Support the Bold Work of Illinois Family Institute

The theme for Illinois Family Institute’s recent fall banquet was boldness, and our theme verse highlights that quality: “The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion” (Proverbs 28:1).

Boldness is exemplified by courage, confident strength, resolute purpose, and wisdom that expresses itself with measured words and actions.

For decades, Christian conservatives have tried the kinder, gentler approach with our adversaries. We’ve desperately tried to find common ground wherever and whenever we could. Yet time after time, especially in Springfield, that approach has failed.

Regressive politicians, activists, and many in the media don’t respect us, and they certainly don’t fear us. In fact, they often exploit our most cherished values, pervert them, and then throw them back in our face. And why are they able to do this? Because we have replaced boldness with cowardice and, as a result, they are emboldened to bully us, taking advantage of our good will.

We must understand that politics has become weaponized against us. The apostles of the world are relentless in the pursuit of their wicked goals. They are not above lying, cheating, defaming, and resorting to payoffs. Rhetorical, social, and political malfeasance is, in their view, a justifiable means to their destructive ends—especially when they know full well we will not reciprocate in kind.

Assuredly we will not sink to their level. We will not lie, cheat, or slander in our pursuit of good. But, we can and should abandon our posture of timidity and become more assertive—bolder—in exposing the disastrous consequences of their perverted policy proposals.

We must understand this is not merely an ideological fight between the right and the left or between conservatives and Leftists. This is a war between good and evil that has existed since the beginning of time. As Christians, we must gird ourselves as for battle. We must be prepared and willing to boldly engage in the public square.

Our opponents have three powerful allies on their side: academia, media, and the entertainment industry. They control the culture-shaping megaphones that relentlessly blare their body and soul-destroying messages into the hearts and minds of Americans, specifically targeting our impressionable children.

We cannot compete against this evil with fearful, self-serving silence. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul exhorts the recipients, and us, “be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.” Similarly, the Psalmist reminds us, “be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.” Now is the time to toughen up and stop playing it safe; we must speak and act boldly, knowing that our mighty God stands with us!

Earlier this year we told you how regressive legislators and anti-life groups in Springfield have tried to intimidate IFI into silence regarding Illinois’ radical abortion expansion bill—legislation that we likened to the Jewish Holocaust. Their official joint resolution (HJR 55) is still pending a vote. It calls for our right to lobby at the Capitol to be revoked and for the Illinois State Police to investigate us for “hate speech.”

We will not be intimidated by these oppressive schemes.

Christians cannot surrender the public square to those who celebrate the extermination of more than 60+ million pre-born babies—human beings—whom liberals have deemed “unworthy of life.” Rather, we must boldly fight for what we believe, refusing to cower in fear or abandon the truth.

Another example came a couple of weeks after our annual banquet, when the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) attacked Rev. Franklin Graham for keynoting our event, claiming that we have a “history of anti-LGBTQ stances” that are “perhaps even more extreme than” Rev. Graham’s stance.

What the anti-Christian SPLC fails to understand is that our stance on sexual morality is the historical stance that has been held by orthodox Christians for more than two thousand years.

In an article posted on the IFI website, Laurie Higgins rightly points out:

“The Illinois Family Institute does not hate people. … We believe genuine love—as opposed to what passes for love today—entails seeking for others that which is true and good. Genuine love as demonstrated by Christ does not entail affirming all the feelings, beliefs, and volitional acts of others. Genuine love entails concern for both temporal and eternal lives.”

She continued:

We believe the assumptions espoused by both the homosexual and “trans” communities are harming individuals—especially children—and society. Schools are inculcating children with arguable assumptions that are presented as objective facts. The medical community is chemically sterilizing and surgically mutilating children. If these ideologies are false, then opposing them is the antithesis of hatred.

Believing an assumption is wrong, or believing a volitional sexual act is … immoral does not constitute hatred of persons who believe differently and act in accordance with their beliefs. Perhaps SPLC hatewatchers hate everyone who holds different beliefs and moral precepts than they do, but they ought not impute their habits of mind to others.

We at IFI, like many other people, are fully capable of loving those who believe differently and act in accordance with their beliefs—even false and destructive beliefs. And we will express our beliefs with the boldness and clarity that the sanctimonious deceivers at the SPLC express theirs.

In our effort to more effectively pursue good legislation and derail bad proposals, IFI would like to move from utilizing a part-time contract lobbyist to employing a full-time legislative director who will boldly stand as our ambassador for Christ and His Kingdom. But we need your prayers and financial support to make this goal a reality.

