Tag Archives: Gary Lorber


Illinois School District U-46 “Progressives” Foment Hatred

A second article was needed to address adequately the problems exposed in Monday’s school board meeting in Illinois School District U-46 in which the decision to allow a middle school gender-dysphoric student to use an opposite-sex locker room and the decision of school CEO Tony Sanders' to conceal that information from parents were debated.
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School District U-46 Barn-Burner of a Board Meeting

So much to say about Monday night’s barn-burner of a school board meeting in School District U-46, so little time. The meeting started at 7:00 p.m. By 6:00 p.m. the meeting room was filled to capacity, and attendees were sent to two upstairs overflow rooms to watch a livestream of the meeting. Approximately 58 visitors spoke, with 37 speaking in opposition to the school board’s decision to allow a student to use the locker room designated for persons of the opposite sex and to do so without telling U-46 parents of this decision...
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