Tag Archives: How did they vote?


New “Bullying” Bill Passes Illinois House

How did they vote?

IFI strongly opposes the bill proposed by lesbian activist State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago).  Sixty votes were needed to pass this bill in the Illinois House, and it passed by a vote of 61-49-2. It will now be considered in the Illinois Senate. Look at the official roll call below to see how your state representative voted on HB 5290, or click HERE to download it.

Lest anyone be deceived about the central goal of Illinois’ anti-bullying laws, remember that homosexual activists created the original anti-bullying law, served on the task force charged with making …

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Illinois Senate Approves Massive Gambling Expansion

How did they vote?

SB 744 — the bill to expand gambling with casinos in Chicago, Rockford, Danville, Park City and South Suburbs as well as video slot machines at racetracks and in Chicago Airports — now moves to the governor’s desk.

This afternoon, the Illinois Senate passed SB 744 by a vote of 30 to 27 (with two voting present) to pass SB 744. Look at the official voting record of how your state senator voted: click HERE to download it. (Click HERE to see how your state represenative voted on this pro-casino gambling bill.)

This predatory …

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Illinois House Approves Massive Predatory Gambling Proposal

How did they vote?

SB 744 — the massive gambling bill that adds 5 new casinos and creates 6 new racinos — now moves to the Illinois Senate. Please take a moment to tell your state senator to oppose this bill.

This afternoon, the Illinois House passed SB 744 by a vote of 65 to 50 (with two voting present) to pass SB 744. Look at the official voting record of how your state representative voted:  click HERE to download it.

This anti-family and predatory gambling expansion bill was sponsored in the Illinois House by State Representatives Lou Lang

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Illinois Senate Passes Sex Ed Bill

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HB 3027 — the “comprehensive” sex education bill now moves to the Illinois House. Please take a moment to tell your state representative to oppose this bill.
This afternoon, the Illinois Senate voted 30 to 28 (with one voting present) to pass HB 3027.  See the official voting record of how your state senator voted by  clicking HERE to download it.

HB 3027 is completely unnecessary and an intrusion into local control. Public schools in Illinois already have the ability to teach “comprehensive” sex education if they wish. Local public school administrators do not need …

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Illinois House Rejects “Medical” Marijuana Bill — Again

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For the second time this year — and the first time during this new legislative session — the Illinois House of Representatives rejected a bill to legalize “medical” marijuana, this time by a vote of 53 YES and 61 NO with 4 voting “present.”

Representatives Patti Bellock (R-Westmont), Jim Sacia (R-Freeport) and Rich Morthland (R-Moline) did a fantastic job speaking out against this bill on the House floor during debate. Click HERE to watch Rep. Morthland’s floor comments against HB 30.

Representatives Lou Lang (D-Skokie), Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago) and Minority Leader Tom Cross (R-Plainfield) spoke in …

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HB 3156

How did they vote?

As I reported in my email update yesterday, HB 3156, sponsored by State Representative Darlene Senger (R-Naperville) fell just 3 votes short of passage on Wednesday, but may get another vote today or Friday. The bill received 57 “yea” votes, 51 “nay” votes with 7 voting “present.”

This bill would amend the Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act to require abortion clinics that perform more than 50 abortions a year to meet basic safety regulations similar to other outpatient treatment centers. (See the original IFI E-Alert HERE.)

Look at the picture below to see the …

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Illinois Senate Confirms Cosgrove

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The Illinois Senate moved quickly this afternoon to confirm Governor Patrick Quinn’s appointment of homosexual, anti-life activist Terry Cosgrove. By a vote of 30-25 with two voting present and two not voting, Cosgrove received the bare minimum number of votes to be confirmed to the Human Rights Commission.

