Gov. Rauner Endorses Falsified Birth Certificates, Abandons Ethics and Science

Left-leaning Governor Bruce Rauner just signed HB 1785 into law, making it even easier than it already is for men and women who pretend to be the opposite sex to acquire falsified birth certificates. HB 1785 passed the Illinois House by a vote of 63-32 on May 25th and was then passed in the Illinois Senate by a vote of 32-22 on the last regular day of session, May 31st.

Gender-pretenders can now acquire birth certificates that falsely identify them as the sex they are not and that falsely state that this identification happened at birth, which it did not.

In signing this absurd and culturally destructive Leftist bill into law, Rauner has reaffirmed what many Illinoisans already know: He doesn’t care about even profoundly important cultural issues that are not directly fiscal matters. In so doing, he also reveals his ignorance.

For decades Illinois has allowed men and women who impersonate the opposite sex to obtain falsified birth certificates by offering proof that they had had surgery—surgery that actually did not change their sex. But now, thanks to “Republican” Governor Rauner, those who renounce their biological sex will be allowed to acquire falsified birth certificates based on nothing more than the word of a mental health “professional” that they’ve been “appropriately” treated. This is both an ethical and political outrage.

Birth certificates are legal and historical documents that record an event that took place at a moment in time. They document the sex of humans as identified by doctors at the moment of their births. With the rare exception of those persons born with intersex disorders, birth certificates accurately record the sex of humans which never changes. Doctors do not assign or impose “genders” on newborns. Doctors identify their sex—which, again, never changes.

The “trans” cult is not merely seeking to enjoin the law to falsify legal and historical documents. In the dystopian wonderland in which “trans” cultists live and move and have their imaginary being, they are redefining “birth certificate.” Without any public discussion, the “trans” cult is surreptitiously seeking to change what birth certificates are and do. “Trans” cultists are implicitly arguing that birth certificates no longer document an objective historical event, and they no longer record an objective fact of human existence.

In the science-denying cultic world that biological-sex rejecters are creating, “birth certificates” are error-ridden, manipulable documents that record the whimsical guesses of authoritarian doctors who prognosticate and then impose “socially constructed arbitrary behaviors, conventions, and expectations” (i.e., “gender” as defined by Leftists) on newborns.

And Rauner has bought these absurdist notions hook, line, and sinker.

Or has he? Does he really believe such absurd notions or does he just not care enough about science, history, legal ethics, and the meaning of objective, immutable biological sex to take a stand?

Either way, his actions signify how foolish he is. This is just one more incremental step in the march toward the eradication of public recognition of sex differences everywhere for everyone, which Rauner seems to view as a public good.

Well, now that “transgender” persons can obtain falsified birth certificates based on their subjective, internal desire to be the opposite sex, there remains no rational reason to prohibit “trans-aged” persons from obtaining falsified birth certificates that reflect their deeply felt, authentic ages.

It’s a brave new world into which we are—with little resistance—being dragged. It’s also craven, depraved, and irrational.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


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Laurie Higgins Interviewed about LGBTQIA and ‘Trans’ Ideology

Are you ready for the “greatest cultural revolution in history?”

IFI’s Laurie Higgins was recently interviewed by both John Mauck of Mauck & Baker, LLC, and by Mark Elfstand on his “Let’s Talk” show.  Both programs are on WYLL radio (1160 AM), and can be heard throughout most of the state.

Lawyers for Jesus

In the first interview for a recording of “Lawyers for Jesus Radio,” attorney John Mauck discussed governmental policies regarding LGBTQIA ideology. The conversation began with a discussion of Higgins’ article The “Trans” Ideology Damages Children. In it, Higgins writes:

Social conventions reflect and reinforce the good architecture of sexually differentiated human life. Social conventions for men and women were not created out of whole cloth or manufactured from the fertile imaginations of patriarchal oppressors. They emerged from human nature.

