Tag Archives: Equality Act


America Needs a Great Conservative Reset

A Democrat-controlled presidency and U.S. Congress (as well as state legislatures) will further empower the arrogant, ignorant, divisive, tyrannical cancel culture that has taken root in every major cultural institution in America. Academia, the mainstream press, Big Tech, corporate America, Hollywood, and professional medical and mental health organizations collude to censor the dissemination of ideas leftists hate and oppress those who disseminate them. The power these institutions already enjoy and employ to destroy speech rights, religious liberty, and careers is not enough to satiate the unquenchable thirst for power of leftists.
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Biden the Unity President Divides Again

Recently, America’s foolish president issued a foolish Transgender Day of Visibility Proclamation in which he pledged support for a bill that will jeopardize First Amendment religious free exercise and speech protections for conservative Americans. In his Proclamation, Biden also called for all Americans to adopt his controversial beliefs on cross-sex impersonation. Once again Biden—the self-identifying unity president—has intensified division.

Ordinary Americans—as opposed to those who make millions by selling political influence—fret about how they will pay for groceries and gas. They worry about fentanyl and criminals pouring over the southern border and about illegal immigrants being dumped by the government …

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The Disastrous Biden Administration

With the disastrous Fall of Saigon Redux—that is, the Fall of Kabul—and the 2022 midterms fast approaching, it seems a good time for a cursory review of the past seven months of Joe Biden’s ill-fated presidency and of 2020 pre-presidential election discussions.

Befuddled Biden and his hapless administration have presided over the epically inept exit from Afghanistan, which is resulting in a humanitarian crisis, has left Afghans who helped the United States at risk, has left U.S. military weapons in the hands of terrorists, has increased the threat of terrorist acts on U.S. soil, has emboldened enemies,and has diminished our …

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Illinois Congressional Rep. Newman’s Dumb Plea for Equality Act

How can someone as foolish and manipulative as U.S. Representative Marie Newman get elected to Congress? Oh, yeah, she ran in Illinois, the land that once gave the nation Abe Lincoln but now saddles the nation with Dick Durbin, Tammy Duckworth, Jan Schakowsky, Sean Casten, and Brad Schneider.

On March 17 Newman, the anti-life, self-identifying Catholic, spoke in a U.S. Senate hearing in support of the execrable Equality Act, which has nothing to do with Equality and everything to do with advancing an alchemical superstition about the alleged ability of humans to become the opposite …

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Kara Dansky: Biden’s Order on Gender Identity Harms Women and Girls

Earlier this week Tucker Carlson interviewed feminist attorney Kara Dansky. ... During this short interview, she rightly describes the increasing erasure of women as an “emergency” with many unforeseen consequences that will affect the “rights, privacy, and safety of women and girls.” She warns that the Equality Act, which will “redefine the word ‘sex” to include the nebulous, ill-defined, un-understood, made-up lie that is “gender-identity,” makes a national conversation about these serious consequences imperative.
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Questions for Sex-Eradicationists, Lawmakers, and School Leaders

The radical “Equality” Act—the pet project of sex-eradicationists (also known as “trans”-cultists)—is now in the U.S. Senate. The act would force the federal government to treat the nonsensical notion that spirit humans can be “trapped” in the wrong material bodies as if those disordered feelings constitute a reality equivalent to biological sex and one about which no one may make judgments. In other words, the Equality Act would enshrine in federal law a Gnostic superstition.
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Agnostics, Orthodox Jews, Catholics and Evangelicals Agree: ‘Equality Act’ is Dangerous to Human Rights

The Newsweek article by Natasha Chart and Rabbi Yaakov Menken begins with these words: “It would be hard to accuse an Orthodox Jewish rabbi and an agnostic feminist leader of walking in lockstep.” All the more would this be true if you added Catholics to the mix, then threw in some evangelicals. What cause could bring such disparate people together, all united as one?
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Where Are Men in the Fight to Protect Women?

The Great Gelding of American men was a necessary precondition for “trans”-cultists to begin in earnest their effort to eradicate all public recognition of sex differences everywhere for everyone. This goal is within reach because of policies and laws already in place. The “Equality” Act will be the coup de grace. This effort could not be successful without the gelding of American men, because in previous generations, men would have protected women and children. But that was then and this is now.

The “Equality” Act has already passed the U.S. House of Representatives with three traitorous Republicans voting in favor …

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U.S. House Passes “In-Equality” Act

On Thursday afternoon, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 224 to 206 to pass the so-called "Equality Act" (H.R. 5), which would enshrine “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as legally protected classes in a myriad of federal laws. The vote fell along party lines, with only three Republicans voting with the Democratic majority, and two Republicans not voting.
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No Christian Will Be Safe From the Equality Act

Apprise your U.S. Senator of your feelings about the “Equality Act”! Find their contact information here: https://www.votervoice.net/ILFI/Address…

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Opponents’ Blueprint for a “Secular” Constitution Would Be Unrecognizable to America’s Founders

Recently, an activist group known as the Secular Democrats of America (SDA) sent a document to the president and the administration with a directive “to take back the mantle of religious freedom and pluralism.”

On the surface, the title—Restoring Constitutional Secularism and Patriotic Pluralism in the White House—makes the SDA’s mission sound appealing.
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Hate Speech Activism Means to Kill Christianity

The Hollywood actress Ellen Page has appeared in over two dozen movies. But if you congratulate her for being a successful actress you could get into trouble. You see, Ms. Page has decided that she is actually a man.[i] Now it is Mr. Page, and in some locales saying “Ms. Page” is considered “misgendering hate speech.” Misgendering people in Norway,[ii] Scotland,[iii] Canada[iv] – or even New York[v] – could put you behind bars.
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A Harris-Biden Administration, Sexual Deviance, and Religious Oppression

Remember when homosexual activists lied with straight faces saying what they do in the privacy of their own bedrooms affects no one and, therefore, is no one’s business? And here we are today with the government recognizing non-marital unions as marriages, shameful parades polluting our streets, drag queens reading stories to toddlers in public libraries, a 4,000 percent increase in adolescent girls suddenly deciding they’re boys, and schools requiring faculty to use incorrect pronouns when referring to students who seek to pass as the sex they aren’t.

An NBC News article titled, “Biden administration on track to be most LGBTQ-inclusive …

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Can Sexual Orientation Be Read into Title VII? SCOTUS Set to Decide

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has garnered less attention than usual lately with COVID-19 monopolizing headlines. However, with the Court’s term ending in June, some of the most controversial decisions are expected to be released any day now. Among the most notable are three cases involving Title VII of the landmark Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of sex. The question is whether Title VII’s ban on sex discrimination also includes decisions based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The cases are Altitude Express, Inc. v. Zarda, Bostock

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A Mythological Woman & His Hirsute Dojigger

The "trans" cult argues that biological sex is unimportant and always in every context and activity subordinate to "gender identity," which is constituted by subjective, internal feelings about one's "maleness" or "femaleness." In the "trans" mythology, "gender identity" has nothing to do with biological sex. Therefore, a human with XY chromosomes and a natal penis can be a woman if he so conceives himself to be. If he dreams it, he is she. No need to get rid of any appendages...
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