Tag Archives: homeschooling


For Our Children’s Sake (Part I)

As parents, we desire to give our children the best education possible. In today’s culture, it’s becoming more and more difficult to achieve any kind of education through the government schools with their anti-God agenda. Private schooling, while an option for some, is not an option for many. And while it is important to not “get on our high horse” about homeschooling being the only “Christian” option, we do want to celebrate that homeschooling is a very real, desirable, and viable option! Once a family decides to enter the homeschooling arena, however, the choices regarding the method of how to homeschool can be daunting!
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Help Launch Petra Homeschool Co-Op! No Indoctrination. Just Education.

If you have been reading any emails from Illinois Family Institute, you are aware of how nefarious the so-called teaching has become in government schools. The state snapshot (click on Mathematics) for children who met or exceeded proficiency in math is only at 32 percent. You read that right – only 32 percent have met or exceeded math proficiency in their grade! Unacceptable! That means 68 percent are failing.

Children are not being taught academics, but if they were to be tested on their knowledge of what constitutes a homosexual or how to use a condom, they would likely ace …

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Growing Number of Government School Students Face Anti-Christian Attacks

As incomprehensible to average Americans as it may seem, three stories about government school students facing disciplinary actions for expressing their Christian faith were featured in Christian media publications over the past few months...
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Debunking “Socialization” Myths About Homeschooling

As it becomes increasingly obvious that homeschoolers do significantly better than victims of government “education” on every academic metric, apologists for the public-school system often fall back on their “socialization” mantra.

But under its true definition, “socialization” is hardly something to be desired. And under the commonly held understanding of socialization — gaining certain desirable social skills — the data show clearly that home-educated children outperform public school students on every key indicator.
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God’s Not Dead: We the People (Movie Review)

God's Not Dead: We the People is a positive movie aimed to encourage Christians to stand up for religious freedom in the United States, even while civil liberties are eroding all around us.

Reverend Dave is back for another harrowing journey in this fourth film in the franchise — “God’s Not Dead: We the People.”
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UN Big Wig Claims Homeschooling Might Harm Children

As Brazilian lawmakers worked to recognize and legitimize home education, which has been wildly successful in the United States for decades, senior United Nations “education” bureaucrat Italo Dutra warned that homeschooling threatens “harm to children and adolescents.”
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Major Education Realignment In The Works?

According to data released by Education Week, America’s government-run schools lost almost 1.3 million students this year... The downtick was due to the Covid pandemic and its overwrought response, including draconian lockdowns and subsequent forced digital learning – mostly occurring in school districts with strong teachers unions.
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Parents, You Have Choices – Think About Homeschooling!

About ten years ago, when God first put homeschooling on my heart and in my mind, I was armed with all kinds of excuses as to why it wouldn’t work. I’m not a teacher. I don’t remember calculus. We’re not homesteaders. I hate bugs; how will I teach about bugs? We can’t afford for me not to work; what about my career? How will my kids make friends? The list went on and on.
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Thinking About Homeschooling? The 2021 ICHE Conference is This Weekend!

Parents across the state and nation have had enough of the COVID-19 lockdowns and the cancellation of numerous conferences and other events. Thankfully, it looks like we are slowly getting back to normal. That said, some public school districts are still planning on limited in-person class time in the fall of 2021. Additionally, the Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health will also continue to require that students wear masks in schools.

But that’s not the worst of it.

Parents and grandparents have serious concerns about the deficiencies of public schools, including academic failings and

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School Officials Continue to Lie and Bully

Public school parents are terrified of entering back into a horrible remote learning program such as what they encountered in the spring semester. They need information so they can make plans and provisions for their children’s education, and yet many schools still does not know what materials or e-learning system they will be using later this month. It sounds like the 2020-2021 school year will be one giant experiment using precious human beings.
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Important Webinars Regarding Homeschooling

Over the years, we have reported on the ever-increasing corruptive influences within public education. We’ve changed our message from a suggestion that Christians exercise educational choice to an urgent appeal to parents and grandparents to get them out of government indoctrination centers. If you have been reading our alerts, you know that school officials (and state lawmakers) have approved the teaching of subjects that run contrary to biblical Christianity. In order to protect the hearts and minds of our children, it is wise to consider other education options.

The current COVID-19 lockdown of school districts statewide presents parents and grandparents …

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Public School Authorities Bully Would-Be Home Educators

Illinois parents, along with millions of other parents across the nation, were tossed into an at-home learning environment this past spring that the public school coined “Homeschooling.” The public schools were ill-equipped for this change-over, despite years of “e-learning days” where public school children learned how to use the software during snow days and other days off.
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Three Big Reasons to Consider Homeschooling This Year

With the debate raging across America about opening the nation’s schools this fall, many parents are considering home education.

As a homeschool graduate and second-generation homeschooling Dad, I’d like to share with you three huge reasons why I believe homeschooling is a great choice whether the public schools are in session this fall or not. 
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Three Steps to Start Homeschooling Now

In the age of COVID-19, many people are finding themselves in an unfamiliar educational camp with their children. Homeschooling is a subject that every parent with school-aged children is now talking about. But with so much information on homeschooling available online, many parents are overwhelmed and unsure of how to get started. The question I am asked most often is "Where do I begin"?
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Need Help With Homeschooling? The 2020 ICHE Conference is Virtual and Free!

One of the unfortunate side effects of the coronavirus pandemic has been the cancellation of numerous conferences and other events. With the benefits of technology, many of those events have been able to take place online. The full experience may not be the same, but at least we don’t have to miss out completely!
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