Planned Parenthood’s Adorable Aborted Baby Hearts

The Center for Medical Progress just released another undercover video exposé of a Planned Parenthood affiliate, this one in Austin, Texas. Dr. Amna Dermish, the sole abortionist at this Planned Parenthood abattoir, performs over 3,000 abortions per year on babies up to 21.6 gestational weeks. This video reveals both the barbarous nature of Dermish’s work and the vitiated state of her conscience.

Dermish offers these gruesome details in the casual tone of the conscience-calloused:

So, what I usually do if it’s a breech presentation [feet first], I’ll remove the extremities first, the lower extremities, and then go for the spine and sort of bring it down that way….I always try to keep the trunk [fetal torso] intact just by function of always trying to aim for the spine to bring it down…. my aim is usually to get the specimens out pretty intact….I can if I need to [convert to breech position].

Dermish admits to having trained under the salad-noshing Dr. Deborah Nucatola who shared that if fetal parts are sought for research, she would perform the abortion herself lest some rookie butcher damage the merchandise:

If there was a trainee, I would basically say, any research case, I’m going to do. As you get better, I’m going to let you do more of those cases. But we really need to try to do this intact.

Dermish also admits with a hearty chuckle that the fact that she “can’t do…an intact calvarium [fetal head]” gives her “something to strive for.” It’s good to know she has professional goals.

In perhaps the most macabre part of this repulsive video, Dermish and a representative from another abortion-provider, Whole Women’s Health (WWH), have this exchange about the particular interests of a colleague of Dermish’s:

Dermish: “One of our POC [point of care] persons is really into organ development….She’ll pull out like kidneys and heart, and like the heart we frequently see at 9 weeks. And she always looks for it.

WWH:Well, it’s cute. It is cute.”

Dermish: It’s amazing! …I have so much respect for development. It’s incredible!”

What’s incredible—as in not credible—is her discordant claim that she respects the amazing, incredible organ development of the babies she kills.

Digoxin is a drug that abortionists inject into preborn babies to stop the beating of their amazing, adorable, incredible hearts while in utero. Abortionists do this to ensure that they don’t violate the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban, but using digoxin renders fetal stem cell tissue unusable for research. Dermish explains that she uses digoxin only after 20 weeks. This means that the second trimester babies between 13-19 weeks are alive when Dermish tears them limb from limb—I mean, “removes” their “extremities.”

Perversely, Dr. Dawn Laguens, executive vice president of Planned Parenthood, describes Dr. Deborah “Crush Above, Crush Below” Nucatola, Dr. Mary “I Want a Lamborghini” Gatter, and Dr. “Strive for an Intact Calvarium” Dermish as “amazing and compassionate and wonderful…doctors.”

Since feminists and their male bootlickers (who instead of protecting children as men should, facilitate their murders) get their panties in a twist over the term “partial-birth abortion,”* I will use their preferred term: dilation and extraction or evacuation. Moreover, in order to avoid any charges of wild-eyed bias, I will go one step further in their direction by using NPR’s clinical description of a D&E/D&X:

“dilation and extraction,” or D&X…involved dilating the woman’s cervix, then pulling the fetus through it feet first until only the head remained inside. Using scissors or another sharp instrument, the head was then punctured, and the skull compressed, so it, too, could fit through the dilated cervix.

So, just to be clear, the baby is pulled halfway out of the mother’s body (i.e., partially born) before he or she is killed. Since 2003, if the head is in and the legs are out when the baby is killed, it’s murder. If the head and legs are in when the baby is killed, it’s “reproductive healthcare.”

Oddly, the physician-review site Healthgrades doesn’t include abortion on the list of procedures Dr. Amna Dermish does even though by her own admission, she performs 300 baby-killing procedures per month. Here’s what Healthgrades lists:

  • Colposcopy
  • Contraceptive Management
  • C-Section
  • Gynecologic Cancer Screening
  • Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)
  • Vaginal Delivery and VBAC

What with over 3,000 human-kills per year, one wonders how Dermish has time for any of these other procedures (Yes, a living being with human DNA, a human heart, human calvarium, human liver, spine, human lungs, and human extremities is, indeed, a human being).