To learn more, please make sure you read IFI’s Laurie Higgins’ article on this unbelievable controversy: Quinn Nominates Morally Bankrupt Activist to the Human Rights Commission

Take ACTION: Send an email or a fax to Governor Quinn to tell him how deeply offensive it is to know …

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SB 1619 Passes Senate Committee — Contact Your State Senator

How did they vote?

Yesterday, the Illinois Senate Public Health committee passed SB 1619 by a party line vote of 6 to 4. It now moves to the full senate. Look at the list below to see how the members of this committee voted.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to contact your state senator today and ask him or her to vote against SB 1619, the so-called “Personal Responsibility Education Program Act,” which more appropriately could be called the “Condom Training Sex Ed Bill.” SB 1619 is backed by Illinois Planned Parenthood Council, Illinois ACLU and a host of other liberal …

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State Democrats Pass Massive Income Tax Increase

How did they vote?

Illinois lawmakers approved a 66 percent increase in the state’s income tax in the final hours of a lame duck session.

Despite tens of thousands of calls, emails, faxes and letters in opposition to increased taxes, our state legislators decided to raise the state’s personal income tax from the current 3 percent flat rate, to 5 percent and the corporate income tax rate from 4.8 percent to 7 percent.

The bill number is SB 2505.

In the Illinois House, our state representatives voted 60-57 in favor of this measure late Tuesday night. (The House needed …

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Illinois House Rejects “Medical” Marijuana Bill

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For a second time in the past few weeks, lawmakers in the Illinois House of Representatives reject a bill to legalize “medical” marijuana, this time by a vote of 56 YES and 60 NO.

Thanks in part to your calls, emails and faxes, this bill has been defeated! It also must be noted that Illinois’ law enforcement community strongly opposed SB 1381. Former Chicago Police Superintendent Phil Cline along with the president of the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, the president of the Illinois Sheriffs’ Association and other key law enforcement officials pleaded with …

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“Civil Unions” (SB 1716) Passes in the House

How did they vote?

Sixty-one state lawmakers in the Illinois House cave into pressure from Gov. Patrick Quinn and Speaker Michael Madigan.

Despite an outpouring of calls, emails and faxes against redefining marriage and family, legislators in the Illinois House passed SB 1716 on Tuesday evening by a vote of 61 to 52.

Only two pro-family lawmakers, Rep. Ron Stephens (R-Highland) and Rep. David Reis (R-Olney) — both from downstate — had the courage to challenge this anti-family legislation on the House floor during debate while nine pro-homosexual lawmakers (2 Republicans and 7 Democrats) made emotional manipulative appeals for the …

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Lawmakers Vote Down School Choice Bill

Illinois’ General Assembly failed to help failing students in the state’s worst schools on Wednesday afternoon.

Landmark school choice legislation was rejected by lawmakers from both parties Wednesday. This common sense bill would have allowed approximately 22,000 children from Chicago’s worst-performing and most-overcrowded elementary schools to transfer to private or parochial schools. Each student would have received approximately $3,700 in state money to specifically cover tuition costs at those schools. (Chicago public schools currently spend more than $11,000 per student.)

IFI’s Laurie Higgins says the vote came up short in the House despite a bipartisan effort. “It fell just 12 …

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Illinois FOCA Moves Out of Committee

Pro-Life and Pro-Family citizens must contact their State Representatives to oppose HB 6205.

Early Wednesday morning on March 10th, the Illinois House of Representatives’ Human Services Committee passed HB 6205 (Illinois FOCA) by a vote of 5-2. This was fully expected, as this committee is dominated by pro-abortion lawmakers. State Representatives Naomi Jakobsson (D-Champaign), Constance Howard (D-Chicago), Annazette Collins (D-Chicago), Mary Flowers (D-Chicago) and Elizabeth Coulson (R-Glenview) voted in favor of HB 6205. The only two NO votes came from State Representatives Patricia Bellock (R-Westmont) and Timothy Schmitz (R-Geneva).

Clarke Forsythe Senior Counsel for Americans United for Life (AUL) testified …

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