Love for our family and our neighbor motivates us. This is why IFI Team members work so hard to counter the lies of the secular culture. The lies of the left must be unmasked, and Christians in Illinois must be equipped to defend pro-life, pro-family truth in the public square. Together we can expose the deception of the sexual revolution, embolden pro-life advocacy, uphold parental rights (including school choice), and respect the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.

It is vital that we expand our efforts to inform and equip the Christian community in Illinois with email alerts, video reports, podcasts, pastors’ breakfasts, special forums, worldview conferences, and cultural commentaries.

To realize this goal, we will need to significantly increase our marketing budget in order to maximize our presence on social media platforms and conservative and Christian radio stations.

This is where you can help us. We need these financial resources more now than ever to help us accomplish our mission to “boldly bring a biblical perspective to the public square” in Illinois. It is vital that we expand our pro-family efforts and push back against the destructive plans of the SPLC, the ACLU, Planned Parenthood and all their regressive allies.

Please, help us reach our matching challenge goal of $70,000 by midnight tonight.  We are just about $5,000 short of this goal, and we believe that we can reach or even surpass that goal in the remaining hours we have today. You are vital to making this mission – and cultural impact – possible.

If we truly believe God’s gifts to mankind of self-government, religious liberty, freedom of conscience, and the right to freely advocate for morality are worth fighting for, then we must act boldly to preserve these gifts!

I hope you will answer the call to faithfully proclaim truth and refute the distorted and destructive messages of our opponents and their sycophant mouthpieces. There’s no time to wait the deadline is midnight TONIGHT.

Your donation to IFI will enable us to implement our ministry goals and reach out to every county and legislative district in Illinois. We must further fortify those areas that support pro-life and pro-family legislation, as well as fight to breach the strongholds that threaten to annihilate any trace of morals, decency, and common sense in our state.

We are grateful for your generous support throughout 2019 and are excited to see what God will do through our partnership with you, for the benefit of all the citizens of Illinois and the Glory of His Name!

P.S. Please help us uphold, preserve and promote God’s plan for natural marriage and family, the sanctity of human life and religious freedom by investing in the work of Illinois Family Institute by helping us reach our matching challenge goal.

Don’t Let Springfield Lawmakers Silence Our Pro-Life Voice!

Left-wing extremists are in an uproar, barely able to contain their hostility towards our values! What did we do to offend them? We — like so many others — compared today’s current abortion holocaust to the Nazi Holocaust. (Franklin Graham and Pope Francis recently made similar comparisons.)

In a recent IFA website article, we rightly compared the past slaughter of 6 million Jewish people in Nazi Germany to the current slaughter of 61 million unborn babies whose lives are being ended by abortion daily.  “Life unworthy of life, ” was the mindset of the Nazis toward the Jewish people and, according to the Nazis, they had no right to live.  A similar mindset obscures the thinking of progressive Leftists who rationalize unborn human slaughter!

Now, in the wake of full-term abortion extremism in New York, Virginia, and now even Springfield — where radical lawmakers are working harder than ever to give Illinois the distinction of having the most radical abortion laws in the land — this fair and legitimate comparison has left-wing activists on their heels!

In response, these anti-life lawmakers are now attempting to abuse the power of the government to quash Illinois Family Institute’s work, speech and presence in Springfield! In an official joint resolution (HJR 55), anti-life lawmakers are calling for our right to lobby at the Capitol to be revoked, and for the Illinois State Police to investigate us for “hate speech.” Additionally, because of the tremendously successful Pro-Life Life Lobby Day on March 20th, these same lawmakers are calling “for a review of security procedures in the Capitol Complex…with the review and implementation of needed updates…”

It appears their intention is to quash First Amendment right to assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances for those who dissent from their radical policy agenda.

Don’t let them silence our pro-life voices!
They are out to destroy us, but we won’t back down!

In the next few weeks, Illinois Family Institute plans to hand-deliver thousands of petitions to State Representatives Bob Gordon (D-Highwood) and Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz (D-Glenview), the chief sponsors of HJR 55, and demand that they immediately stop this unprecedented tyrannical action!

Your Help is Urgently Needed! Please sign the Petition to Defend Illinois Family Institute from these outrageous anti-life, Leftist hate speech claims, and return it to us right away!

Don’t let them silence our pro-life voices! 
Help IFI continue to lead the fight to stop full term abortions in Illinois!

Take ACTION: Click HERE to sign the petition against HJR 55!

