Tag Archives: drag queen storytime


Public Libraries Are Dragging Our Kids Down

For most children, there are few things as fun as story time. Whether it's at home, school or the local library, children listen attentively to fantastic stories of kings, dragons, and furry animals. Sadly, story time has now become indoctrination time.
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Pole-Dancing for Preschoolers

A private preschool in Shenzhen, China just made international news for hiring a pole-dancer to sexualize welcome its 3-6-year-old students on the first day of school. With a bare midriff, black leather hot pants, and platform shoes, a young woman is seen bumping and grinding around a pole up on a stage, swinging her long ponytail in the kind of performance one would expect to see only in strip clubs and Hollywood movies. Posters advertising a pole-dancing school adorned the walls of the courtyard where the undulating performance took place.
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The LGBT (Ideological) Seduction of Our Children

One of the accusations that is most offensive to gays and lesbians is that they are child predators who want to seduce our children sexually. I stand with them in finding this accusation to be highly offensive.

To be clear, I have documented elsewhere that the arguments put forth by advocates of pederasty parallel key arguments used by gay activists. And some studies indicate that there is a higher percentage of homosexual pederasty than heterosexual pederasty.

Nonetheless, the vast majority of gays and lesbians are not pederasts. And so, to accuse them of infiltrating our schools in order to prey …

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