Tag Archives: Dr. Joey Krol


The Holder of Our Tomorrow

This year has been a very, very interesting year. Some will say it has been a difficult year. Others will say that it’s been a frustrating year. But all would agree that it’s been an unforgettable year.  My last message to my Church before the “shutdown” was a prophetic one, without even knowing it.  It was one that God knew that I and our Church family needed to hear.
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The National Day of Pray is Vitally Important This Year

This National Day of Prayer May 7, 2020 will be like no other. Since its inception in May 1952 under President Harry S. Truman, the day has been observed with large public events. While the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the shutdown of all public events, but prayer and the event will still go on. The event has moved online and prayer has never been more important.
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Raising Kids in Church is Good for Future Communities

In good news for church going families, a recent study by Harvard University’s School of Public Health found kids raised going to church are happier adults. The study explored the association of the religious involvement of children and teens with their mental health and physical well-being as young adults.
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Old Testament Law & Shellfish

Ever have a conversation with someone about God’s view on a matter, such as homosexuality, abortion or sme-sex "marriage," and they bring up some wild response from the Old Testament law as a defense?  They say, “What about not eating shellfish?”  Or, “what about wearing mixed fabrics?” They dig up certain passages on restrictions on beard trimming, or keeping your hair at a certain length.  They do this to downgrade the validity of the Scriptures, but also to...
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