Time is of the essence, so please encourage your family and friends to sign the petition right away!

A bold voice for pro-family values in Illinois!

Click HERE to learn about supporting IFI on a monthly basis.

Praying for Our Enemies

We at IFI and IFA have been humbled and blessed by the words of encouragement, prayers, and support we have received over the past two weeks from subscribers. We can’t adequately express how thankful we are for such support or describe how it has bolstered our spirits and strengthened our resolve to act and speak boldly in defense of the least among us.

We also want to express our deep appreciation to the organizations and leaders who have publicly and privately expressed their unwavering support for Illinois Family Institute, including the Thomas More Society, Illinois Conservative Union, Concerned Women for America of Illinois, Catholic Citizens of Illinois, 2nd Vote, the Rockford Pro-Life Initiative, the Illinois chapter of Concerned Citizens for AmericaFreedom’s Journal Institute, Restore our Constitution, Businessmen in Christ, Nehemiah Leaders, as well as dozens of religious, political and talk-radio leaders throughout the state and nation.

The fact that we compared the evil of the baby holocaust in America to the evil of the Jewish Holocaust has the proponents of abortion expansion in Illinois on the defensive. They are desperate to change the narrative. They cannot defend their indefensible views, so they attack pro-life conservatives.

They have launched a counter-offensive, House Joint Resolution 55, which is rife with lies and rhetorical nonsense and being used to try to deny us of our First Amendment rights. While the ad hominem attacks of Leftists are not new, their increasing willingness to use government to silence dissent is both new and deeply troubling.  (More on that in a future article.)

We are not anxious. We know that what the enemy intends for evil, God can use for good (Genesis 50:20).

We are trusting God in this latest skirmish. We trust that God’s plan is better than anything we can come up with (Isaiah 55:8-9).

We don’t believe it is a coincidence that this is happening at a time when the abortion debate is raging nationally, when Leftists are revealing through radical legislative proposals their murderous intentions, and when the movie Unplanned has hit thousands of movie theaters nation-wide.

IFI’s and IFA’s Board of Directors, staff, and I are of one mind that the time is long past due for defenders of the unborn to unite in a bolder confrontation of the evil of abortion and of those who celebrate it. Proponents of this abomination should be put on the defensive!

As every decent person can see, America is edging ever closer to legalizing post-birth infanticide. All lawmakers who support abortion should be publicly condemned and their views compared to other genocidal movements that have scarred human history.

You and I cannot remain silent in the face of this evil.

Yet, at the same time we are told to love our enemies “and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44 and Luke 6:28). So at this time and in this prayer alert, we are calling for prayer for those who seek to harass and intimidate us by misusing their governmental authority.

It is at times difficult to pray for our opponents, especially those who spread vicious lies about who we are and what motivates us. By extension, these unfair attacks on IFI smear all orthodox Christians. Yet we know that God changes hearts and minds (Ezekiel 36:26; Psalm 51:10; Proverbs 21:1). God can reveal to them their sins (Psalm 146:8; John 3:3; Acts 26:18) and their need for a Savior (John 3:1-21; 2 Corinthians 7:10).

So, our prayers for these lawmakers are essential. Let’s lift up the sponsors of HJR 55 in fervent and compassionate prayer over the next two months:

State Rep. Bob Morgan (D-Highwood)
State Rep. Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz (D-Glenview)
State Rep. Yehiel Kalish (D-Skokie)
State Rep. Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago)
State Rep. Daniel Didech (D-Buffalo Grove)
State Rep. Robyn Gabel (D-Chicago)
State Rep. Jonathan Carroll (D-Northbrook)
State Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago)
State Rep. Will Guzzardi (D-Chicago)
State Rep. Sam Yingling (D-Round Lake Beach)
State Rep. Anna Moeller (D-Elgin)
State Rep. Karina Villa (D-St. Charles)

Pray that the Lord will open their eyes to the evil of abortion.

Pray that they will turn from darkness to light (Acts 26:18).

Pray that they will know the hope of His calling (Ephesians 1:18).

Pray that He will open their eyes to the injustice of their attempt to quash our civil rights (Isaiah 59:14-15).

Pray too that the bloodlust and greed of Planned Parenthood and their allies is exposed (Proverbs 6:16-19).

Finally, pray that the movie Unplanned continues to do well in theaters and that its pro-life message will reach far and wide here in Illinois, in our nation, and around the world.

IFI Prayer Team

If you pray and believe that God hears and answers prayer, will you please consider joining the IFI Prayer Team? This special opt-in group receives occasional emails asking for prayer regarding public policy issues, for specific government officials and various statewide needs as the Holy Spirit may lead.

