Tag Archives: Glenbard South High School


Suburban High School Principal Politicizes and Ruins Graduation

This past Saturday May 22,2021, the retiring principal of Glenbard South High School in Glen Ellyn, Illinois decided to ruin the graduation ceremony of seniors by using it to express her political views. Principal Sandra Coughlin led the families and students in the Pledge of Allegiance but notably omitted the words “of the United States of America” and “under God,” generating audible outrage from the attendees and creating division in what should have been a time of unity and joy.
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Should Public School Teachers Participate in World Hijab Day

February 1, 2013 marked the first annual World Hijab Day, which was started by Nazma Khan, who emigrated from Bangladesh to the U.S. when she was 11-years-old.... On World Hijab Day, non-Muslim women and non-hijabi Muslims (i.e., Muslim women who don’t wear hijabs) are urged to wear a hijab for a day “in recognition of millions of Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab and live a life of modesty.”
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