May Day Meltdown!

Illinois state lawmakers are on spring break for the next two weeks. Many of them have announced “in-district” work hours. This is a great time to get an appointment with your state representative and senator to talk to them about your concerns, especially your concerns about these extreme anti-life bills which would expand abortion’s reach in our state:

  • HB 2495 and SB 1942, wrongly named the Reproductive Health Act(s) and sponsored by State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) and State Senator Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake), will repeal the 1975 Illinois Abortion law, will repeal the Partial Birth Abortion Ban, and will remove any and all regulations for clinics that commit abortions. These bills are so extreme that they allow for non-medical individuals to commit abortions in places other than medical clinics.
  • HB 2467 and SB 1594, sponsored by State Representative Chris Emmanuel Welch (D-Westchester) and State Senator Elgie Sims (D-Chicago), will repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995, which only requires notification–not consent–thereby allowing young girls to have secret abortions.

The good news is the two House bills have stalled during the current session. The bad news is that SB 1594 has passed out of a senate committee and pro-abortion activists at Planned Parenthood are planning a lobby day for May 1st in hopes of jump-starting some momentum for these bills.

It should not be lost on anyone that our left-wing opponents picked May 1st — “May Day” — for this day of action. “May Day” is also known as International Workers’ Day and recognized by Socialists and Marxists around the world, often with military parades and/or political protests. (Read more HERE.)

In response to their lobby day, Illinois Family Institute is calling on all of our subscribers to join us on that day in flooding the Capitol with phone calls to stand for the unborn. We are calling on you and your like-minded friends to join us on “May Day Meltdown.” We hope to jam the phone lines with calls going into our state lawmakers offices with strong appeals to kill these bills. If all of our subscribers made three calls during the business day on May 1st–one to Governor JB Pritzker, one to your state senator and your state representative–it would send a clear, strong message that we are not going away and we refuse to remain silent.

So mark your calendars for “May Day Meltdown” on May 1st. Click HERE for their political leaders’ contact information. Your state senator and representative are the last two listed on the page.

While you are waiting for May 1st to arrive, there is something else you can do right now:

Take ACTION:  Click HERE to send a message to your state senator, state representative and to Gov. Pritzker. Ask them to stop targeting innocent pre-born children and vulnerable women in Illinois. Ask your state senator, state representative and Gov. Pritzker to oppose all anti-life legislation.

A bold voice for pro-family values in Illinois!

Click HERE to learn about supporting IFI on a monthly basis.

Shocking Information About Illinois Medicaid and Pregnant Women

Maybe everyone knew this but me. If not, you better be sitting down for this one.

Though not required by law, Illinois provides a program of benefits called Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility(MPE). MPE “offers immediate, temporary coverage for outpatient healthcare for pregnant women…. There are no co-payments or premiums in MPE.” MPE, which takes effect immediately and remains in effect for 30 days after the month in which it takes effect, provides “outpatient services like prenatal checkups, doctor visits, lab tests, prenatal vitamins, medicine, specialty medical care, eye care, dental care, emergency room care, mental health and substance abuse services, transportation to get medical care and other services.” The reason for the added emphasis will be clear momentarily, but first some troubling words about eligibility.

Buried in the bowels of government documents where few dare to tread is a document titled “Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility Instructions for Providers,” which lists the eligibility requirements for MPE—eligibility requirements that might enrage surprise taxpayers (emphasis mine):

  1. Family Size:

Family size is considered when determining whether the pregnant woman meets the income standard for MPE.  Family is defined as the pregnant woman, her unborn child(ren), her husband, and children/stepchildren under the age of 19 living in her home….

  1. Income:

In order to be considered eligible for MPE, the family income must be at or below the established standard.  The woman’s declaration of the family income is all that is needed for the MPE provider to complete the MPE application.  Proof of income is NOT needed for completion of the MPE application….

  1. Pregnancy:

The woman’s declaration of pregnancy is all that is needed for the MPE provider to complete the MPE application.  The MPE provider’s authorized signature on the MPE application is sufficient to establish eligibility for MPE; no other verification is necessary.  An expected delivery date or the number of fetuses is not required on the MPE application….

  A woman does not need to be a citizen or documented immigrant to qualify for MPE.

 Proof of citizenship is not required for MPE eligibility.

Legal immigration status does not affect eligibility for MPE.

A social security number is NOT required for MPE eligibility…. 

  1. Attestation of State Residency:

The applicant must attest to whether she is or is not an Illinois resident. Do not require verification of state residency.

According to this document, any woman who resides anywhere—including an illegal immigrant—could come to Illinois, claim to be an Illinois resident, claim to be pregnant, claim to be impoverished, and immediately receive coverage at taxpayer expense for  “doctor visits, lab tests, prenatal vitamins, medicine, specialty medical care, eye care, dental care, emergency room care, mental health and substance abuse services, transportation to get medical care and other services,” for up to 60 days, all without any documentation proving legal immigration status, residency status, pregnancy, or income level.

