PragerU and Chris Rufo Celebrate Gay Libertarian Dave Rubin’s Purchase of Two Babies

PragerU, Christopher Rufo, and Blaze TV publicly congratulated Dave Rubin and the man to whom he is legally married on the impending births of two babies via two surrogates. With friends like that, conservatives don’t need enemies.

They’re not alone. Matt Whitlock, senior advisor for communications and digital at the National Republican Senatorial Committee and volunteer faculty member at the Leadership Institute, which “teaches conservatives of all ages how to succeed in politics, government, and the media,” also congratulated Rubin.

And both Meghan McCain and Megyn Kelly enthusiastically congratulated Rubin and his faux-husband. That’s not surprising in that both women are long-time enthusiastic activists for the cause of normalizing homosexuality. While no one will be surprised by their “LGBTQ” “progressivism,” we should be troubled because McCain identifies as a Republican and “lifelong conservative,” and Kelly identifies as a Catholic. Conservatives ought not be indifferent to the presence of “LGBTQ” collaborators within the GOP or the church. They are corrupting both the Republican Party and the church from within.

How many leaders in the GOP, Republican members of Congress, or members of the pundit class who identify as conservative are willing to say that no one is entitled to a baby?

How many will say babies are not commodities? How many will say genetic material ought not be bought and sold?

How many will say babies deserve and have a right to both a mother and a father, preferably the man and woman who produced them?

Who will say publicly that it’s wrong for women to rent out their bodies, and it’s wrong for anyone to pay women for the use of their bodies for the illicit project of gestating a baby?

Who in the GOP will say that if two men (or women) reject true marriage in favor of a naturally—that is, by design—non-reproductive relationship, they should live with the consequences? Sodomy is not equivalent to sexually complementary intercourse. And by design, sodomitic mimicry of intercourse is non-reproductive. All efforts to mimic intercourse and to obtain the fruit of such unions–including shopping for eggs as Rubin shared he did–by homosexuals are morally repugnant and selfish.

While the desire to procreate is natural and good, it is unnatural and evil to reject the procreative act as ordained by God for marriage and then demand its fruits.

In describing his exit from the Democrat Party, Dave Rubin has in the past cited the intolerance of the left as his reason. With some true conservative Twitter commenters criticizing Rubin’s selfish pursuit of his own desires at the expense of the needs of the children he is acquiring, some leftists are suggesting that such criticism reveals the intolerance of conservatives. Evidently, they don’t understand the meaning of “tolerance” or the claims of conservatives.

First, tolerance refers to enduring or putting up with something one finds objectionable. Tolerance does not mean affirmation, approval, or celebration.

Second, membership in the GOP or in the kingdom of God necessarily entails holding principled convictions. Both groups hold principled views on what constitutes the good. They hold views on which acts should be prescribed or proscribed, tolerated or not tolerated, celebrated or denounced. While Christians and conservatives must forbear the expression of the view that homosexuals make “good parents,” we are entitled to say—and should say—that children need, want, and deserve a mother and father.

While all children are blessings to those who raise them, not all family structures are blessings to children. Being a kind, loving person is necessary but not alone sufficient to be a good parent. Being able to provide materially for a child is necessary but not alone sufficient to be a good parent. Choosing to embrace a homosexual identity, choosing a person of the same sex as an erotic/romantic partner makes one a poor parent notwithstanding any admirable qualities.

If all that were necessary and sufficient to make a good parent were the ability to love and provide materially for a child, then society should affirm sibling unions. And to be logically and morally consistent, anyone who celebrates the purchase of two babies by not-in-reality-married Dave Rubin should celebrate the purchase of babies by close-kin lovers.

Those who claim to be Republican or conservative and either celebrate Dave Rubin’s baby acquisitions or refuse to criticize his actions are harming the GOP, the conservative movement, the church, children, and America.

Cultural commentator Allie Beth Stuckey once said, “if conservatives aren’t willing to conserve the most fundamental fact of life—the reality of male and female—then we’re not conserving anything.” The same goes for the most fundamental natural institution: the nuclear family, central to which is a mother and father.

If conservatives don’t stand boldly and perseveringly for true marriage and the rights of children, choosing instead cowardly or foolish genuflection to Log Cabin Republicans and Republicans obsessed with fiscal matters, the GOP will become unworthy of support.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


Is Prodigal GOP Inching Home?

I’m a Bible-believing Christian first, a conservative second and, sometimes, with rapidly dwindling frequency, a Republican third (but only when the Grand Old Party is behaving itself).

