citizens who are opposed to allowing open homosexuality in the military.

Take ACTION:  Contact Illinois U.S. Senator Mark Kirk to ask him to OPPOSE the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and the ban …

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“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Under Assault

Let your members of Congress know that allowing open homosexuality in the US military is bad public policy.

On January 27th, President Barack Obama delivered his first State of the Union address. Conservative pundits were hoping that the President would signal a move toward a more centrist platform. That hope was not realized.

Instead of a reconciler who could govern from the center, he seemed to insist on radical Leftist ideology. Obama’s pledge to overturn the Military Eligibility Law of 1993 — known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” — (a policy that governs homosexuals in the military) is desperately irresponsible. …

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Pres. Obama’s Address to Gay Activists

On Saturday night, President Barack Obama delivered his sycophantic, pro-homosexual magnum opus to the nation’s largest homosexual and “transgender” lobbying organization: the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). Obama promised attendees a veritable smorgasbord of legislation that will further their anarchical social agenda, while undermining speech rights, parental rights, and religious liberty.

  • He declared that he is “committed” to ending the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that prevents open homosexuals from serving in the military.
  • He promised to pass a “hate” crimes bill which would allow government intrusion into the thoughts and beliefs of citizens and criminalize beliefs that offend homosexuals.
  • He
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Obama Begins Full Court Press on Extremist Homosexual Agenda Within Minutes After Oath of Office

Literally within minutes after President Barack Obama took the oath of office yesterday, the official White House webpage was updated – under the heading of “The Agenda: Civil Rights” – to detail Obama’s wholesale “support for the LGBT (homosexual activist) community.”  His stated plans include the following:

  • Defeating all state and federal constitutional efforts to defend the millennia-old definition of natural marriage; 
  • Repealing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) signed by Bill Clinton – the only line of defense keeping all 50 states from being forced to recognize so-called “same-sex marriages” from extremely liberal states like Massachusetts and Connecticut;
  • Repealing
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