But there is a yet another concern to which lawmakers and legal eagles should respond in light of Pinocchio Rauner’s legislative baby (HB 40), which requires Medicaid to cover abortions: Since MPE covers outpatient healthcare, including doctor visits, lab tests, medicine, specialty medical care, mental health services, and “other services,” and since abortions are legal in Illinois through all nine months for mental health reasons, could a pregnant woman—including an illegal immigrant who resides in another state—who applies and receives MPE coverage go to a Planned Parenthood and obtain an abortion through Medicaid?

Lawmakers in the bankrupt state of Illinois could easily amend MPE eligibility requirements to require proof of legal immigrant status, proof of Illinois residency, proof of income, and proof of pregnancyyou know, in the service of eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse. Illinois citizens should demand they do so or boot them out.

When discussing these requirements with former State Representative Jeanne Ives, she pointed out that “new abortion clinics opened in Illinois last year and more are in the works. The new Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Flossmoor is located less than 15 miles from the Indiana border and right off of I-80. Planned Parenthood plans to profit off the Illinois taxpayer by exploiting victims from out-of-state.”

And while Illinoisans are taking up this issue with their state senators and representatives, they should ask them why MPE considers a baby in the womb to be a “child” with healthcare needs but child-killing abortion advocates do not.

Take ACTION: Please speak out!  Click HERE to send a message to your state senator, state representative and to Gov. Pritzker. Ask them to stop targeting innocent pre-born persons and vulnerable women in Illinois. Ask them to vote against HB 2495. Please also ask them to vote against HB 2467, which will gut the Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995.

File a Witness Slip in opposition of both anti-life bills. Click HERE to oppose HB 2495. Click HERE to oppose HB 2467.

Instructions – fill out your name, address, email, and phone number. If you aren’t representing a group, leave Section II blank. Select Opponent in Section III. Select Record of Appearance Only in Section IV. Agree to the terms and click Create Slip.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


SpeakOut Illinois 2019

Join us on March 9th in Oak Brook for the annual SpeakOut Illinois conference!  This year’s event will feature keynote speaker Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America, plus Jackie Bedore of Benet Academy, and a panel of pro-life pastors.

Learn more here…

Más Extremismo Sobre el Aborto Para Illinois

En respuesta a la ley de aborto peligrosa” y ” la innecesaria ley de aborto la cual requiere notificacion a los padres” y “buscando proteger la abilidad de todas las personas …” (enlace a ) Planned Parenthood, ACLU y Personal PAC han unido sus fuerzas, una vez más, para erradicar todos y cada uno de los límites para matar bebés en Illinois.

Por dónde empezar…

El empujón proviene de la oficina del gobernador JB Pritzker y se ha materializado en forma de 2 proyectos de ley. El contenido del proyecto aún no se ha sometido, pero la intención es muy clara.

La representante estatal Kelly Cassidy, patrocinadora primaria de la Cámara de Representantes de la Ley de Salud Reproductiva, en una conferencia de prensa, dice, “Sabemos que hoy existe un movimiento que busca limitar el acceso a la atención de salud reproductiva. Queremos reflejar nuestros valores en Illinois y confiar en las mujeres “.

Temiendo que Roe v. Wade sea anulado, harán todo a su alcance para preservar la matanza masiva de bebés en Illinois. Según los que hablaron en la conferencia de prensa, su propuesta intentará hacer lo siguiente:

  • Revocar la Ley de Aborto de Illinois de 1975 incluyendo las sanciones penales para los médicos que practican abortos.
  • Revocar la Prohibición del Aborto de Nacimiento Parcial, que permite matar a los bebés hasta el momento del nacimiento.
  • Eliminar cualquier y todas las regulaciones en las clínicas que cometen abortos.
  • Revocar la Ley de Notificación a los Padres de 1995.

El senador estatal Elgie Sims (D-Chicago), padre de 2 hijas, es el patrocinador principal del proyecto de ley para abolir el Acta de Notificación de Aborto de los Padres de 1995. Esta ley solo requiere notificación, no consentimiento. Pero los defensores a favor del aborto no quieren que nada, ni siquiera los padres, impidan la abilidad de una niña y su derecho al pedir que maten a su bebé. Liz Higgins, Directora Asociada Médica de Planned Parenthood, declaró: “Planned Parenthood y nuestros socios no van a permitir que esto se convierta en un país donde las personas ya no puedan acceder al aborto.” Incluyendo a nuestras hijas jóvenes.

A esto se le tiene que poner un alto. Planned Parenthood y la ACLU están motivados y no se detendrán ante nada para cumplir su vil esquema. Si no hacemos todo lo que está a nuestro alcance para bloquear la aprobación de estos proyectos de ley, resultará en la destrucción de innumerables más vidas inocentes.

Esta pregunta debe ser considerada. ¿Cuánto tiempo más detendrá Dios su ira, la cual esta sobre este estado por derramar sangre inocente?

Tome acción: ¡Por favor hable! Este extremismo concerniente al aborto debe ser detenido. Pídale a sus legisladores estatales y al gobernador Pritzker que voten en contra de proyectos de ley HB 2495 y HB 2467. Haga clic AQUÍ para enviar su mensaje.