Thank you and God bless you!

Left-Wing Partisans File Stunning Resolution Against Illinois Family

Illinois is morally, fiscally, and intellectually bankrupt, and you know what some lawmakers in swampy Springfield are doing with their time and taxpayers’ money? They’ve crafted a stunning resolution titled “Illinois Family Action-Hate Speech” (HJR 55) condemning Illinois Family Action (IFA) and Illinois Family Institute (IFI), falsely accusing us of bigotry and engaging in “hate speech” because in two articles we compared the abortion holocaust to the Nazi Holocaust.

The ten “progressive” sponsors of the resolution falsely accuse IFA of distributing “multiple anti-Semitic, homophobic, threatening, and hateful posts on their official social media page, callously belittling the most appalling tragedies of the Holocaust and recklessly comparing those who disagree with their extreme agenda to Nazis.”

Chicago attorney Joseph A. Morris, who is also a leader in B’nai B’rith and other Jewish and interfaith organizations, served from 1995 through 2001 as the President of B’nai B’rith in the Midwest, and was founder and first Chairman of the B’nai B’rith International Center for Public Policy, said this about the disputed analogy:

I’m Jewish, and not only am I not offended by the comparison between the German Nazi Party’s National Socialism and the U.S. Democratic Party’s Democratic Socialism but I think the comparison is accurate. Wise, principled, and humane Democrats should welcome having their attention arrested by the facts.

The bill’s sponsors filed this resolution just days after a crowd of 4,000 pro-life Illinoisans showed up in Springfield to urge their state senators and representatives to oppose the radical anti-life policies sponsored by these lawmakers and other “progressives”—an event singled out for criticism in the resolution.

Apparently, our anti-constitutionalists in Springfield have forgotten the First Amendment’s protection of speech, assembly, and the right to petition our government for redress of grievances, which is “the right to make a complaint to, or seek the assistance of, one’s government without fear of punishment or reprisals,”you know, like hateful resolutions.

The resolution is a crock of unsubstantiated ad hominem attacks glued together with more unsubstantiated ad hominem attacks, innuendo, irrelevant red herrings, non sequiturs, and a risible reference to the ethically impoverished Southern Poverty Law Center—an actual hate group.

The central issue is not whether the Nazi Holocaust is an apt analogue for America’s feticidal holocaust. The central issue is whether humans in the womb are persons with intrinsic and infinite worth. If they are, the analogy does not belittle the extermination of Jews by Nazis. If humans in the womb are persons with intrinsic and infinite worth, calling their extermination “health care”as the resolution’s sponsors dois an appalling horror.

Since logic and evidence still matter to some Illinoisans—resolution-signatories excepted—let’s don our rhetorical hazmat suits and waders and trudge through the murky, fallacy-infested resolution.

Resolution’s false allegation of “anti-Semitism”

The posts to which they refer are presumably one by Teri Paulson titled “Why is Legalized Abortion Called a Holocaust” and one by this writer titled “Leftist Hysteria and Their Language Rules” in which there is not one sentence that is anti-Semitic or that “callously belittles” the appalling horrors of the Holocaust. None of the sponsors has explained how comparing the egregious horrors of the slaughter of 61,000,000 humans in the womb to the egregious slaughter of 6,000,000 Jews and others in the Nazi Holocaust constitutes a callous belittlement of the Holocaust.

Quite the contrary, comparing the feticidal holocaust to the Nazi Holocaust does the opposite. It amplifies and illuminates the horrors of both. No one who compares the feticidal holocaust to the Nazi Holocaust would make such a comparison if they did not view the extermination of Jews as an incomprehensible horror. Can the Springfield ten really not comprehend that?

When asked whether he finds the analogy offensive, Orthodox Jew David Blatt said,

No. How is it any different? It baffles me that my liberal co-religionists endorse abortion-on-demand given the legacy of the Shoah.

Will the gang of ten in Springfield condemn Mr. Blatt as an anti-Semite?

The analogy is not reckless, nor is it new. Those who object to it do so because they have concluded that the product of conception between two humans is not a human created in the image and likeness of God and endowed by his or her Creator with certain unalienable rights, chief among them the right not to be exterminated. IFA and IFI reject the ontological and moral assumptions of “progressives” on incipient human life.

