Healthcare Professionals File FTC Complaint Against the SPLC, HRC and NCLR

Finally, medical and mental health professionals are bringing a gun to the gunfight.

The National Task Force for Therapy Equality (NTFTE), “a coalition of psychotherapists, psychiatrists, physicians, public policy organizations, and clients who experience unwanted same-sex attractions and gender identity conflicts,” has filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) asking the FTC “to investigate and stop the libelous, slanderous, deceptive, and misleading actions of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Human Rights Campaign (HRC), and National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR).

The NTFTE alleges that the aforementioned sexuality anarchists have done the following:

  • “actively and knowingly engaged in deceptive and fraudulent marketing practices of the kind the FTC considers malicious….”
  • “supported witnesses on the state, federal, and international level that have delivered unverifiable and fraudulent testimony in front of law-making bodies in the effort to persuade legislative action to ban psychotherapy….”
  • “are actively raising large sums of money in the effort to ban psychotherapy by using deceptive and fraudulent practices….”
  • “actively and knowingly distorted the research to promote efforts to ban psychotherapy for clients with sexual and gender identity conflicts….”
  • “actively distorted the scientific research in promoting the “Born Gay” hoax, a notion that has been disproved and refuted by organizations such as the American Psychological Association….”
  • “engaged in smear and defamatory attacks on licensed psychotherapists and faith-based ministries providing help and assistance to those who experience sexual and gender identity conflicts.”

The NTFTE is asking the FTC that the “FTC take enforcement action to end the actions of the SPLC, HRC, and NCLR, which seek to defame change therapies, change therapists, and their clients, or to render a judgment against the three organizations for their actions, which are deceptive and misleading to consumers and the general public.” In addition, the NTFTE is asking that the “FTC require these organizations to cease publishing slanderous remarks about change therapies, change therapists, and their clients, and require them to cease and desist publishing all deceptive statements including those within their public speeches, social media, online videos, and on their websites.”

It’s about time someone challenged the lying liars and reprobates at the Southern Poverty Law Center, Human Rights Campaign, and National Center for Lesbian Rights.

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