Tag Archives: Greta Thunberg


When Economic Progress Is Madness: Dangers of Greta’s Radical Climatism

Greta Thunberg, in her latest opinion column for The Guardian, has called for an end to today’s business as usual. She believes current economic activity is a crime against humanity as it increases the global warming rate.

As a citizen of a developing country, I protest!
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The Religion of Climate Change and the New Doomsday Scenario

When I came to faith as a 16-year-old, drug-using, hippie rock drummer, I was told that Jesus was returning very soon. The end of the world was near. Very near. Today, there is a new religious narrative, especially among young people, with a new “end of the world” scenario. But this one is depressing and grim, with nothing redemptive about it.
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Imagine A Revision of Greta Thunberg’s Screed

Buzzfeed has an article about social media attacks on the tweens and teens whom Leftist adults are exploiting as shields by allowing these children to lead the climate change charge.

Since every adult knows what a poisonous and malevolent force social media is, why are these kids’ parents allowing them to be exploited by Leftists, thereby becoming social media targets? If Silicon Valley parents and conservative parents can keep their kids from having smart phones, iPads, and social media accounts, can’t Greta Thunberg’s parents keep her from traveling across the ocean to thunder at adults at the U.N.?

The article …

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