Abortionist Works on Bicep Strength to Extract Those Darn Baby Heads

The Center for Medical Progress has released a disturbing new video in which David Daleiden interviews abortionist/obstetrician Dr. DeShawn Taylor who used to kill humans in the womb for Planned Parenthood but started her own abattoir in Arizona in 2013. Taylor is also a member of NARAL Pro-Choice Arizona and the National Abortion Federation Society of Family Planning.

The occasion of Daleiden’s conversation with fetus-killer Taylor was the swanky George Tiller Memorial Networking Reception co-sponsored by Planned Parenthood and the Society of Family Planning. The emcee for the evening’s festivities was none other than wine-swilling, salad-munching abortionist Deborah Nucatola.

Yep, the infamous late-term abortionist George Tiller is honored by abortionists everywhere.

Starting at 20 weeks gestation, Dr. Taylor uses digoxin to stop babies’ hearts:

So the thing is…it’s really an issue because in Arizona, if the fetus comes out with any signs of life, we’re supposed to transport it to the hospital.

Taylor injects the hearts of humans in the womb with digoxin to ensure she kills it. She definitely does not want to have to transport a living “fetus” to a hospital. Since Taylor is a stickler for technical language, she is likely familiar with Planned Parenthood’s definition of “fetus”:

The organism that develops from the embryo at the end of about eight weeks of pregnancy…and receives nourishment through the placenta.

A human that has exited a woman’s body is no longer being nourished through a placenta and, therefore, is no longer a “fetus” even by Planned Parenthood’s definition. It’s finally a baby.

When asked whether there is “any standard procedure for verifying signs of life,” Taylor offered this odd response:

The key is you need to pay attention to who’s in the room….because the law states that you’re not supposed to do any maneuvers after the fact [i.e., after delivery] to cause [fetal] demise. So, it’s really tricky….So most of the time we do [digoxin], and it usually works.

Well, she didn’t answer the question but she did make clear that the tricky business of ensuring death in the womb is solved by the use of digoxin. Here’s how digoxin works:

To help ensure the baby will be delivered dead and not alive, the abortionist uses a large needle to inject digoxin or potassium chloride through the woman’s abdomen or vagina, targeting the baby’s heart, torso, or head. When the digoxin takes effect, the lethal dose causes a fatal cardiac arrest, and the baby’s life will end. (Even if the needle misses the baby, digoxin can still kill the baby when released into the amniotic sack, but will usually take longer to kill the child.)

Taylor kills fetuses up to 24 weeks gestation. At 24 weeks gestation, these tiny humans are about 11 ½ inches long and weigh about 1 ½ lbs. They have ears, eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes, fingers with unique fingerprints, toes, female or male genitalia, brains, and functioning organs including pumping hearts.

After explaining that most of the abortions she performs are elective abortions, Taylor shares this grotesque and euphemistically clinical description of her “technique” for killing small humans:

My technique is a disarticulation technique.

For those who wonder what the heck a “disarticulation technique” is, it’s the dismemberment of the tiny human. Feticidal physician Taylor goes on to explain why she uses the dismemberment technique:

It’s not a matter of how I feel about it coming out intact…but I got to worry about my staff, and people’s feelings about it coming out looking like a baby.

It’s so weird that fetuses could come out looking like babies. I mean, “progressives” keep telling everyone that the humans growing inside women are definitely not babies. I guess if their little heads are crushed—I mean, if their calvaria are “compressed,” they probably do look less like babies and less like fetuses. They probably look more like the bloody messes we see in movies about sociopathic killers.

Taylor says the conservatism of Arizona mitigates against her delivering an intact human:

Arizona is so conservative, I just don’t even want to send a full fetus to, for cremation or any of that.

Some may be beginning to think that nothing bothers the seared conscience and sensibilities of Taylor, but they would be wrong.  She complains about her “people who do the paper work for the fetal death certificates” for the humans whose heartbeats Taylor stops:

They email us calling them “babies.” “Baby” this. “Baby” that. “Baby” so-and-so. And I’m like, that’s creepy.