It’s almost incomprehensible that a nice, polite young woman like Dermish could be capable of such evil acts. This video is a graphic reminder of the human capacity for sin and self-deception. It should also make us acutely aware of natural man’s capacity for rationalization. Most of us engage in it with unbecoming regularity. When a friend, colleague, or family member confronts us with even a petty but real transgression, our first impulse is to rationalize our transgression, to concoct some justification in order to avoid a recognition and admission of our moral failing. Imagine the incentive abortionists have not to acknowledge the enormity of the evil they have committed.

*Progressives oppose the term “partial-birth abortion” because they view it as politicized language, unlike, for example, the politically neutral “reproductive healthcare.” Remember their uber-opposition to the politicization of language next time they imperiously command that everyone in the world change how pronouns are used. Next time they fulminate against using pronouns to denote objective biological sex, remind them how much they detest politicized language.

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Congress Responds to Latest Controversy Involving Planned Parenthood

This week, U.S. Representatives Peter Roskam (R-West Chicago), Randy Hultgren (R-Campton Hills), Daniel Lipinski (D-Chicago),  Mike Bost (R-Belleville), Rodney Davis (R-Decatur),  and John Shimkus (R-Effingham),  joined dozens of their colleagues in the U.S. Congress in calling for an investigation into the shocking revelations that a top Planned Parenthood executive was caught on video discussing dismembering babies and selling their body parts.

(Read more:  Click HERE to read Laurie Higgin’s article.)

This recently released video exposes Dr. Deborah Nucatola, a Planned Parenthood executive, negotiating with tissue brokers to determine what organs they would like to “procure” and offering ways to alter abortion procedures to make sure they would be able to safely secure the necessary body parts, in tact and undamaged.  She explains how she carefully places her graspers such that she can crush the baby’s body without damaging the organs that the broker is seeking. At one point Nucatola even describes how they could alter the abortion in such a way, that it sounds very much like she is describing the illegal partial birth abortion procedure.

The content of the Congressional letter demanding an investigation is pasted here below:

Dear Chairman Upton and Chairman Goodlatte,

Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the nation doing over 300,000 abortions per year.  That is roughly a quarter of all abortions in America and means that on average Planned Parenthood carries out one abortion every 2 minutes. 

While this fact is outrageous enough, we are deeply disturbed by new allegations that Planned Parenthood abortion clinics not only profit from the intentional destruction of unborn children, but also sell children’s organs piece by piece to fetal tissue brokers.  These actions are unconscionable and these horrific abuses must be stopped.

In a recently released video a top Planned Parenthood executive describes huddling with tissue brokers early in the day to determine what organs they would like to “procure” and altering procedures to make sure she is able to obtain the necessary body parts.  She explains how she carefully places her graspers such that she can crush the baby’s body without damaging the organs that the broker is seeking. At one point she even describes abortion providers altering the abortion such that she could be describing the illegal partial birth abortion procedure.  

Also in the video, the executive discusses payments of $30-$100 for fetal body parts. She further indicates that they want to avoid being perceived as selling tissue, so they want to come up with a rate that “looks like it is a reasonable number for the effort that is allotted on their part.”

These revelations give good reason for Congress to take a serious look at the practices of Planned Parenthood and the companies that buy and sell the body parts and organs of unborn children who are dismembered in Planned Parenthood clinics. 

We greatly appreciate your announcement that you will be launching an investigation and urge you to act swiftly to examine current federal laws and regulations in your Committees’ jurisdiction, potential violations of current law, and identify areas where the law may be insufficient. In addition we urge you to explore the activities of abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood, companies that broker fetal tissue and any incentives created by National Institutes of Health funding for research using the body parts of unborn children.

