Tag Archives: HB 5569


Bill to Ban Same-Sex Attraction Counseling Fails!

Late yesterday afternoon, the Illinois House voted 44 to 51 to reject HB 5569, a legislative proposal by State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) that would have allowed the government to usurp the rights of parents and their children to get the kind of help they want to change unwanted same-sex attraction.
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UPDATE: Counseling Bill Puts State Between A Patient and Therapist

For decades, liberals have been arguing that the government should never come between a woman and her doctor. But a bill before the Illinois House sponsored by Democrat State Representatives Kelly Cassidy, Naomi Jakobsson, Greg Harris, Ann Williams and Sara Feigenholtz would put the state right in middle of the relationship between a patient and his or her counselor.
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Lesbian Lawmaker Seeks to Ban Counseling for Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction

Lesbian state representative and activist for all things homosexual, Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) has introduced yet another terrible piece of legislation that ultimately redounds to the detriment of children.

Rep. Cassidy has proposed “The Conversion Therapy Prohibition Act” (HB 5569), which would prohibit all licensed mental health providers in Illinois from helping minors change their unwanted same-sex attraction. For those who have been paying attention, this is the same kind of pernicious legislation that passed in California and New Jersey but was stopped in Virginia, Maryland, and Minnesota.

Take ACTION:  HB 5569 is scheduled for a hearing in the …

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