Tag Archives: Election Integrity Commission


As Evidence of Election Fraud Emerges, the Media Wants to Keep You in the Dark

If you have no idea what happened at the second meeting of President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in New Hampshire on Sept. 12, I’m not surprised. Though a horde of reporters attended the meeting, almost all of the media stories that emerged from it simply repeated the progressive left’s mantra that the commission is a “sham.” Almost no one covered the substantive and very concerning testimony of 10 expert witnesses on the problems that exist in our voter registration and election system.
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Vote Fraudsters Double Their Opportunities

The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity has held only two public meetings so far, but it’s already netted a haul of eye-opening data.

At last Tuesday’s meeting in New Hampshire, Ken Block, a data mining expert and former adjunct professor of technology and business at the University of Rhode Island, presented a summary of a 36-page study, “America the Vulnerable: The Problem of Duplicate Voting.”

Compiled by the Government Accountability Institute partnered with Simpatico Software Systems and Virtual DBS, Inc., the reportconcludes that state election systems are shockingly vulnerable to fraud because of faulty voter roll maintenance.…

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What Have Liberals Got to Hide?

Progressives are in an uproar over the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, and we have to ask why? They claim creating an election integrity commission is a way to advance voter suppression. They truly fear the findings of this commission, and want to disband it as soon as possible.
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