The conversation covers topics such as the mental and physical health risks of hormone therapy or surgery to help a person pretend he’s a she, or she’s a he.

Also discussed is HB 1785, that will make it legal to falsify a birth certificate. That bill is currently on Governor Bruce Rauner’s desk. The interview gave time to the topic of the absurdity of “gender fluidity,” the end game of those pushing for gender ideology, and a call to action.  Listen to it here:

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/338878069″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”50%” height=”100″ iframe=”true” /]


Let’s Talk!

In the most recent interview by Mark Elfstand, he deftly covered a variety of issues in about ten minutes.

He began by asking about the article Higgins penned Christians Must Exit Government Schools where she writes:

Christian parents charged by God to train up their children in the way they should go have no biblical warrant for placing their children all day, all year in schools that refuse to recognize the immutability and profound meaning of sexual differentiation, particularly as it relates to modesty and privacy.

Since few Christian parents or teachers are doing anything to counter the advance of Leftist gender ideology, Higgins said, parents have to get their kids out of schools that “teach them that to be loving, compassionate, and inclusive, they must lie by calling gender-pretending peers by opposite-sex pronouns, and they must be willing to relinquish their privacy.”

Other topics and articles discussed include the reaction to the above article, including an exchange Laurie Higgins had with people at the Chicago Tribune. Also touched on was the morally bankrupt Southern Poverty Law Center including IFI among its list of “hate groups.”

Check it out:

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/337838575″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”80%” height=”100″ iframe=”true” /]

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Illinois Senate Approves Transgender Birth Certificates — Contact Gov. Rauner!

HB 1785 passed in the Illinois State Senate by a vote of 32-22.
Please call the governor!

HB 1785 passed last week in the House by a vote of 63-32 and late Wednesday it passed in the Illinois Senate by a vote of 32-22.

HB 1785 will allow gender-dysphoric persons to falsify their birth certificates, which are both legal and historical documents. This will have consequences with regard to the relentless cultural assault on physical privacy through the sexual integration of previously sex-segregated spaces. Simply put, biologically intact men will have legal access to women’s restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, shelters, semi-private hospital rooms, nursing home rooms, and prisons.

Thirty votes are needed for passage in the Illinois Senate. This bill was passed along party lines without one Republican vote, and four Democrats not voting on this controversial proposal.  See the full roll-call below.

Now that it has passed in both chambers, it will be sent to Governor Bruce Rauner. Once he receives it, he will have 60 days to veto or sign it. If he does nothing, it automatically becomes law.

Take ACTION: Click Here to email Governor Bruce Rauner to urge him to veto HB 1785 and uphold birth certificates as the historical legal documents they were intended to be.

PLEASE ALSO CALL THE GOVERNOR’S OFFICE at (217) 782-0244 and/or (312) 814-2121.

The state of Illinois has no duty or right to be complicit in fraud by making it easier for men and women who wish they were the opposite sex to falsify their birth certificates, nor should Illinois public policy affirm deceit.

“Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
~Exodus 20:16~

How Did They Vote?

Birth Certificates and the Cultural Extinction of Biological Sex

Passing: when a person is objectively one sex but pretends to be a person of the opposite sex;
self-identification or acceptance as a member of the opposite sex.

Passer: one who passes

It’s clear from the number and nature of Facebook responses to IFI’s update on the passage of Illinois HB 1785 that many Illinoisans are passionately opposed to this bill which now moves to the Illinois Senate. HB 1785 is the bill that will make it even easier-peasier for men and women who seek to “pass” as the opposite sex to obtain fraudulent birth certificates

Illinois—so often on the cutting edge of all things feckless—was one of the earliest states in the country to allow sexual “passers” to obtain new birth certificates that certify a factual error.

For over 40 years now, sexual passers in Illinois have been able to have their birth certificates, which are historical documents, changed to certify that at birth they were identified as the sex they were never identified as. The sex that doctors identified them as at birth remains their sex forever. It may come as an unpleasant surprise to many, but there are only four states that do not permit sexual passers to change their birth certificates: Idaho, Kansas, Ohio, and Tennessee.

