Tag Archives: Homeschool


What About Poor Children? (Christian Education Solution)

The safest place for children to be is at home with loving parents. As it stands, well over 90% of all parents send their children away from them for over 10,800 seat hours K-12 to be instructed by people they barely know. Fifty-eight percent of all working parents send their preschoolers to daycare where they are watched all day by people they barely know. As has been reported elsewhere, sexual abuse of children in daycares and government schools is rampant!
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Silver Lining: COVID Boosted Idea of Educational Freedom

As Mao Zedong took over China with his communist revolutionaries, he sparked one of the largest mass migrations of the 20th century. Between 1948 and 1950, an estimated 2 million Chinese refugees fled Mao’s regime and escaped to Taiwan and other countries around the world. While Mao was razing and restructuring Chinese culture and society, these refugees were able to begin new lives in safer and freer countries.

While the Chinese mass migration makes the history books, a similar 2-million-in-2-years migration is currently happening—across educational borders. An analysis published by Harvard’s Education Next Institute (EN) recently announced that, between the …

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2022 ICHE Family Conference

Attention All Homeschool Parents (And Those Considering It!) Join other Christian homeschool families as they re-energize with good teaching, fellowship and faith-based resources at this amazing annual three-day conference.
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Don’t Confuse Virtual Schooling With Homeschooling

Many people have homeschooling mixed up with virtual schooling. These parents are “teaching” their children via virtual school, yet commenting that they hate homeschooling! They think the two are one and the same. Unfortunately, because so many children are not performing well with virtual school, this misunderstanding between the two educational options is ripe for tarnishing the reputation of homeschooling.
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2020 ICHE Family VIRTUAL Conference

After much prayer and discussion, ICHE board of directors have decided to host an entirely online Family Conference instead of meeting at Olivet Nazarene University in May. ICHE will be hosting this virtual conference on their WHOVA app the weekend of May 28-31 and they plan to do a few live stream workshops during the conference and some more within 30 days after conference.
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Expanding 529 Plans to K-12 Private School Tuition and Homeschool Expenses

As Congress moves the tax reform legislation into a Conference Committee, the U.S. Senate version of the bill has an amendment that is not in the U.S. House bill.

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (r-TX) explains what this language is at his website. The “Cruz Amendment” (Sen. Amendment #1725) “seeks to expand 529 College Savings Plans to include K-12 elementary and secondary school tuition for public, private, and religious schools, including K-12 educational expenses for homeschool students.”

Sen. Cruz delivered these remarks on the Senate floor:

By expanding choice for parents and opportunities for children, we have prioritized

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Good News!! SB 136 Officially Tabled!

Senator Maloney has heard your concerns and has tabled the bill which means it’s dead for the session!

Take ACTION: Click HERE to contact Senator Maloney to thank him for hearing your concerns. You can also call his district office at 773-881-4180.


In a show of strength, an estimated 4000 homeschoolers descended on the Illinois Capitol Tuesday morning to demonstrate their opposition to SB 136, the proposal to mandate the registration of homeschool students with state bureaucrats.

During the Senate Education Committee hearing on the matter, proponents of the bill made it abundantly clear that registration isn’t all …

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New Bill to Require Parents to Register Their Children with the State

Contact Sen. Maloney and your State Senator ask them to drop this unwarranted expansion of government.

A deeply troubling bill (SB 136) has been proposed in the Illinois General Assembly by State Senator Edward D. Maloney (D-Chicago) that will affect all children in non-public schools, including home schools.

Existing school code permits the voluntary registration of non-public school students with the state. If SB 136 were to pass, it would compel all parents or legal guardians of home or privately schooled students to register with the state. Registration that is now voluntary would become compulsory. The arguments used …

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