Tag Archives: gender-nonconforming
Anti-Science Public High School Discriminates Based on Religion
Exeter High School in New Hampshire is being sued by a Catholic student (identified in the lawsuit as M.P.) who was suspended from playing in a football game because in a private conversation, off school grounds, initiated by a “progressive” student, M.P. expressed his view that there are only two genders: male and female. To be clear, by “genders,” he meant sexes. Until recently when the “trans”-cult redefined “gender,” the term was synonymous with “biological sex.”
The conversation was precipitated by an incident in Spanish class when a student declared that he or she is “nonbinary” and wished to be …
Pritzker’s Recommendations for Corrupting All Government Schools
Identity Politics and Paraphilias: Impact & Transgenders
As with many topics, identity politics can be approached on any number of levels, such as intellectual, spiritual, and emotional.
Yet, too few Americans actually talk about what we’re really talking about when the subject of the “LGBT community”/identity politics comes up. LGBT represents only four letters — thus, 4 identities.
What are the terms of this expanding identity politics phenomenon, and what is the long range impact going to be on our society and culture? What is the nature of human identity, and has God had something to say about it? What’s the proper response to those with deep …