We reject the worldview that asserts that women have a moral right to have their offspring killed. We reject the worldview that asserts that mentally or physically imperfect humans are less worthy of life than their mental or physical “superiors.” Perhaps those who are enraged at IFA/IFI can explain how the pro-feticide philosophy regarding “defective” humans in the womb differs from the Nazi principle of  “life unworthy of life”?

Perhaps the sponsors can explain exactly why the comparison of a society in which the government has granted to mothers the absolute legal right to have any or all of their children exterminated for any or no reason to a society in which the government exterminates citizens because of their race is so evil that making it—that is, the comparison—must not be permitted and anyone who does make it should be condemned by the government.

Resolution’s false allegations regarding hatred and “callous belittling”

If there is any callous belittling being done, it’s by “progressives” toward humans in the womb. If there are hateful words being expressed, it’s by “progressives” who shriek “hater” at anyone who dares to challenge their beliefs and actions with the same conviction, boldness, and tenacity that they demonstrate.

Resolution’s false allegation of “homophobia”

Once again for the obtuse and/or demagogic “progressives” among us: no matter how many times you charge conservatives with “homophobia,” criticism of volitional homosexual acts or relationships does not constitute fear or hatred (i.e., “homophobia) of those who identify as homosexual. IFA and IFI hold theologically orthodox views of marriage and homosexual acts and relationships—views that are shared by the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, and many Protestant denominations. We have a constitutional right to express those views without being harassed, intimidated, and bullied by Springfield “progressives.”

IFA and IFI even have a right to quote, recite, and post what St. Paul says about homosexuality:

Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Resolution’s false allegation of IFA/IFI threats

There’s really nothing to say other than neither of the “posts” that inflamed the resolution’s sponsors or any other posts written for IFA/IFI include any threats. We unequivocally denounce the use of violence. If the resolution sponsors cannot provide evidence to support that pernicious claim, they owe IFA/IFI an apology (Weather reports say it’s still hot in hell, so…).

Resolution’s false allegation of bigotry

The term “bigot” refers to a person who is “obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.”

Clearly, there is a distinction between bigotry and moral views. Bigotry cannot simply refer to holding moral views, for if it did, everyone but sociopaths would have to be considered bigots because everyone but sociopaths holds certain behaviors as moral and others as immoral.

The word “obstinacy” in the definition of “bigot” warrants some discussion. First, “obstinate,” according to the American Heritage Dictionary, connotes “unreasonable rigidity.” I would argue that conservative views on, for example, homosexuality are completely reasonable, and that conversely, liberal views are woefully unreasonable.

In order to determine whether a tenaciously held conviction reflects obstinacy requires an evaluation of the content of the belief and the justifications for that belief. For example, few would characterize the act of tenaciously holding the belief that female genital mutilation is wrong to be a manifestation of obstinacy or bigotry.

Moreover, “obstinate” cannot be severed from the other parts of the definition. Bigotry is the obstinate devotion to uninformed inclinations, especially ones that result in hatred of members of a particular group.

The key phrase for distinguishing between bigotry and moral conscience is that a bigot’s opinions are “uninformed,” and the bigot “regards or treats the members of a group… with hatred and intolerance.” Certainly, there are those in society who demonstrate this kind of behavior, but true Christ-followers do not treat anyone with hatred.

I neither treat people who self-identify as homosexual with hatred or intolerance, nor do I feel any hatred for them. My beliefs about homosexual conduct in no way diminish the love I feel for those who self-identify as homosexual, the respect I have for their admirable qualities, the pleasure I take in their company, or the recognition I have of their infinite worth.

I would argue that the views of “progressives” on homosexuality are uninformed, while those of IFA/IFI employees are fully informed.

Tolerating, respecting, or loving people does not require affirming all their feelings, beliefs, or actions. Neither does it require withholding criticism of their beliefs or those actions impelled by their feelings and beliefs.

Resolution’s smelly red herring (or is it a non sequitur?)

The sponsors of the resolution dangle a big, fat, smelly red herring in front of Illinois lawmakers, apparently assuming they’re too foolish to tell the difference between relevant evidence and a big, fat, smelly red herring plumbed from the depths of the swamp where the sponsors live and move and have their being.

The sponsors cite as part of the justification for their resolution the 2004 murder of an unarmed Capitol guard by a  schizophrenic young man who had stopped taking his meds and was hearing “voices and thought members of an underground society in Eastern Europe were controlling him” at the time of the murder as part of the justification for the resolution falsely accusing IFI and IFA of “hate speech and threats.”

Say whaaat?

