McDonald’s Chooses Porn Free Wi-Fi

A fast-food restaurant has started blocking Internet pornography from its Wi-Fi-enabled restaurants while a second chain is refusing to do so.

McDonald’s has been lobbied for nearly two years to block Internet pornography in its restaurants and has finally done so according to pro-family group Enough is Enough.

Enough is Enough lobbied both McDonald’s and Starbucks but so far only McDonald’s has made the decision to block porn from public view.

Starbucks signEnough spokeswoman Donna Rice Hughes says McDonald’s first started filtering Internet porn in company-owned restaurants then expanded that ban to franchises.

“And now there are over 14,000 McDonald’s restaurants in the United States that are filtering pornography and child pornography,” she says.

Starbucks was among the corporations that abided by such a ban in Great Britain, she says, and Enough has asked Starbucks to protect children and families in in the United States, too.

“And Starbucks has yet to respond to any of our emails, any of our certified letters,” she says.

Enough has said it will direct a new campaign directed at Starbucks soon.

This article was originally posted at OneNewsNow.com

Campaign to Filter Porn from Wi-Fi Networks Gains Headway

Last fall, Enough is Enough launched the national Porn Free Wi-Fi campaign to convince the two companies to voluntarily remove pornography and child porn from their Wi-Fi services. Donna Rice Hughes, who heads Enough is Enough, says the campaign has drawn a lot of support.

“As of December of this past year, right around Christmas time, we hit 25,000 online petition signatures,” she tells OneNewsNow. “The petition urges both of these companies to extend their friendly Wi-Fi policies – which they have already been implementing in the United Kingdom and in Australia – to the United States.”

The question arises as to whether there have been many instances of people accessing porn in view of other customers in the stores.

“In December, there was an incident in a local Starbucks where a convicted sex offender went into a Starbucks, got on the Wi-Fi services provided by Starbucks and was caught downloading child pornography, which is a federal offense,” she says.

In that particular case, the offender was arrested, but others viewing porn in stores nationwide are typically not punished.

Now there is another big push for signatures on the petition. Enough is Enough plans to contact both companies within the next few weeks, present the petitions and request that they filter out porn on their Wi-Fi networks.

This article was originally posted at the OneNewNow.com website.