In the dystopian world of morally-untethered womb-killing, injecting the developing bodies of defenseless humans with digoxin to stop their hearts and “disarticulating” their bodies so as to assuage the feelings of her staff are not creepy, but referring to these tiny humans as “babies” is creepy.

Taylor’s chosen profession as a baby killer feticide specialist involves manifold inconveniences for her. Not only does Taylor have to worry about the feelings of her staff when confronted with a fetus that looks surprisingly like a baby and deal with “creepy” descriptions of tiny humans as “babies,” but she also has to exercise to perform her job:

I have to tell you anecdotally, my biceps appreciate it when the [digoxin] works. It does not take me any longer to complete the procedure [when the digoxin doesn’t work], but it takes more force….I remember when I was…training, I was like, oh, I have to hit the gym for this.

Taylor explains that even when babies are in breech positions (i.e., feet first), which is the easiest position for abortionists, those darn baby heads—or calvaria as abortionists prefer to call them—still pose a delivery problem:

Breech makes it a lot easier…but there’s still going to have to be some decompression of the calvarium for it to come out.

“Progressives” affirm a non-existent moral “right” to crush babies’ skulls, inject babies’ hearts with digoxin, and dismember babies’ bodies, and they call it “choice.” To add insult to the injury and sanitized evil done to millions and millions of babies, we subsidize this barbarism.

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Details on Tonight’s Pro-Late-Term Abortion Documentary

For those who want to watch or record the pro-late-term abortion film After Tiller airing on PBS tonight, it’s being shown from 10:00-11:00 p.m. on WTTW. It’s being shown as part of PBS’s P.O.V. series, which airs documentaries with a “point of view.” (P.O.V.: After Tiller will be shown at 9:00 p.m. on WTVP-HD 47.1  in Central Illinois)

Here are links to clips that are labeled “classroom clips” on the PBS website:

How Far Does the Right to Protest Go?

Women Are the Experts On Their Own Lives

Serena’s Story

In a PBS interview, the two filmmakers, Lana Wilson and Martha Shane, falsely claim that the abortion debate is shaped by too heavy a focus on “abstract ideas.”  In reality, tireless pro-life advocates maintain a steadfast focus on the real effect of abortion on the real bodies of real babies.

While mentioning the “assassination” of George Tiller and seeking to humanize the four doctors who continue to assassinate full-term or nearly full-term babies, these Wilson and Shane seem to have little interest in humanizing the assassinated babies. They believe that if America hears the stories of women who have their full-term babies murdered, Americans will see how “complex” the issue is and viewing feticide more sympathetically.

In the interview, Shane says that many people don’t realize that third-trimester abortions are often performed because a fetal anomaly has been diagnosed late in a “wanted” pregnancy. She glibly offers physical imperfection as justification for murdering another human. If serious “anomalies” justify murder a week prior to birth, what is Shane’s justification for opposing infanticide on the day of birth if a serious “anomaly” is found?

During the interview, a clip is shown of a mother who had her son aborted due to serious genetic defects that would have resulted in a short life that involved many medical interventions. In a grotesquely euphemized description of his murder, the grief-stricken mother says, “It was really important that he had somewhat of a dignified birth.” Murdering an innocent baby by inducing a massive heart attack and crushing his skull is the very antithesis of a “dignified birth.” Civilized, compassionate humans do not murder other humans even to prevent suffering.

Over the weekend, this comment was left on the IFI Facebook page which offers a different view on the “complexity” of late-term abortion:

It’s frustrating when people characterize an ethical issue as “complex” when they actually mean the circumstances surrounding the issue are difficult. The ethics of late-term abortion are not complex. The mothers often face difficult circumstances and may indeed feel ambivalence about their choices, but the morality of the act is not complex, as though we can’t figure out what right and wrong looks like in such a situation.

Here’s a novel idea: divide air time according to the degree of suffering experienced by the person: so, a few minutes interviewing the doctor who is concerned for their life, a few minutes interviewing women who find themselves pregnant without money or support, and then hours of footage of babies ripped apart and thrown in biohazard bags like some cancerous tumors.

