Biblical and Free, or Secular and Statist?

Far too many Christians distance themselves altogether from the political process or choose to cast a ballot only during a presidential election cycle. But it is imperative that followers of the Lord Jesus Christ exercise their God-given right to vote in every election. If we don’t take time to research the candidates and then go to the polls, we effectively concede the outcome of the election to those who don’t reverence God or uphold His principles.

Dr. Eric Wallace and Star Parker detail why Christians must vote for men and women that honor God with their words and actions and why we should also encourage our politically apathetic friends, family, and fellow believers to cast their vote to the glory of God. The future of our state, nation, and judiciary is most definitely at stake! If you’re not sure where the candidates stand on the crucial issues of the day, please check out the Illinois Family Institute Voter Guide.

IFI depends on the support of concerned-citizens like you. Donate now

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Voter Guides Are Going Quickly – Order in Bulk Today!

Early Voting is already underway and the printed IFI Voter Guides are going fast!  In case you’re not aware, early voting has been proven to win elections for pro-family candidates! And every vote is valuable!

If you haven’t yet placed a bulk order for Voter Guides, please give us a call at the IFI office today at (708) 781-9328 or click HERE to email us your order.

These non-partisan Voter Guides comply with IRS guidelines and are legal for churches to distribute. Or you may simply want them to pass along to neighbors, co-workers and family.

Check our online version as it is being updated regularly.

It’s critical that people be informed voters when they cast their ballots in the March 20th Primary Election.  Not only are there eight sets of candidates running for Governor/Lt. Governor, many more candidates are running for seats in the Illinois House and Illinois Senate.  Add to that the fact that all 18 seats of the U.S. House of Representative are up for election too.

We are coming down to the wire.  The election is only five weeks away.  So don’t delay. Call us at (708) 781-9328 or email us today.

Do you and your friends know where the state-wide and federal candidates stand on abortion, conscience rights, tax funding for Planned Parenthood, expanded gambling, income taxes, “recreational” marijuana and religious liberty? These Voter Guides will be the only source of information for many to make an informed decision.

But thousands of other Illinois citizens don’t know about the IFI Voter Guide. You can help provide them with this critical information, in the cause of good government, to make informed choices about all the state and federal candidates on the ballot.

We want Illinois citizens to have access to the IFI Voter Guide and we need your help in getting it into the hands of as many voters as we can, so order a dozen or more and give them to your friends, family and co-workers.

Americans have been given incredible blessings and freedoms; and as a result, we have a responsibility to participate in elections. Thank God we have an opportunity to cast our ballot for men and women whose values represent our own.

With your participation, together we will make a great impact in the state of Illinois and our republic, one vote at a time.

IFI depends on the support of concerned-citizens like you. Donate now

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