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Planned Parenthood’s Body-Snatching Exposed

Humans have an astonishing capacity for embracing deception in the service of selfish and disordered desires. There is no more apt illustration of that truth than Planned Parenthood which has developed a ghastly organization that depends on deception to advance its gruesome practice of profiting from the tortured bodies of helpless babies.

Here is a must-see undercover video of Senior Director of Medical Services for Planned Parenthood, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, nonchalantly describing how doctors with deformed consciences carefully kill babies in order to preserve intact tiny body parts to sell to a “fetal tissue procurement company”:

As she lunches and munches, Nucatola explains that procurement firms want baby hearts, lungs, limbs, and livers, with “per specimen” payments of between “$30-100 depending on the facility and what’s involved.”

She provides a description of how Planned Parenthood professional hit doctors carefully crush baby bodies above and below the desired anatomical part so as to preserve it for maximum utility and monetary gain. Nucatola obscenely explains her method:

We’ve been getting very good at getting heart, lung, liver…so I’m not going to crush that part. I’m basically going to crush below, I’m going to crush above [the thorax], and I’m going to see if I can get it all intact….Some people want lower extremities too. That’s simple.”

Profiteering doctors are ever so careful with baby bodies as they kill them.

In order to preserve babies’ heads during an abortion, doctors will flip babies around in utero to deliver them in the breech position, which, if the baby is still alive when the baby emerges, constitutes a violation of federal law. When Nucatola mentions the challenges of delivering babies’ heads, she’s careful to refer to them euphemistically as “calvarium.” “Progressives” depend on euphemisms to cover a multitude of evils.

Nucatola also makes this not-surprising statement:

The federal [partial-birth] abortion ban is a law, and laws are up to interpretation. So, if I say on day one that I do not intend to do this, what ultimately happens doesn’t matter. [emphasis added]

Vice President of Communications for Planned Parenthood Eric Ferraro responded, offering this disingenuous rationalization:

In health care, patients sometimes want to donate tissue to scientific research that can help lead to medical breakthroughs, treatments and cures for serious diseases. Women at Planned Parenthood who have abortions are no different. At several of our health centers, we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research, and we do this just like every other high-quality health care provider does — with full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards. There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or Planned Parenthood. In some instances, actual costs, such as the cost to transport tissue to leading research centers, are reimbursed, which is standard across the medical field.

A well-funded group established for the purpose of damaging Planned Parenthood’s mission and services has promoted a heavily edited, secretly recorded videotape that falsely portrays Planned Parenthood’s participation in tissue donation programs that support lifesaving scientific research.

First, it is illegal to sell or purchase “human fetal tissue.”

Second, it at least appears that selling and purchasing were being discussed—not donations.

Third, “other high-quality health care” providers do not intentionally kill healthy patients whose tissue is then “donated” for research.

Fourth, Planned Parenthood has the audacity to try to impugn the integrity of the Center for Medical Progress that produced the video by describing it as “a well-funded group established for the purpose of damaging Planned Parenthood’s mission and services.” Well, if well-funded efforts to damage Planned Parenthood’s mission and services are dubious, then what about Planned Parenthood’s well-funded mission, which includes killing babies.

Here’s what Breitbart explained back in January about Planned Parenthood’s funding: “In fiscal year 2013-2014, Planned Parenthood was provided with more than $528 million – or 41 percent of its total revenue – in taxpayer funds in the form of government grants, contracts, and Medicaid reimbursements.”

I wonder what the total revenue for the Center for Medical Progress is and if any of its revenue comes from government sources.

This appalling video may force the bloodstained merchants at Planned Feticide Federation of America to cease selling–I mean, donating–body parts of babies, but in a country awash in body and soul-destroying deception, they will likely be allowed to continue the murderous practice that makes body-snatching and selling possible. And let’s not forget in the justifiable outrage and heated discussions that are taking place that slaughtering babies is even more demonic than selling their dismembered parts.

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