Tag Archives: emergency contraceptives


Regarding the Sale of Abortifacients in College Vending Machines

Most Americans, when correctly informed regarding abortion, oppose it.  It has only been through deception that the abortion lobby has been able to keep abortion legal, but the tide is turning as technology has opened the womb before our eyes.  However, the proponents of abortion miss no opportunity to increase the number of victims and thus we are today faced with the Illinois Democrat led House attempting to hound the unborn to death even into the private spaces of state colleges and universities.  They are seeking to place abortifacients in a convient place o cthe campus, making these drugs of death nearly ubiquitous to young college women.  The hatred of the Left for unborn children appears pathological.
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Hobby Lobby Fights the HHS Mandate for Religious Freedom

The retail craft store chain Hobby Lobby has become the latest major employer to file suit over the Obama Administration’s Health and Human Services (HHS) contraceptive and abortion drug mandate — also known as the HHS Mandate. Hobby Lobby has gone into federal court to oppose the forced inclusion of abortifacient drugs in their corporate health insurance plans.

Under the mandate issued by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, virtually all health insurance policies issued in the United States must include coverage of any and all “contraceptives” approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This mandate requires …

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