Tag Archives: Dr. Robert A. J. Gagnon


IFI Worldview Event: Thinking Biblically About Our Corrosive Culture

IFI is hosting our annual Illinois Family Institute Worldview on Saturday, March 7th at the Village Church of Barrington. This year’s conference features Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Rob Gagnon.
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IFI Worldview Conference: Thinking Biblically About Our Corrosive Culture

Please join the Illinois Family Institute for our annual Worldview Conference on March 7th at the Village Church of Barrington. This year we are featuring two well-respected and fearless Christian theologians who will help us better understand and better respond to the ever increasing corrupting influences in our culture. You do not want to miss this special event with Dr. Michael L. Brown and Dr. Robert A.J. Gagnon.

Summit Ministries defines worldview as “a pattern of ideas, beliefs, convictions, and habits that help us make sense of God, the world, and our relationship to God and the world.” Ligonier …

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A Mythological Woman & His Hirsute Dojigger

The "trans" cult argues that biological sex is unimportant and always in every context and activity subordinate to "gender identity," which is constituted by subjective, internal feelings about one's "maleness" or "femaleness." In the "trans" mythology, "gender identity" has nothing to do with biological sex. Therefore, a human with XY chromosomes and a natal penis can be a woman if he so conceives himself to be. If he dreams it, he is she. No need to get rid of any appendages...
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Dr. Robert Gagnon’s Response to Evangelical Leaders’ Compromise with LGBT Activists

Written by Dr. Robert A. J. Gagnon 

In a blog post titled “‘Fairness For All’: Smart Politics, Or A Sellout?” (Dec. 13), Rod Dreher, senior editor at The American Conservative,  reports a defense of the recent decision by the boards of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) and the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) to support “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” “federal antidiscrimination law in exchange for religious liberty guarantees written into the same law.” The defense was made by “a prominent conservative Evangelical political strategist who works at both the national and state …

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Conversation with Homosexual Journalist

I was part of an extended Facebook conversation with Chuck Colbert, a homosexual journalist from the Boston area who graduated from Notre Dame University but has renounced his Catholic faith and converted to Reform Judaism. He expressed virtually every fallacious claim that homosexual ideologues everywhere express—claims that conservatives should be prepared to refute. In the service of helping to equip IFI readers for such conversations, here are some of his claims (in boldface) followed by rebuttals.

1.) “Jesus said nothing about gay people.”

First, Jesus also says nothing about pedophilia, incest, rape, polyamory, sadomasochism, voyeurism, or infantilism. Are we

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Prager University’s Troubling Video with Homosexual Christian Guy Benson

Prager University (PragerU) was started in 2009 by Dennis Prager as a way to circumvent the left-leaning educational universe and bring conservative ideas to the public in general but especially to young people. This week, PragerU released a deeply disappointing video featuring Guy Benson, political editor for Townhall Magazine and frequent contributor on Fox News Channel.
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Well-Known “Christian” Bloggers Affirm Homoeroticism

Two influential bloggers who “identify” as Christians have rejected biblical orthodoxy in order to affirm homoeroticism as holy. Jen Hatmaker and Glennon Doyle Melton have chosen to reject two thousand years of church history to embrace heretical views of homoerotic activity and marriage.
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