Tag Archives: Health Care Right of Conscience Act


Health Care Right of Conscience Act Still Protects Your Right to Refuse COVID-19 Vaccination & Testing

Article II Section 1 of the Illinois Constitution provides that “[t]he legislative, executive and judicial branches are separate. No branch shall exercise powers properly belonging to another. Article VI Section 1 provides that “[t]he judicial power is vested in a Supreme Court, an Appellate Court and Circuit Courts.”

With the passage of Senate Bill 1169 (SB 1169), Governor JB Pritzker and his cronies have attempted to usurp the exclusive power of the judicial branch of government.
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The Health Care Right of Conscience Act & COVID-19

State Representatives Robyn Gabel (D-Evanston), Bob Morgan (D-Highwood) and State Senator Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake) are sponsoring legislation (SB 1169) to diminish the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act specifically for COVID-19 remediation. In other words, these state lawmakers are heading up the effort to strike down existing legislation protecting citizens' rights to excuse  themselves from the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
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This Rockford Nurse Lost Her Job Because of Her Pro-life Beliefs

When Sandra (Mendoza) Rojas walked into a local children’s home at 17 years old, she discovered her calling. “Right there and then I knew I wanted to be a nurse and to take care of children. I knew that was my calling, and I knew that is what I was born to be—a pediatric nurse.”
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