Although the GOP’s RINO establishment still controls its legislative reins, I’m mildly encouraged by some recent developments at the Republican National Committee (RNC) level. It seems that under the leadership of Chairman Reince Priebus, the party is moving – at least to some degree – back toward its historical conservative platform moorings.

It’s a popular refrain among “moderate” Republicans and libertine libertarians that the GOP “must give up the fight on ‘social issues’” (i.e., gun rights, religious freedom, protecting life and defending legitimate marriage and the natural family).

If the GOP follows through and abandons these transcendent conservative values, it’s done once and for all. The Republican Party had better run, not walk, back toward these conservative platform principles; otherwise Democrats will rule in perpetuity. The “progressive” juggernaut will finish off an America it has already maimed beyond recognition.

As I’ve noted before, Ronald Reagan often spoke of a “three-legged stool” that undergirds what I call “complete conservatism.” The legs symbolize a strong national defense, strong free-market principles and strong traditional social values. For the stool to remain upright, it must be supported by all three legs. If you snap off even one leg, the stool collapses under its own weight.

A Republican, for instance, who is conservative on social and national defense issues but liberal on fiscal issues is not a complete conservative. He is a quasi-conservative socialist.

A Republican who is conservative on fiscal and social issues but liberal on national defense issues is not a complete conservative. He is a quasi-conservative dove.

By the same token, a Republican who is conservative on fiscal and national defense issues but liberal on social issue – such as abortion, homosexual activism or the Second Amendment – is not a complete conservative. He is a socio-liberal libertarian.

Karl Rove represents the embodiment of this kind of mushy moderate false pragmatism – a Democrat-lite mindset embraced by the GOP’s socio-liberal establishment. If you run into Karl and his ilk, don’t forget to thank them for President Bob Dole, President John McCain and President Mitt Romney.

Indeed, if the Republican Party ever hopes to occupy the Oval Office again, it’s going to have to nominate a complete conservative and adopt a legislative agenda that reflects the values shared by the tens-of-millions who make up the GOP’s complete conservative base. I don’t mean by simply paying empty lip service either. I mean through unwavering legislative practice.

As Mitt Romney might tell you, if the base ain’t fired up, the base ain’t going to the polls.

In 2012, the GOP approved a platform that, at least in writing, re-established a firm position on – as they say – “guns, ‘gays’ and abortion.” It’s now time for the Republican Party to stand firm atop that platform. As a complete conservative who shudders at the thought of a President Hillary Clinton, I’m cautiously optimistic that some in leadership are beginning to scale the platform once more. The RNC, under Priebus, has recently taken steps that seem to indicate the message of the GOP’s majority base is finally getting through.

For example, the Washington Times recently reported: “In an unprecedented show of opposition to abortion, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus is delaying the start of the party’s annual winter meeting so he and other committee members can join the (Jan. 22) March for Life on the Mall. …”

“‘I saw that there was a real interest among a significant portion of our members to attend and support the Rally for Life,’ Mr. Priebus said in an email to the Times. ‘This is a core principle of our party. It was natural for me to support our members and our principles,’” he said.

Moreover, this past Thursday was National Religious Freedom Day. In recent years we’ve seen religious freedom under attack at unprecedented levels through things like the HHS abortion mandate, so-called “gay marriage” and “sexual orientation” laws that target religious business owners. The RNC released the following statement indicating that the GOP intends to defend religious freedom:

“Today we celebrate National Religious Freedom Day and honor the vision of our founders, who ensured every American would have the right to ‘the free exercise’ of his or her faith. As a party, Republicans are committed to preserving and defending the protections enshrined in the First Amendment so that future generations will always enjoy religious freedom in America.”

This move back toward the GOP’s conservative platform has made some socio-liberal Republicans unhappy. In fact, it recently drove homosexual RINO Jimmy LaSalvia, the founder of GOProud, a tiny “gay activist” outfit, to announce that he was defecting from the party.

LaSalvia told Time magazine that, “he could no longer take his own party’s refusal to stand up to bigotry: he was leaving the Republican Party and had registered as an Independent.”

By refusing to “stand up to bigotry,” of course, LaSalvia, like all “gay” activists, means that he can no longer abide the Republican platform’s support for religious freedom and pro-family values.

LaSalvia’s frustration and defection bode well for the Republican Party in general. It means that the GOP is moving slowly – ever so slowly – back toward its conservative roots. This is good news indeed. The more conservative this prodigal GOP becomes; the more successful it will be going forward.

Keep it up, Mr. Priebus, and in November your base just might grill up the fatted calf.

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