Tag Archives: education


Beye Elementary School Today–Your School Tomorrow

It is my hope that IFI subscribers will even read articles about schools other than their own. When I write about a problem in a particular school, I always address the problematic assumptions that underlie whatever particular issue I am addressing. Those assumptions need to be analyzed and understood because they are pervasive and will manifest sooner or later in problems in all schools.

My goal is to address the weaknesses in the arguments used to defend, for example, anti-bullying curricula that specifically address homosexuality and Gender Identity Disorder, so that people will not be deceived and so that they …

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Homosexual Activists Exploit Oak Park’s Beye Elementary School

It was only a matter of time before homosexual activism infected elementary education here in Illinois. This cancerous activism appeared during a recent Institute Day at William Beye Elementary School in Oak Park during which Oak Park resident and lesbian, Shannon Sullivan, who is the Executive Director of the Illinois Safe Schools Network, was invited to speak to the entire faculty.

During her biased presentation, Sullivan showed the film That’s a Family, which I too have seen. It was shown at a professional development workshop at Deerfield High School when I worked there, and it angered more than …

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U. of I. Music Education Prof Louis Bergonzi Wants High School Teachers to Affirm Homosexuality

Public education is rife with problems, but perhaps none quite as prevalent as pro-homosexual advocacy which infects schools from elementary through high schools, from small schools to large, and from poorly performing urban schools to affluent, prestigious suburban schools.

What may provide one of the links between all these seemingly diverse educational contexts are the departments of education through which all public school teachers must pass. An article published in December 2009 in the Music Educators Journal provides a glimpse into the troubling and presumptuous goals of just one of our nation’s educator-ideologues: Professor Louis Bergonzi, Chair of the …

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How Stevenson HS English Teachers Spend Public Money

IFI readers with memories like steel traps may remember the names of Stevenson High School English teachers Melissa Mack and Bill Fritz. For those, like me, who have memories like steel sieves, Bill Fritz is the sponsor of Stevenson’s Gay Straight Alliance and one of the sponsors of last year’s first dance for students who identify as homosexual. Melissa Mack is the Stevenson High School teacher who circulated an email to the entire faculty of Stevenson High School in which she denounced IFI for being “an extreme fringe group” and said that my article about the dance constituted a …

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Thanksgiving As Seen Through the Lens of Critical Race Theory

There is a concerted effort on the part of proponents of “critical race theory” to erode respect for America through public education. Critical race theory, also known as “teaching for social justice” pervades departments of education all around the country. Unapologetic former Weather Underground domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, who is a professor of Education at University of Illinois at Chicago, is a central figure in the effort to use our taxes to promote critical race theory in public schools.

Ayers has disciples who you can often recognize by their job titles. In Seattle, WA in 2007, Caprice Hollins, the …

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Scandalous Intolerance in District 113

It was suggested to me that I file a Freedom of Information Act request with the school district for which I worked for a decade and which my four children attended. It was suggested that I request documents that mentioned my name. Neither I nor my husband was prepared for what we read in district emails, which are, of course, public documents.

The district is District 113 which is composed of Deerfield High School (DHS) in Deerfield, IL and Highland Park High School (HPHS) in Highland Park, IL, both affluent Chicago suburbs. I worked full-time in the writing center and …

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District 204 Participates in Teaching Tolerance’s Mix It Up Day

Last week, IFI was alerted to the fact that some School District 204 (Naperville, Aurora, Bolingbrook, & Plainfield) middle schools were participating in a diversity day last week. The person who contacted us thought that it would be a good idea for IFI to make this information known to District 204 parents.

On Thursday morning, I called six of the seven District 204 middle schools, leaving messages with six principals and two assistant principals. I explained that I worked for the Illinois Family Institute, that we had been contacted about this diversity day, and that I had some questions about …

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Response to College of DuPage’s Dr. Collins

Here is the form letter sent by the College of DuPage to those who expressed concern over Dr. Adelman‘s use of curriculum to advance her particular political biases. What is noticeably absent from this letter are any responses to the questions or concerns I raised in my initial article:

I thank you for your message regarding the honors seminar offered last spring. President Breuder has asked that I respond on behalf of the College.