Ask a passer what his or her sex is. Don’t ask what their “gender” is. Don’t ask what they identify as. Don’t ask if they feel male or female. Ask what their objective sex is. I guarantee they know what it is, and they know it will never change.  “Caitlyn” Jenner, “Chaz” Bono, and “Jazz” Jennings know they have a sex, they know what it is, and they know it will never change. At birth, doctors identified their sex. Doctors do not “assign” or “designate” a baby’s “gender marker.” And except in the rare cases of babies born with intersex disorders, the sex identified at birth is correct.

As stated, at birth doctors identify the sex of babies, and birth certificates record it. Like “Newspeakers” in the dystopian novel 1984, passers exploit language to alter thought. Since they know their sex can never change, passers—who deem objective biological sex irrelevant—seek to erase any public acknowledgement of it everywhere. To get around that pesky problem of reality and science that make clear that humans have a sex and it cannot change, passers want to change the language on birth certificates from “sex” to “gender marker.”

In the service of compassion, inclusivity, justice, and intellectual consistency, we’re going to need to make several other reality-denying changes:

1.) We must allow those who identify as an age different from their objective age to have the birth-date marker on their birth certificate changed to reflect their internally felt age. We should allow those people who take youth-enhancing hormones, have cosmetic surgical procedures, and cross-age dress to change their birth-date markers to identify accurately their authentic age. Who would be harmed by allowing an 80-year-old woman to change the birth-date marker on her birth certificate to correspond to her authentic felt-age of 50? If society can affirm sexual passing, why not age passing?

2.) We must also affirm racial passing. It’s not merely irrational to permit sexual passing while prohibiting racial passing; It’s unjust. Poor Rachel Dolezal who identified and passed as black for years was publicly eviscerated for engaging in this far less radical form of passing than the form in which Bruce Jenner engages. Many “progressives” argue that race is a social construct as opposed to a biological reality, but either way, if Jenner is permitted to pass as a woman and have his legal documents changed to certify that factual error, then surely Dolezal and others of Northern European descent can do likewise. If all it takes for men to pass as women is a dab of lipstick, some hair extensions, an evening gown, and a proclamation about their internal authentic “gender” identity, then surely a spray tan, jheri-curl, a dashiki, and a proclamation about their internal, authentic racial identity should be sufficient for Caucasians to pass as blacks and have all legal documents attest to that falsehood. And if Jenner is allowed in women’s locker rooms, then surely Dolezal should be able to join the National Council of Negro Women.

3.) We must be inclusive too of those who experience Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), which is a mismatch between their objective fully functioning healthy bodies and their internal self-identification as, usually, amputees. “Transabled” persons should be able to obtain driver’s licenses that identify them as disabled and should be able to access all accommodations limited to use by disabled persons, including disabled parking permits. In addition, the medical community should be treating them appropriately, which means providing surgery to bring their bodies into alignment with their internal authentic sense of self. That is to say, disability passers should be able to access medical help in amputating limbs. Interestingly, after such amputations, they will in reality be amputees, unlike sexual passers who can never become the opposite sex. Finally, laws should be passed prohibiting the mental health community from engaging in any form of counseling other than “transable”-affirming counseling.

4.)Last but not least are the dimensional passers in our midst who are routinely marginalized. Since sexual passers can legally obtain falsified driver’s licenses, why are we not allowing those who identify internally as a height and/or weight different from their actual, factual height and weight to change the “dimensional markers” on their driver’s licenses? Objectively short high school girls who identify as tall girls should not be discriminated against based on their actual height. For example, why should girls who are 5’1” but identify as 5’10” be prohibited from applying for college scholarships from the Tall Club Foundation?

