Tag Archives: Election 2016


Our Christian Duty

In less than two weeks, Americans will know which candidates will direct the course of our state and nation for the next two to four years.  Unfortunately, too many Christians do not understand exactly what is at stake.  With each passing election cycle, we ought to be ever more concerned with the vital issues of essential liberty, morality, and ethics. Right now, due to the steady erosion of long-held liberties, coupled with the rise of bigger, more tyrannical government and a blatant disregard of corruption in leadership in all areas of government, our Christian values and way of life are …

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Bulletin Insert – No Excuse Not to Vote

Citizens in Illinois are now casting ballots to nominate candidates for President of the United States, U.S. Senator and a slew of important government positions – positions that have dramatic influence on the direction of our nation.

Voters will be asked to decide if they want to continue with a big spending, freedom-eroding agenda, or if they want leadership that stops the out-of-control spending and promotes our shared values. We cannot take our God-given civic responsibility and blessing of self-government lightly.

As citizens, we have been given the awesome privilege and responsibility to select those who make our laws and …

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The 2016 Campaign for President and the Info War About the U.S. Constitution

Over the course of the past few months I gathered articles about the question of “judicial supremacy” — are U.S. Supreme Court decisions “the law of the land,” or are they rulings on cases?

Here is that page of excerpts, quotes, and links: Judicial Supremacy: Not in the U.S. Constitution, Not the Intention of the Founding Fathers.

Republicans and conservatives rarely even attempt to disseminate information about the U.S. Constitution to the uninformed and misinformed. Of course, that is a bit much to ask when too many on our side aren’t even clear on what it says.

For many …

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What Matters Most to Voters May Surprise Some

There is an actual scientific national poll that deserves our attention.  In a new poll previewing the 2016 election looking at the issues that voters care most about, the Barna Polling Group asked 1,025 voters about their concerns a few weeks ago.

Three-quarters of voters say that issues are the most important factor in their support for a candidate. Overall, and by a significant margin, the stagnant economy ranks as the top concern among voters with three-out-of-four saying that issue would have “a lot” of influence on their choice of candidate.

Interestingly, there are noteworthy differences in priorities across voter …

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