Tag Archives: Emergent Church


Choosing the Gay Lifestyle Over Family and Christ

This past week, a well-known Christian author and former editor for CCM Magazine posted on Facebook and Instagram that he is leaving his wife to pursue a homosexual lifestyle. The details of the story are all too common. Give it a month or two and we’ll see the same scenario play out again, only with different names and titles. Maybe next time it will be a pastor or a worship leader or some other Christian celebrity.
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The Mind of Godless Man is Both Silly and Dangerous

How could a dude from 1926 have nailed the state of 2018 American culture so accurately in just one simple quote?
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Tony Jones’ Continuous Leftward Slide Into Apostasy

By Marsha West –RenewAmerica.us

Emergent Church guru Tony Jones, the former national coordinator of Emergent Village, has been holding the issue of homosexuality “in abeyance” because “homosexuality is one issue that I don’t want to get wrong.” On November 23 he came out with his personal view on this hotly debated topic.

Drum roll please…… He’s for it.

After years of pondering and praying, praying and pondering, he managed to come up with the wrong answer. How do I know this? Because his “revelation” doesn’t line up with Scripture.

Evidently what the Bible teaches on sodomy made Tony …

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