My hope and prayer is that conservatives will not allow their passion over this imbecilic and destructive bill to wane as they so often do. Some may think that because it’s already legal in Illinois for sexual passers to obtain falsified birth certificates, making it even easier is unimportant. They would be mistaken. To understand how important every little step in the march toward the cultural extinction of biological sex and the normalization of deviance is, just imagine how the community of sexual passers would respond if this bill were to fail.

Imagine Rumpelstiltskin on steroids.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send an email message to your state senator to ask him/her to reject HB 1785 and to uphold birth certificates as legal documents.  (Read more about this legislation HERE.)

Simply put, the state of Illinois has no duty or right to make it easier for men and women who wish they were the opposite sex to falsify their birth certificates. Vote NO to HB 1785!

Recent articles by Laurie Higgins:

Questions About Restrooms and Locker Rooms Leftists Must Answer

“Trans”-Cultism and Sex-Selection Abortions

Dove Ad Features Real Dad Pretending to Be Real Mom

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Transgender Birth Certificates Approved by Illinois House

Last Thursday afternoon, the Illinois House debated and passed HB 1785 – a highly controversial proposal that would make it significantly easier for gender-dysphoric persons to obtain fraudulent birth certificates. This bill passed by a vote of 63-32. See the full roll-call vote below.

Six Republican lawmakers voted with fifty-seven Democrats to approve deceptive birth certificates: Steve Andersson (Geneva), “Leader” Jim Durkin (Burr Ridge), Sara Jimenez (Springfield), David Olsen (Downers Grove), Bob Pritchard (Sycamore), & Grant Wehrli (Naperville).  If one of these lawmakers represent you and your family, you may want to ask him/her why he/she voted in favor of this kind of deception.

I guess truth doesn’t matter for legal documents in Illinois.

This bill now moves to the Illinois Senate for consideration.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send an email message to your state senator to ask him/her to reject HB 1785 and to uphold birth certificates as legal documents.

Simply put, the state of Illinois has no duty or right to make it easier for men and women who wish they were the opposite sex to falsify their birth certificates. Vote NO to HB 1785!


IFI’s Laurie Higgins wrote an article earlier this year about HB 1785. Here is a quick summary of Laurie’s take:

The absurdity and unscientific nature of the content of [H.B.—–] reveals the absurdity of the law it seeks to amend. This bill proposes to change a reference in the law from “sex change” to “change of sex designation.”

First, this change implicitly acknowledges the true fact that no one’s sex can change. Second, it demonstrates that birth certificates are being rendered meaningless. Birth certificates were intended as legal documents identifying objective birth facts. Gender-dysphoric men who were male at birth remain male. Gender-dysphoric women who were female at birth remain in perpetuity female.

“This is what our elected representatives waste their time and our taxes on,” Higgins writes, “making it ever easier for gender-dysphoric persons to pretend they are the opposite sex.”

There are many more issues related to this effort, and you can read more from Laurie Higgins here and here, and a fact-sheet titled “The Face of Gender Radicalism” here.

Again, legislators can be swamped with information — especially at this time of the year when more bills come to the floor for a vote. But your voice and action may be absolutely vital in persuading him/her to vote NO on Birth Certificate Fraud!

How did they vote?

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Legalizing Counterfeit Birth Certificates

Illinois House Committee Approves HB 1785
Falsified Birth Certificates

This morning, the Illinois House Human Services Committee held a hearing on a highly controversial proposal that would legalize fraud through the alteration of birth certificates by gender-dysphoric persons who wish to have the government reinforce their deceit.

The bill passed on a party line vote: 7 Democrats voted yea, while 4 Republicans voted no.

State Representative Greg Harris (D-Chicago), who represents a segment of Chicago’s gay community, is one of three openly homosexual members of the Illinois General Assembly and an LGBT activist, is once again pushing this deceit, as he did last session.

HB 1785 would amend the Vital Records Act to allow transgender Illinoisans to easily change their gender and name on their birth certificate. According to HB 1785, all that would be needed is for a licensed health care worker or mental health professional to issue a declaration that the gender dysphoric person has undergone “gender transition treatment,” which doesn’t necessarily include surgery.

