40 Days for Life is Coming to Aurora

Two days before she was scheduled to have an abortion, Nikita heard an interview on the radio about our local 40 Days for Life efforts. Shortly thereafter, she contacted the Fox Valley 40DFL Team Leader, Catherine. After they spoke, Nikita chose LIFE for her baby girl! Zari was born in April 2016, as a direct result of our prayers and efforts to end abortion in our community!

40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign to end abortion with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil.

You are invited to join this powerful and effective team today. Through prayer and fasting, peaceful vigils and community outreach, 40 Days for Life has inspired 750,000 volunteers!

Here’s how to take part:

  • Sign up at 40daysforlife.com/aurora 
  • Sign up for an hour (or more) – vigil hours: 7 am to 7 pm daily.
  • Come out to pray – vigil location: 3055 E New York Street, Aurora (next to Planned Parenthood in Aurora)
  • Call or text the 40DFL representative – Catherine Walker at 224-999-3701
  • Like us on Facebook – 40 Days for Life Fox Valley
  • Attend the 40DFL Fox Valley Kick Off Event – Sat. Sept. 23rd 9-10:30 am

Specific details are provided at 40daysforlife.com/aurora

Attention Pastors – We need your support!

The 40 Days for Life Fox Valley team invites you to a special pastors’ breakfast to hear the vision, the importance, and the details of the upcoming “40 Days” campaign, which takes place September 27th to November 5th.


Christ Community Church, Blackberry Creek Campus
40W098 Galena Blvd. (map)
Aurora, Illinois  60506

WHO: Shawn Carney, President & Founder of 40 Days for Life will be presenting.

WHEN: Thursday, September 14, 2017

Breakfast begins at 8:00 AM
Speaker begins at 8:30 AM
Q & A follows speaker

RSVP: PLEASE RSVP TO RICK ROBERTS at rroberts@ccclife.org.

Find flyers here: church full-page flier; church bulletin insert -half page; Pastors’ Breakfast.