The student in question did indeed bring her concerns to our attention last spring. We have looked into the matter and spoken with Dr.

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Boycott Scholastic Books

The famous — and soon to be infamous — Scholastic Books has decided to include the pro-homosexual book for 9-12 year-olds, Luv Ya Bunches, in its middle school book fairs. This troubling book is already in the Scholastic Book Club catalogue, which is distributed to elementary school children.

Because of the vociferous protests of homosexuals and a petition drive by the pro-homosexual organizationChange.org, Scholastic Books has reversed its initial decision to exclude the book from their book fairs. It will now allow Luv Ya Bunches to be included at its middle school book fairs.

According to the …

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Naperville North Invites History Revisionist Howard Zinn — Again

What is the difference between an educator and an ideologue? Perhaps a look at Naperville North High School’s teacher Kermit Eby will help answer that question.

Kermit Eby, the Naperville North social studies teacher who last year invited unapologetic Weather Underground domestic terrorist and “critical social theory” proponent Bill Ayers to speak at Naperville North, has now invited history revisionist and America-hater Howard Zinn to speak at Naperville North on Saturday, Nov. 7 at 2:00 p.m.

This same teacher signed the Support Bill Ayers petition (For those interested, Eby is signatory number 1947 on the petition, and he identifies himself …

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College of DuPage Bio/Film Class: Education or Indoctrination?

Last spring I was contacted by a remarkable student at the College of DuPage who could teach many adults a thing or two about courage and conviction.

She was enrolled in an integrated biology and film class entitled “Honors Seminar: Biology 1100 (Survey of Biology) and English 1154 (Film as Literature)-Defining Human Health on a Changing Planet” that was described in the course catalogue as follows:

This seminar combines an investigative and interactive approach to biology with the study of film as a literary genre to explore the concept of human health in its broadest sense. Using the medium of

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“Safe Schools” Czar Kevin Jennings Helps Harvard Celebrate Homosexual Terrorist Group “Act Up”

by MassResistance.org

Contributes to offensive display of sexual perversion, child pornography, and anti-Catholic bigotry — now being exhibited at Harvard University

WARNING: Photos at the linked site are offensive and pornographic.

If you want to know what Americans can expect in public schools, look no further.

Kevin Jennings is Barack Obama‘s “safe schools” czar in the US Department of Education. He’s also the founder of the national homosexual group GLSEN, which sets up “gay straight alliance” clubs in high schools and middle schools across America. GLSEN is officially supported by the Massachusetts Legislature.

Jennings is also a former member

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High-Quality Online Education Can Revolutionize K-12 and College Education

Both higher and K-12 education are in desperate need of reform, though there are some extremely positive signs are on the horizon. Within a decade we might well see elementary, secondary, and universities become more about learning and less about cushy careers for the so-called “education professionals.”

Last month I referenced the John W. Pope Center for Higher Education Policy, and today I wanted to bring to your attention an excellent article on their website by George Leef:

Creative Destruction Coming to Higher Ed
The emergence of high-quality online education could revolutionize college education.

First, let’s provide a quick …

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In Memory: Chris Klicka

A longtime champion of homeschooling rights around the globe, Home School Legal Defense AssociationSenior Counsel and Director of State and International Relations Christopher J. Klicka was called home by his Lord on October 12, 2009, at age 48, following a 15-year battle with multiple sclerosis.

An attorney, spokesman, lobbyist, and homeschooling husband and father, Chris is survived by his wife, Tracy, their seven children (ages 11-21). An integral part of Home School Legal Defense Association’s staff for 24 years, Chris was HSLDA’s first full-time employee, first executive director, and first full-time attorney. He believed passionately that homeschooling was the …

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IFI Update: Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings Warns that Schools Promote Heterosexuality


In this video clip, “Safe Schools Czar” and pederast-protector Kevin Jennings frets over the “aggressive” promotion of heterosexuality that takes place in public schools through the teaching of Romeo and Juliet.

Jennings makes the disingenuous claim that parents are fearful that homosexuals “are after their kids.” He implies that the chief concern of parents is that teachers will try to recruit children into the homosexual lifestyle, when in reality that is not the chief concern of most parents.

Rather, the concern of many parents and other taxpayers is that homosexual activists are committed to changing students’ views …

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