Take ACTION:  Click HERE to send an email message to your state representative to ask him/her to reject HB 1785 and uphold birth certificates as legal documents.  The state of Illinois has no duty or right to make it easier for men and women who wish they were the opposite sex to falsify their birth certificates.  Ask your lawmaker to vote NO to the Birth Certificate Designation Act, HB 1785.

IFI’s Laurie Higgins‘ rightly pointed out in an article earlier this year:

[I]t’s critical to remember that cross-dressing, hormone-doping, and surgical mutilations do not turn males into females or vice versa. Compassion and a commitment to truth dictate that we must not treat students who take cross-sex hormones as if they are in reality the sex they are not.

And the government should never be required to participate in a science-denying fiction.

It is staggering to see a modern civilization snookered into accepting (or pretending to accept) the science-denying superstition that surgical tinkering and hormone-doping can turn a man into a woman or vice versa. The ordinary men and women behind the curtain promoting this superstition know full well that no human’s sex can change, so they had to invent new language to confuse and deceive…

Please take action today to let your state representative know what you think of this legislation.  The Capitol switchboard number is (217) 782-2000.

Please also note that this bill is cosponsored by State Representatives Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), Barbara Flynn Currie (D-Chicago), Will Guzzardi (D-Chicago), Emanuel Chris Welch (D-Westchester), Sam Yingling (D-Round Lake Beach), Cynthia Soto (D-Chicago), La Shawn Ford (D-Chicago), Silvana Tabares (D-Chicago), Ann Williams (D-Chicago), Carol Ammons (D-Champaign), Robyn Gabel (D-Evanston), Litesa Wallace (D-Rockford), Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago), Theresa Mah (D-Chicago), Lou Lang (D-Skokie), and Laura Fine (D-Glenview).

Organizations lobbying in favor of this legislation include:  the ACLU of Illinois, Equality Illinois, Trans-Life Center, and Safe Schools Alliance.

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Corrupt, Nonsensical Legislation Reintroduced

lauries-chinwags_thumbnailEquality Illinois, Illinois’ most prominent cheerleader for all things sexually deviant—especially doctrinaire and destructive legislation—is cheering the reintroduction of a bill that would make it even easier for gender-dysphoric persons to have their birth certificates legally falsified.

House Bill 1785, the “Birth Certificate Designation Act,” introduced by State Representative Greg Harris and co-sponsored by the usual suspects, like Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), Robyn Gabel (D-Evanston), and Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago), would amend the Vital Records Act to allow those Illinoisans who wish they were the opposite sex to enlist the government in their effort to deceive.

Take ACTION:  Click HERE to send an email message to your state representative to ask him/her to reject HB 1785 and uphold birth certificates as legal documents.  The state of Illinois has no duty or right to make it easier for men and women who wish they were the opposite sex to falsify their birth certificates.

Currently, a sex-rejecting Illinoisan who seeks a falsified birth certificate must present an affidavit from a physician certifying that he or she has performed surgery on the sex-rejecting person. Harris and his accomplices seek to make this process easier by allowing doctors, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, and licensed mental health professionals from any state provide “declarations” that the patient has “undergone treatment…for the purpose of gender transition.” In an attempt to conceal that this effort enlists government to participate in fraud, the bill’s sponsors change the wording from “sex change” to “change of sex designation,” thereby implicitly acknowledging the science-denying nature of their quest: No one’s sex can change.

For those who are unclear about what this change would mean, we have the confused attorney for the ACLU of Illinois, John Knight (who is suing District 211 on behalf of a boy who wants to be a girl) to offer clarity:

House Bill 1785 protects Illinoisans facing the unnecessary choice between living without a birth certificate that conforms with [sic] who they are and undergoing surgery they may not want or need. The scientific and medical community agrees that surgery is not necessary medical treatment for transgender people and shouldn’t be required to obtain an accurate birth certificate.

