Tag Archives: Gun Control


Men Without Chests

It is simple: good people don't commit murder. Murderers do!  Multiple mass shootings over the last few years, and especially recently, have caused a great sense of frustration among citizens, yet the only message coming from some politicians is about reducing the number of guns in society. They never address the fundamental issue which is that guns in the hands of good people never cause a problem, and in fact often save lives. Yet law abiding citizens are always the target of Leftists’ gun control laws. 
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Gun Control Won’t Work

In 2016, there were 11,004 gun homicides in the United States, Additionally, 10,497 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. Why do leftists demonize guns but are silent when it comes to alcohol’s role in DUI deaths?

Some big government types want new legislation severely restricting gun purchases. But it won’t work.

On August 12th, a convicted felon walked into the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center in Chicago and open fired with a rifle; that same day in California, a convicted felon shot and killed a Highway Patrol Officer; and on August 14th, another convicted felon with an extensive criminal …

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Fort Hood, Gun-Free Zones and ‘Progressive’ Insanity

They say that lightning never strikes twice in the same place. Not true. It does if you stand high atop a cliff’s edge waving a lightning rod above your head during a thunderstorm. In fact, in the unlikely event you survive the first strike, it’ll keep right on striking until you climb down.

So-called “gun-free zones” are lightning rods for mass murder. It’s time we climbed down from the cliff’s edge.

America mourns yet another needless and preventable mass shooting at Fort Hood, Texas. When will gun-grabbing liberals learn?

In a blunt and provocatively titled, though well-reasoned post, submitted …

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