Tag Archives: Edison Middle School


Wheaton, Illinois Middle School’s Offensive “Gay” Christmas Display

In a brazen act of anti-Christian disrespect and cultural appropriation, Edison Middle School (CUSD 200) in Wheaton has chosen to deface a Christian symbol that celebrates the birth of Christ by displaying a full-size rainbow-colored “gay pride” Christmas tree during in honor of homoeroticism. Originally, the tree also included handmade pink ornaments with the messages “Be Gay Be Slay” and *Gay Panic*.
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School-Approved Racism in Western Suburb of Chicago

It appears the racism identified as “anti-racism” and being endorsed all across America is bearing rotten fruit at ever younger ages and in ever more perverse ways.

Just last week, administrators at Edison Middle School in Wheaton, Illinois allowed student members of the blacks-only “Panthers in Black” school club to lecture peers on the intricacies of using various forms of the “n” word. Students learned who is permitted to use the “n” word and which “n”-word suffix is appropriate in what context. Parents of students forced to listen to this non-voluntary lecture were not notified ahead of time or asked to sign a permission slip.
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