Take ACTION:  This film is being shown on PBS, which is funded in part by taxpayer money. There are two things you can do:

  1. Click HERE to contact our U.S. Senators and your U.S. Representatives and ask them to oppose government funding of PBS. Yes, there is programming of value on PBS, and PBS can continue to solicit donations from the public.
  1. Click HERE to contact PBS Ombudsman Michael Getler to demand equal time to air a film that challenges the ideas cloaked in demagoguery in After Tiller and humanizes the tiny human victims of late-term abortions.  You can also call PBS at (703) 739-5000.

Pictured above, late-term abortionists:  LeRoy Carhart, Warren Hern, Susan Robinson and Shelley Sella at the premier of After Tiller at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival

 Faith, Family and Freedom Banquet
With Eric Metaxas on Sept. 19th!


PBS’ Labor Day Special on Late-Term Abortion

Correction: In an earlier version of this article, I used the terms “late-term” abortion and “partial-birth” abortion interchangeably. While a partial-birth abortion is a late-term abortion, not all late-term abortions are considered partial-birth abortions, which were banned in 2003. As long as a baby is murdered prior to delivery, it’s not considered a partial-birth abortion. I apologize for the error.


In honor of Labor Day, the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is showing the documentary After Tiller that follows America’s  four remaining late-term abortionists as they seek to “help” women by murdering their full-term or nearly full-term babies.

The film interviews Leroy Carhart, Warren Hern, Susan Robinson, and lesbian Shelley Sella (whose “wife” is ironically a certified midwife).

Here’s an excerpt from PBS’ description of the film with manipulative, non-neutral rhetoric highlighted:

After Tiller is a portrait of the four doctors in the United States still openly performing third-trimester abortions in the wake of the 2009 assassination of Dr. George Tiller in Wichita, Kansas — and in the face of intense protest from abortion opponents. It is also an examination of the reasons women seek late abortions. The film presents the complexities of these women’s difficult decisions and the compassion and ethical dilemmas of the doctors and staff who fear for their own lives as they treat their patients.

After Tiller…weaves together revealing, in-depth interviews with the physicians and intimate vérité scenes both from their lives outside their clinics and the time they spend in their clinics, counseling and caring for their anxious, vulnerable patients at profoundly important crossroads in their lives. For all these doctors, the memory of Dr. Tiller remains a constant presence, serving both as an inspiration to persevere and a warning of the risks they take by doing so.

[F]ilmmakers Martha Shane and Lana Wilson…decided to go inside the lives of the last four doctors performing third-trimester abortions in America…. “We discovered that they recognized the moral and ethical complexity of doing this work better than anyone. In fact, they struggle with the issues at the heart of this debate every day.

The patients…were racked with guilt, sadness, anger and even ambivalence. The reason so many patients agreed to participate in the film is because they never thought they would end up in such a desperate situation and they saw that only if they shared their stories could anyone possibly understand it.

Under the film’s segment subtitled “A Profession Under Attack,” we hear a doctor saying, “I got five shots fired through the front windows of my office. Many, many times I felt so alone,” (while showing him helping his young adopted son with his homework), and “When I walk out the door, I expect to be assassinated,” and “They said I was an abomination that should be driven from the state.” Violence perpetrated by lawless vigilantes must be deplored, but the experience of threats and “feeling so alone” pale in significance when compared to the unjustifiable evil of their actions.

Another segment is subtitled “And the People Who Risk Everything.” There is no nobility and nothing admirable about risking everything in the service of incomprehensible savagery—not even legalized, sanitized, and rationalized savagery.

In the segment subtitled “No Matter What the Cost,” one of the doctors says, “If I just give up and stop doing anything after twenty weeks, some women may get desperate and do things on their own. This is something that needs to be done.” But women who choose to “do things on their own” would be choosing. The babies whose murders these doctors rationalize have no choice. And no woman will choose to have her skull punctured, her brain partially sucked out, and skull collapsed. Nor will they choose to be injected with medication that will induce a massive heart attack. True compassion does not entail the grotesque, inhumane slaughter of innocents.

One doctor asks, “What drives women to seek third-trimester abortions? Unless people understand what’s going on for the woman, it’s impossible to support it.” Yes, this late-term abortionist actually said it. She believes that  the ends justify the means—any means, including the barbaric killing of babies capable of feeling pain and surviving outside the treacherous waters of the womb.

