Tag Archives: Eric Metaxas


VIDEO: Eric Metaxas on “Freedom in the Balance”

If you missed the Illinois Family Institute’s annual fall banquet back in 2014, or have a vague remembrance of it, you will want to watch this important keynote speech by bestselling author Eric Metaxas. Combining encouragement and a call to action, Metaxas emphasized that “it is time for us to be all in” when it comes to the political and cultural battle.
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Evangelical Leaders’ Devilish Deal

In stunning semi-secretive decisions motivated by fear of religious persecution, the boards of two major evangelical organizations, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) and the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU), have voted to pass motions that represent an unacceptable compromise with homosexuals and the science-denying “trans” cult. These two influential organizations passed motions that would ask the government to add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes in federal anti-discrimination law in exchange for religious liberty protections that many people know would merely be stepping stones yanked out from under people of faith eventually.

According to World

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Worldview Work Isn’t Optional

Some are saying that Christians have lost the culture. But what if it was never a war to win, instead it was a calling to embrace? If there is an overarching theme for BreakPoint—starting with Chuck Colson and now with Eric Metaxas and me—it’s culture.  Specifically, how Christians can understand it, engage it, confront it, even restore it—through the clarity of a Christian worldview. As Brett Kunkle and I explain in our book, “A Practical Guide to Culture,” what we mean by culture is not some mysterious thing cloistered in art museums. No, culture is the…
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Post-Christian America Needs Radical Help STAT

America’s founders believed in God and His word, and predicated our founding documents on those immutable, biblical principles.

Though Leftists love to spout revisionist nonsense about many of the Founders being deists or worse, those accusations don’t hold water when faced with the weight of those early patriots’ own words and actions.

Thomas Jefferson, often upheld as vying for the least religious spot amongst the Founders, wrote:

I am a real Christian – that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus Christ.1

And Jefferson’s worship habits speak even louder:

Many people are surprised to learn that

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A Return to Virtue in the Wake of Scandal?

The consequences of the secular worldview on sexuality are now coming to light as sexual harassment scandals explode into public view. As Christians, we can use this moment to encourage those in our spheres of influence to “rethink sex” in terms of human flourishing—and to point them to the One who gave us this gift in the first place.
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Religious Persecution: Coming to America?

In 1929, Josef Stalin signed a law that dealt a devastating blow to religious freedom in Russia. For most of a century, Russian Christians suffered enormous persecutions for their faith. Some estimates suggest that as many as 20,000,000 Christians may have been martyred in prison camps in the 20th century for holding to their faith. One historian stated that over 85,000 Russian Orthodox Priests were shot in 1937 alone.

Communism, despite its slogans of equality and social utopia, has never come through on its promises. Stalin’s draconian measures were reaffirmed by Leonid Brezhnev’s updated legislation in 1975. A …

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VIDEO: Eric Metaxas on the Church and Religious Freedom

Best-selling author Eric Metaxas says the Christian Church in America must boldly defend the religious freedom that allows it to proclaim the Gospel.

Mr. Metaxas spoke with IFI before giving the keynote speech at our annual Faith, Family and Freedom Banquet.  Please watch the video report below:

Mr. Metaxas gave a powerful keynote message at the Illinois Family Institute annual banquet. His message included a timely warning, an exhortation, some encouragement and a strong focus on the Gospel.  Copies of his address will be available on DVD in the near future.  Stay tuned!

You can read more about this …

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Join us at our Annual Banquet Celebration in September!

The Illinois Family Institute is very pleased to invite you to attend the 2014 Annual Faith, Family and Freedom Banquet on Friday, September 19th at 7:00 p.m. at The Meadows Club in Rolling Meadows, Illinois.
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Freedom Requires Virtue, Which Requires Faith

To those of you who don’t think religious freedom is that important, I've got a message for you: It isn't. It isn't, that is, if you don’t care about any of your freedoms.
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