Tag Archives: Dr. Rachel Levine


PODCAST: Rand Paul Confronts Biden’s Cross-Dressing Pick for Assistant Health Secretary

Yesterday, Senator Rand Paul put to shame every Congressman and Congresswoman who refuses to state publicly and definitively that no medical professional should support cross-sex hormone-doping for minors or the elective removal of healthy parts of their sexual anatomy as “treatments” for disordered feelings about their maleness or femaleness.

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Locked Out by Twitter for Telling the Truth

After preaching at my home congregation Sunday morning, I got into my car in the church parking lot to check my voicemails and messages. One of my colleagues had sent me the link to his new article, which I decided to share with my Twitter followers. To my surprise, I discovered I was locked out of my account for 12 hours for violating Twitter Rules.
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Yea, Though I Walk Through The Uncanny Valley

Recently, as I perused the social media headlines about the present plague year, I came across a news item whose image featured the governor of Pennsylvania and his secretary of health, Dr. Rachel Levine, who is, in fact, a man. It struck me because the news was not about Dr. Levine's chimeric redefinition. The presentation of such an incongruity--an appointed official whose gender LARP (Live Action Role-Playing) is only slightly more convincing than that of Corporal Maxwell Klinger--without the slightest batting of an eyelash, is the whole game in a nutshell.
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