After Tiller includes a tearful confession from a very pregnant mother who is going to have her late-term baby aborted. The licensed professional killer (aka Dr. Sella) is seen nodding sympathetically with furrowed brows. The woman says, “It’s guilt no matter which way you go. Guilt if you go ahead and do what we’re doing. Or go ahead and bring him into this world and then he doesn’t have any quality of life.” And one of the doctors complains that  “Sometimes it’s been hard for me to feel like I could continue.” I guess the message here is that a sufficient degree of guilt covers a multitude of evils.

In the 1930’s one of the Nazi attempts to efface, dilute or diminish the onus of moral offense which they bore was to twist grotesquely the concept of suffering. In order to mitigate or obfuscate their guilt, some former Nazis emphasized their profound suffering at having to perform their unpleasant duties.* Hannah Arendt explains, “The trick used by Himmler…was very simple and probably very effective: it consisted in turning these instincts around . . . in directing them toward the self…in saying…how heavily the task weighed upon my shoulders!”

Similarly, abortion advocates emphasize the profound suffering women experience prior to, during, and sometimes following their abortions. I do not mean to suggest that the suffering is manufactured, nor do I wish to diminish the intensity of the suffering. Rather, I’m suggesting that the focus on the suffering of women who choose abortion has strategic implications.

Suffering comes to serve an exculpatory function in regard to the moral implications of the act of abortion. Because the woman suffers, the moral offense is reduced. Although this emphasis on suffering is not an admission of guilt, it serves a similar function of cultivating a sympathetic response in one’s audience through an open acknowledgment of the moral gravity of one’s actions. It is difficult to explain, however, why a morally neutral “choice,” one so devoid of moral implications as to render it impervious to legal regulation, would cause such profound suffering.  One especially wonders at the gullibility of the American people.

We fallen, weak, and myopic humans have no business killing other humans based on our limited perspective and often wrong prognostications about the potential quality of their future lives.

A necessary word about guilt: Guilt is not a bad thing. Guilt properly ordered helps keep humans civilized. It is the head and heart mechanism that tells us when we are acting within the bounds of decency, civility, and moral uprightness. Without guilt, humans become hedonists and sociopaths.

When our friends and loved ones struggle with life’s inevitable challenges, we should help them through their dark days, so that they do not in their darkness commit evil acts.

The film quotes The Hollywood Reporter: “After Tiller provides insight into a heartwrenching and complex reality.” Does it really? Does it show an  actual late-term abortion procedure? Does it show the tiny arms, legs, and tummies of murdered babies just outside the birth canal? Does it show the doctors injecting poison into preborn, full-term babies or jabbing their torturous instruments into the heads of babies and crushing them, so they can slip more easily from the birth canal? Does it show the babies immediately after they have been delivered, with what’s left of their brains oozing out of flaccid bodies? Is this part of the heartwrenching complexity shown in After Tiller?

Here’s something that is really heartwrenching: partial-birth abortion VIDEO (**WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC**). No woman’s circumstances justify this—none. And is it really any more justifiable to poison a full-term baby or induce cardiac arrest one day before crushing its skull and delivering it?

Take ACTION:  This film is being shown on PBS, which is funded in part by taxpayer money. There are two things you can do:

  1. Click HERE to contact our U.S. Senators and your U.S. Representatives and ask them to oppose government funding of PBS. Yes, there is programming of value on PBS, and PBS can continue to solicit donations from the public.
  1. Click HERE to contact PBS Ombudsman Michael Getler to demand equal time to air a film that challenges the ideas cloaked in demagoguery in After Tiller and humanizes the tiny human victims of late-term abortions.  You can also call PBS at (703) 739-5000.

* What has come to be called Godwin’s law is often invoked to discredit comparisons to events of the Nazi era without having to address the substance of the comparison. What the source, attorney Michael Godwin, actually said, however, is that “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches.” Godwin never intended to silence all comparisons to issues related to the Holocaust or to suggest that all such comparisons are unsound.