Let’s see if we can make sense of this: Fourteen years ago, a schizophrenic man who was off his meds murdered an unarmed Capitol guard, so there should be a “formal investigation” into IFA’s/IFI’s non-existent “hate speech and threats,” and our lobbyists’ credentials should be revoked pending the outcome of the investigation.

Nope, can’t do it. Still doesn’t make sense.

Resolution’s risible reference to the Southern Poverty Law Center

Now we come to the resolution sponsors’ appeal to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as some sort of arbiter of moral authority. Yes, that SPLC—the infamous “hate-group” tracker/real hate group—the one embroiled in yet another ethics scandal, the one that makes beaucoup bucks off “progressives” by labelling as “hate groups” any organization that holds theologically orthodox views of sexuality.

In contrast to the aforementioned wholly irrelevant Capitol shooting, the SPLC’s fake hate-groups list has been the actual cause of a shooting. In 2012, Floyd Corkins showed up at the offices of the theologically orthodox Family Research Council, intent on killing the staff. He shot and wounded a security guard who was able to stop him. Corkins said he was inspired to commit acts of violence by the SPLC’s hate-groups list.

Just wondering, does hurling epithets at IFA/IFI employees, falsely accusing them of issuing threats and of being anti-Semitic, homophobic, hateful, and bigoted constitute hate speech? Might it result in violence against us?


It’s a routinely issued diktat that one must never compare the Holocaust or Nazism to, well, anything. I respectfully disagree. Not all analogies that include Nazism, the Holocaust, or Hitler constitute reductio ad Hitlerum fallacies. Some analogies are, as Joseph Morris asserts, accurate.

If we’re permitted to revisit ideas as settled by science and commonsense as women don’t have penises or men can’t become pregnant, surely, we can revisit the arguable claim that there are no points of correspondence between the slaughter of humans in the womb and the Holocaust. And if there are points of correspondence, then surely we can revisit the unwritten law of “progressives” that no one may point them out.

Maybe, just maybe, “progressives” want to censor the comparison of the feticidal holocaust to the Nazi Holocaust because they fear it’s true. What if God wants us to see the abortion holocaust as analogous to the Nazi Holocaust? What if it’s Satan who wants to blind our eyes to the similarities and silence our tongues from identifying them? What if those lawmakers and citizens who react in anger (or tactical faux-anger) are doing the bidding of the father of lies? And what if  conservatives who buckle when “progressives” hurl epithets at them are “now seeking the approval of man” rather than that of God?”

Joliet Diocese Bishop Daniel Conlon requested that all churches in the diocese play a recorded message from him in which he said in part,

The state of Illinois is currently facing a crisis far greater than anything economic. It is truly a matter of life and death. Legislation is being considered in the Illinois General Assembly that would permit abortion anytime during pregnancy; right up to the moment of natural birth all nine months…. I need your help in convincing our elected officials that this proposed legislation is just plain wrong…. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a courageous critic of Nazism wrote, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak, is to speak.”

In the eyes of “progressives” in Springfield, is Bishop Conlon guilty of anti-Semitism and callous belittlement of the appalling tragedies of the Holocaust for his implied comparison of the abortion holocaust to the Holocaust? Will they add his name to the resolution condemning “hate speech”?

This unsubstantiated, malignant resolution constitutes a reprehensible abuse of power by morally corrupt lawmakers to silence speech. Every decent lawmaker, especially those who value the lives of the unborn and the First Amendment, should vote against it.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to contact your state senator and representative to ask them to reject this dangerous resolution. Ask them to vote down HJR 55 and the unprecedented and tyrannical action being taken by extreme partisans in the Illinois General Assembly.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


A bold voice for pro-family values in Illinois! 

Click HERE to learn about supporting IFI on a monthly basis.

Left-Wing Partisans File Stunning Resolution Against Illinois Family

Illinois is morally, fiscally, and intellectually bankrupt, and you know what some lawmakers in swampy Springfield are doing with their time and taxpayers’ money? They’ve crafted a stunning resolution titled “Illinois Family Action-Hate Speech” (HJR 55) condemning Illinois Family Action (IFA) and Illinois Family Institute (IFI), falsely accusing us of bigotry and engaging in “hate speech” because in two articles we compared the abortion holocaust to the Nazi Holocaust.

The ten “progressive” sponsors of the resolution falsely accuse IFA of distributing “multiple anti-Semitic, homophobic, threatening, and hateful posts on their official social media page, callously belittling the most appalling tragedies of the Holocaust and recklessly comparing those who disagree with their extreme agenda to Nazis.”

Read more…