Tag Archives: Homelessness


Blue State Regrets

Support for drug decriminalization is waning among blue state residents as overdose rates, crime and homelessness continue to increase, a recent survey found.
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Legalized Marijuana? Better Build More Homeless Shelters

There are various situations and circumstances that contribute to the growing problem of homelessness in America. According to Pastor Phil Kwiatkowski, president of Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, the factor that most often leads to homelessness is drug use and addiction.  With this reality in mind, why would anyone think that legalizing recreational marijuana is a good idea?

In this video, Pastor Kwiatkowski relates his experience with the connection between homelessness and drug use, specifically marijuana, through the stories of the teens and adults who have come to Pacific Garden Mission to find help and hope. Despite what …

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ER Doc Says “Recreational” Pot Has Ruined My Town

Marijuana – is it a harmless plant, a medically beneficial substance, or a dangerous, destructive drug? Depending on who you ask, the answer will vary widely.

Dr. Karen Randall speaks to this question based on her experience as an ER physician and a resident of Pueblo, Colorado. This community has first-hand knowledge of the devastating effects of legalized marijuana for “medical” and recreational use.

Dr. Randall explains the science that proves the marijuana of today is not the same as the comparatively low-potency pot that baby boomers smoked in the sixties and seventies. She warns about the danger of edibles, …

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The Dirty Tricks of Big Marijuana

The most dangerous side of legal pot is Big Marijuana, say foes of the referenda in five American states on election day. To see what’s coming down the pike, consider what happened to Colorado’s ballot initiative 139.
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