Tag Archives: Heather Steans


Homosexual Lawmakers Abuse Legal System to Abuse Minors

Leftists have redefined “hate.” To them hatred refers to ideas and moral beliefs that they think harm others. So, using that definition, how do leftists hate people? Let's count the ways. Well, not all the ways. That would suck dry the wellsprings of hope from which we draw at the beginning of each New Year and which are granted to us by a gracious God who has jobs for us to do—with joy.
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District 211 Colluder/Female Impersonator LaSaia Wade Allegedly Steals from His Non-Profit

A transgender activist known as a leading voice for transgender people in Chicago, Illinois, has been fired from the LGBTQ center the activist founded after allegedly diverting the organization's funds to "unknown" bank accounts.
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The Worst School Board in Illinois Gets Sued

Two administrators and five school board members in District 211, the largest high school district in Illinois, are being sued by Judicial Watch on behalf of a teacher who was fired for expressing criticism of the 2020 BLM/Antifa insurrections that devastated American cities. The defendants are director of human resources, James A. Britton; District 211 superintendent, Lisa A. Small; and board members, Robert J. LeFevre Jr., Anna Klimkowicz, Steven Rosenblum, Edward M. Yung, and the worst of the worst, Kim Cavill.  Two board members, Mark Cramer and Peter Dombrowski, had the good …

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Yet Another Springfield Attack On Parental Rights and Religious Liberty

Late last week we sent an email alert about a dangerous Illinois House bill (HB 4870) mandating that ALL 6th grade students in Illinois receive the unnecessary and highly controversial HPV vaccine - both boys and girls. Politicians have no business mandating medical treatment for all children to prevent a disease that's contracted solely through sexual activity. Parents should be outraged! But it gets worse.
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Cutting Through the Fog of Marijuana

What was Illinois Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton thinking when she purchased recreational marijuana in Chicago on the first day of its legal sales in Illinois? Does she not understand that as a public official she is setting a reckless and foolish example, especially for children and teens?

Illinois policy makers continue to send a dangerous message to our young people. First, they called marijuana “medicine.” Now, they call it “recreational.” Do you know of any other drug that’s used for both medicine and recreation? The hoax has worked.

Gone are the days of “this is your brain on drugs.” Instead, …

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Incredible Story of District 211 School Board Elections

Last Thursday night, District 211—the largest high school district in the state with 12,000 students and five high schools—held a board meeting to discuss Superintendent Daniel Cates’ boneheaded proposal to allow students who “identify” as the opposite sex to have unrestricted access to the locker rooms of opposite-sex peers. Expecting a large crowd, the district moved the meeting to Palatine High School. The Daily Herald reported that 25 speakers were randomly selected, 16 of whom opposed the proposal, which is well over 50 percent.
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Community Opt-Out for Marijuana Dispensaries

Last month, on June 25th, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed legislation to approve so-called “recreational” marijuana for persons 21 years old and older. When this law (HB 1438 Senate Amendment 2) takes effect on January 1, 2020, it will allow the licensed growth, sales, possession and use of marijuana. The Land of Lincoln becomes the 11th state to legalize this dangerous intoxicant for recreational purposes.

The federal government still classifies marijuana as a schedule 1 drug, which means it remains illegal. According to the DEA website, “Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs …

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Illinois’ Marijuana Juggernaut

State Senator Heather Steans (D-Chicago) and State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) have spent 2 years developing and promoting their proposal to legalize “recreational” marijuana in Illinois. On May 7th, their 533-page bill (SB 7) was introduced in the Illinois Senate.

Last week the Senate Executive Committee held a 2.5 hour subject matter hearing on this bill, and it was alarming to hear how many concerns and questions they were unable to lay to rest.

Michele Ratini, a social worker from a Leyden High school District 212 in Northlake, testified in opposition to legalization, pointing out that teenagers …

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Ten Reasons to Oppose Legal Weed in Illinois

Once again, high potency marijuana is in the news. Governor J.B. Pritzker and several state lawmakers held a press conference this past Saturday to announce their bill (SB 7) to legalize marijuana for "recreational" use in Illinois.
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Marijuana Update

Illinois Senate Bill 7 to legalize and commercialize passed out of committee this week as a “shell bill”.  The sponsor said they are still working on the language for the bill and will file an amendment by the end of April.

Preliminary recreational cannabis plan – SB 7

Illinois State Senator Heather Steans (D-Chicago) said she and other stakeholders are looking to allow people 21 and older to have a little more than an ounce at a time. They are also considering proposals to add three new licenses to the state’s existing medical marijuana program’s cultivation and dispensary licenses.

“So …

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Illinois Lawmakers Advance K-12 “LGBT” Indoctrination Bill

“Progressives,” also known as cultural regressives, have long had their sights on the hearts, minds, and bodies of other people’s children. Now that they control Big Government schools, regressives can control the ideas to which children are exposed. And boy, oh, boy are regressive Illinois lawmakers going for broke—morally speaking. They’ve already achieved fiscal bankruptcy.
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Wait Till You See What LGBTQQAP Activists Have Planned for Illinois Schools

While conservatives squeak “uncle” about the “social issues” from the dark recesses of their homes and churches where they hide, the jackbooted Left marches boldly forward obsessed with making the “social issues” the central plank of everything. They’re especially obsessed with transforming the hearts and minds of other people’s children using taxpayer-funded government schools in which they have an audience of cultural captives.

The newest brazen effort to exploit public money in the service of propagandizing Illinois children is a creation of Equality Illinois and the Illinois Safe Schools Alliance, two of Illinois’ dubious “LGBTQQAP” activist organizations, and their most …

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Lawmakers Want to Put POT SHOPS in Your Neighborhood

Illinois State Senator Heather Steans (D-Chicago) and Illinois State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) believe that legalizing marijuana for recreational use will be good for Illinois so they have introduced introduced SB 316 and HB 2353 and, as part of the public relations push, formed the Coalition for a Safer Illinois.

Yes, Safer. It’s hard to imagine how adding more drugged drivers on the roads and putting more drugs into the hands of our children could possibly make Illinois safer.

The bills before the General Assembly would legalize the possession of up to 28 grams of marijuana and allow facilities …

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Hey Feminists! The U.S. Constitution Does Not NEED an Equal Rights Amendment

What exactly is the meaning of feminism? It sounds innocuous enough, like something akin to feminine. Declaring a man masculine or woman feminine is a good thing, not a pejorative. That is unless you are an ardent, radical feminist.

According to Webster feminism is:

  1. the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes

  2. organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests

The radical feminists of the 60’s and 70’s departed the pro-life moorings of the suffragette movement, which concentrated its efforts on the right to vote for women. The Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution …

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Marijuana Decriminalization Puts Children and Families at Greater Risk

Before the regular session ended on May 31st, State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) and State Senator Heather Steans (D-Chicago) were able to legislation to decriminalize marijuana passed in both the Illinois House and Senate. This dubious bill (SB 2228) will soon be sent to Governor Bruce Rauner, who will then have 60 days to sign it into law or veto it.
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