It is decidedly not accurate for a birth certificate to state that a person who is objectively male and was identified at birth as such to be changed to state that this person was identified at birth as female.

Many may not know that it can take as little as two visits and filling out some questionnaires for a certified mental health professional to declare that a sex-rejecting 18-year-old has undergone treatment for the purpose of gender transition.

Obama’s Department of Education provides clear evidence of where Leftist thinking is going. His Education Department mandated that schools treat students in every way as if they are the sex they want to be. According to his diktat, no cross-dressing, hormone-doping, or surgical mutilations are needed for students to be treated as if they are the sex they are not. No affidavit from a medical professional certifying that the student is undergoing treatment for gender dysphoria is needed. Not even parental permission can be required in order for a student to access opposite-sex restrooms, locker rooms, and hotel rooms on school-sponsored overnight trips. All that’s required is a student’s declaration that he or she “identifies” as the opposite sex.

That said, it’s critical to remember that cross-dressing, hormone-doping, and surgical mutilations do not turn males into females or vice versa. Compassion and a commitment to truth dictate that we must not treat students who take cross-sex hormones as if they are in reality the sex they are not.

And the government should never be required to participate in a science-denying fiction.

It is staggering to see a modern civilization snookered into accepting (or pretending to accept) the science-denying superstition that surgical tinkering and hormone-doping can turn a man into a woman or vice versa. The ordinary men and women behind the curtain promoting this superstition know full well that no human’s sex can change, so they had to invent new language to confuse and deceive. Thus, we hear the terms “transgender,” “transman,” “transwoman,” “cisgender,” “cisman,” and “cisgender.”

These terms are intended to conceal that humans have an objective, immutable biological sex that cannot change. And these terms are intended to create the illusion that the disordered desire to be the opposite sex (i.e., “transgender”) is ontologically equivalent to being that sex, hence the invention of the term “cisgender.” “Cisgender” refers to people whose “gender identity” (i.e., their subjective feelings about their sex) aligns with their objective, immutable sex. By creating a word that emphasizes subjective feelings about one’s sex rather than one’s sex, Leftists have managed to distract and delude otherwise science-respecting people.

There’s another new word concocted to normalize disordered feelings about one’s sex. That word is “gender marker.” This was invented to smooth passage of laws that permit gender-dysphoric men and women to have their birth certificates legally falsified, thus Equality Illinois’ press release states that current laws allow a person to “correct” the “gender marker” on his or her birth certificate only “if they have undergone a surgical procedure.”

A formerly rational society understood that birth certificates record the sex of a child as identified by a doctor at birth. In a convoluted rhetorical scheme, the Left now says that birth certificates record the “gender marker” that doctors “assign” babies at birth. The ability to get purportedly rational, science-respecting lawmakers to pass laws mandating that government commit fraud depends on the acceptance of this rhetorical non-sense.

What Illinois actually needs is a law prohibiting persons from having the sex designation on their birth certificates changed unless they produce an affidavit from a medical doctor certifying that they have an intersex condition, which are objective diagnosable disorders—wholly distinct from “transgenderism”—that result in “a discrepancy between the external genitals and the internal genitals (the testes and ovaries).” The Left likes to conflate “transgenderism” with intersex disorders in order to muddy the ontological, moral, and political waters.

Anti-nature superstitions cannot endure, so this one will eventually be tossed into the dustbin of history that holds in it scores of other abandoned superstitions. Tragically, countless men, women, and children will suffer before that happens. When that day comes, every activist, school employee, politician, and ordinary citizen who promoted lies or cowardly acquiesced to them will have to confront his or her own culpability for the incalculable damage that will have been done to so many. Don’t be one of those people. Speak truth persistently and courageously.

Read more recent articles from Laurie:

The Radical “Trans”-Formation of America

New Trier High School Avoids Diversity Like the Plague

Highlights Magazine for Children Affirms Homoeroticism


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