 Faith, Family and Freedom Banquet
With Eric Metaxas on Sept. 19th!


ACLU & Hope Abortion Clinic Target Illinois Parental-Notification Law

The ACLU has filed a lawsuit on behalf of Dr. Allison Cowett and Hope Clinic for Women Ltd. to stop Illinois’ parental notification law from taking effect on Nov. 3, 2009. This law requires that minor girls under the age of 18 notify their parents prior to an abortion and wait 48 hours. Note that this is merely a parentalnotification law– not a parental consent law. In addition, Illinois, like all 34 other states that have parental notification laws, has a judicial bypass option available to girls. In addition, girls can bypass parental notification in an emergency situation or if they are willing to declare in writing that they were raped.

According to a Chicago Tribune article, Dr. Allison Cowett and the Hope Clinic claim that “the notification law would harm minors by preventing them from obtaining safe abortions or force them to carry their pregnancies to term.” This is an ironic claim coming from a clinic that is being sued for a botched abortion that left a now 20-year-old woman sterile. According to LifeNews.com, “Antoinette Blanton, who is 20, filed a $50,000 against the abortion center saying the failed March 2006 abortion caused her to be sterile. According to the lawsuit, abortion practitioner Allen S. Palmer, of Bridgeton, failed to remove the entire unborn child during the abortion procedure.” 

Dr. Cowett, a committed pro-abortion advocate, and the Hope Clinic further claim that “Others (minor girls) will be beaten or thrown out of their homes when their parents learn of their pregnancy and planned abortion.” But the judicial bypass option is available to any girl who fears such a response. It hardly seems fair to deny all loving, compassionate parents a right to help their daughters make a decision regarding major surgery that carries both serious physical risks and potentially long-term emotional consequences because some girls may choose not to avail themselves of the judicial bypass option.

Dr. Cowett is an assistant professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago and director of the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Center of Reproductive Health. Her research “focuses on abortion in the 2nd trimester, factors affecting women’s contraceptive choices, and access to family planning services.” According to her biography, she is “active in community-wide efforts to forward a legislative agenda that champion’s women’s reproductive freedom.” Apparently, she wants to champion teenage girl’s right to kill even younger pre-born girls through both legislative and judicial means.

And she’s willing to forge an unholy alliance with a clinic that has long been criticized by pro-life warriors for myriad offenses against humanity and sound medical practice. Retired ob-gyn nurse Angela Michael and her husband Daniel have been struggling mightily for seventeen long years to expose the nefarious deeds of the grossly misnamed “Hope” Clinic. According to Mrs. Michael, approximately 80 percent of abortions come from across state lines which suggests that most of the abortions are performed on minor girls. Illinois has long been the Midwest’s abortion mecca for underage girls, since all of the surrounding states have parental notification laws. The Hope Clinic is just a hop, skip, and short car ride from Missouri where underage girls would need to notify their parents prior to procuring an abortion. To learn more about the Hope Clinic, peruse Angela and Daniel Michael’s website Small Victories Ministries.

At least as troubling is that Hope Clinic performs the utterly barbaric practice of late-term abortions. Dr. Yogendra Shah is the George Tiller of Hope Clinic. According to the Thomas More Society in Chicago “Shah is perhaps the Midwest’s most wicked abortionist. He’s the notorious serial killer who once clogged the municipal sewer system with the arms, legs, rib cages, and heads of aborted babies. Municipal officials were shocked. They traced the body parts to Shah’s ghastly abortion mill, the so-called “Hope Clinic for Women” in Granite City, Illinois . . . he kills about 10,000 babies a year. No wonder he can afford an expensive watch and a Mercedes and a Lexus.” This is the same man who “tried to run Daniel over. . .And then. . . glared at Angela. . . and shouted, ‘Die, Angela, Die!'”

One can’t help but wonder if the chief concern of doctors at Hope Clinic is really the health and safety of underage girls. Someone needs to look into how much money teen abortions generate for the Hope Clinic. 

And we all need to pray fervently for two things: first, that the ACLU, Dr. Allison Cowett, and Hope Clinic lose their lawsuit, and second, that the Hope abattoir closes its blood-stained doors forever.