Tag Archives: Eric Wallace


Biblical and Free, or Secular and Statist?

Far too many Christians distance themselves altogether from the political process or choose to cast a ballot only during a presidential election cycle. But it is imperative that followers of the Lord Jesus Christ exercise their God-given right to vote in every election. If we don’t take time to research the candidates and then go to the polls, we effectively concede the outcome of the election to those who don’t reverence God or uphold His principles.
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Exposing Black Lives Matter — Part II

One of the dangers of BLM is that it pulls on the heartstrings of those who really care about life—both blacks and whites. Ironically, those who claim concern for black lives ignore the abortion of black babies and the killing of black boys by other black boys in gang violence. While focusing almost exclusively on race as the source of injustice and harm, BLM engage in the politics of racial grievance.
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Exposing Black Lives Matter

In my lifetime I have seen a number of organizations and movements pull at the heartstrings of the African American community. In 1995 it was the Million Man March calling on black men to atone for their failings. Today, it is the Black Lives Matter movement that draws our attention and concern.
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